How is Pelagos transgender?

He isn’t. Pelagos is male. It’s more accurate to say that Pelagos was transgender, but is no longer, because there is nothing out of sorts between his identity and his physicality. Now, if the Kyrians were really as evil as the forums make them out to be, they would have just said “suck it up lady, your identity won’t matter anymore after we make you erase it” but no, they let you pick what you’re going to be because they’re all about harmony and inner peace.



If people choose to hate any group because of angry people on twitter… they must hate everyone. Every single group has “angry people” representing them on twitter. It’s the whole point of twitter isn’t it?


yeah i know. i literally said there was no reason to reference sexuality at all (and they said they hate the lgbt community) because of some twitter mob. you could have said “a bunch of angry people on twitter did x thing” without bringing something like that into it. i did call him a homophobe multiple times for it and that’s what made the mob angry. you can even see one of them in this thread say they blocked me because what i said upset them so much. which was just “dont make blanket statements about an entire group of people because of the actions of a tiny minority”

Oh please, it’s not pandering. Anymore then it is pandering for a shampoo or deodrant to say it makes you a sexy masculine guy if you use the product. It’s simply trying to attract the attention of people. It’s marketing targetted to a specific demographic. And I’m sorry if you are so bigoted that you hate the demographic to be targeted. But that isn’t a Blizzard problem, that isn’t pandering. That is just you being raised poorly.


Does It matter really? As much as i hate pandering It really didnt bothered me at all, and i was reading all of the texts

The barber shop. Snip Snip now has another meaning…


Life and rebirth is not that sloppy. It is causation. Karma. You caused your birth. If you are impatient to change to a new body so soon, it creates the karma of anxiety and stuck on pause.

Bodies though, are far too easily damaged. How can we choose what body we will have, when the act of forming can twist us completely, and childhood can break what formed well?

No one in this thread hates you. They more than likely want you to seek help.

When do you get to the part where Pelagos tells you his story? I finished the Kyrian storyline, and I read all the quest text, but I don’t remember Pelagos telling me his story.

I didn’t see this storyline was it something from a book?

You have to choose the Kyrian covenant then talk to him in Elysian Hold. It’s not a quest or anything. Just some dialogue.

Haven’t played Shadowlands, however I think this is how. In WoW the soul has no gender so Pelegos can appear as either gender in the Shadowlands.

Azeroth is essentially a thinly-veiled hellscape of murder, chaos, and insanity.

I feel like they probably wouldn’t care very much as there are typically more pressing concerns on the horizon.

This is the Saha World. Cause and Effect is the Law and everything you do with body, mouth and mind is reality as it is. There is a way to break free from the wheel of birth and death and attain awakening.

You’re forgetting that gender is a mental construct, its not a physical construct. ones genitalia is the physical construct that feeds into the mental construct, but they are distinct. Gender is highly tied to “what” an individual feels is “correct” behaviour in regards to what genitalia one possesses regarding ones self, which is why terms such as feminine and masculine exist. A person that wants or believes oneself to be female will identify with ones social environment’s ideal of “Feminine” and act accordingly, so will have a “gender” of a female, but will never possess female genitalia, which is where gender dysphoria occurs, the incongruency between the mental construct of “gender” and ones physical makeup and genitalia.

Pelagos wouldn’t be transgender at all, but that doesn’t mean Pelagos isn’t a symbol for LGBTQ, albeit a not well thought out one. if you are destroyed, and you enter another existence where your mentality is congruent with your physicality, you wouldn’t be considered transgender. you would simply just be cisgendered, “the gender you were born with”

People can relate to dying and being reborn as a different gender? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
How’s that work?


It’s called transference and there is more to that characters story then just that. Are you being deliberately obtuse?

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Pelagos is pure virtue signaling, not giving someone to relate to. Like, why does it even matter what he identifies as? Does his sexual identity somehow relate to our gameplay? Does him having been a woman in a past life, somehow change the decisions we make in game? No, it’s just pandering, Something blizzard has a hell of an addiction to Ever since Overwatch was praised for it.

There’s a difference between adding something people can relate to, and adding something because you know it’s free brownie points.

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It’s actually has a lot of metaphors. In life they felt more like a man, and they died and became man. In life when people transition some family or friends have to grieve that loss while also celebrating the arrival of the new life. Even though it is the same person certain things change. Personally I think it was a beautiful way to show it. Personally not transgender so I am not sure if a transgender person feels like they go threw that process of dying and being reborn when they transition. But I did experience a friends transition and I can say it felt a little like what I described from a friends point of view.

Honestly I guess it just takes a more open mind to understand it and not think it’s pandering.