How is Pelagos transgender?

I’d be more hyped for Pelagos if his voice actor didn’t sound like he had a cold lol.

uuuuuuhhhhhhhmmmmmm… you sure about that?

i did not get spammed with constant news about pelagos being trans for you to not realize that… he even says his family wouldnt recognize him in his current form

even wowhead has an article about literally ingame dialogue back since july:

How is Pelagos transgender? Didn’t you understand? It was about a label. A stereotype. Degradation and demoralization.

It was never about their individuality. It was created to cause more division and hatred. Just like how women are spitting on men and men are made to feel useless.

You really thought Pelagos was excluded from pushing hatred?

When everything else in the game demonstrates they want you to treat every individual regardless of gender like they are cutthroats/garbage. Pelagos is a label. Maybe Blizzard should work more on making the characters interesting for their individuality and soul. (Regardless of GENDER identity/politics/roles. Which should be of no importance to begin with…) Instead of trying to push labels.

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Wow, this blew up…

I’m playing a green muscular savage orc that can do things that spit in the face of Newtonian physics, in a world where there’s enough world-ending magic to put Pug to shame, interplanetary spaceships that put the Death Star to shame and I’m now psychonauting my way through the Afterlife.

There’s nothing to “relate” to, and that’s fine.

Not everything needs to be woke pandering; the fact that this was being mentioned as some sort of dramatic, stunning and brave decision in an interview is silly.


Just go with it. Keep everyone happy.

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reminds me of the makeover mage in runescape. they changed there gender all the time, flipping from male to female, even within the time it took to talk to them.

they could also change your gender and no one gave a dam. there was one quest where you started dating a princess/prince and if you changed gender they were like “i like you, but i liked you more as the other gender”.

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No Kyrian’s family would recognize them in their current form. It’s just Blizzard elevating one single character to special status in spite of them being identical to every other Kyrian in lore. From an objective view, Pelagos underwent the same reincarnation as any other Kyrian you pick out of the crowd, but as I sad in the part of that post you didn’t quote:

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Well, most of the bastion folks retain their gender. Pelagos didn’t, because they felt more masculine. So, it’s thematically trans at the very least.

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IDC about having LGBT chars. They should add more to represent them. What I do mind is the radical feminist agenda being shoved down my throat.

There’s no problem having a few LGBT chars here and there as long as it isn’t made into a big deal. Nobody cares.

did you even read the link?
hes trans
here, ill give you the excerpt directly since youre still ignorant to it

<Pelagos takes a deep breath, then exhales slowly.>

I had a female form in life. I don’t recall my former name, or even my race, but I…never felt like my physical form represented who I was inside.

It never felt as clear to me then as it does now. I struggled with that identity for my entire life… But when I arrived in Bastion I became an aspirant that looked like, well…

Pelagos gestures to himself.>

This! A male form!

I felt…comfortable! Excited! Like who I was inside matched what others saw for the first time!

so maybe you might wanna read up a little next time you wanna claim things that arent true at all like:

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I think having a trans character in the game is nice :^)

Apparently 180° angles

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Ever take a time to read the story lines? There is tons of things for people to relate to if they choose to take the time. Just because it is some super far fetched fantasy doesn’t mean the experiences that happen do not transition to the exact same or similar situations in the real world. Thrall had to choose between duty to his people, and spending time with his family. Something some military people may be able to resonate with as an example. It isn’t about wokeness it’s about immersion, it’s simply easier to immerse yourself in a world where there is something that you are able to relate with.


Time to make Anduthion a ship?

I heard he was a woman at life.

They have to be subtle or else they’ll upset the Chinese government. A ton of big brands and companies do this, its not just Blizzard.

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The writing is on par with bad cartoons. It’s one-dimensional, bland, with outrageously terrible dialogue. If this excites you, well, good news is that there’s the whole wide world of books open to you where there are lots of wonderful stories where the characters develop, aren’t cookie-cutter and don’t talk like a teenager’s idea of ; where things happen because of characters and not because “our check list of things that need to happen told us to”.

As for this thread’s issue, it’s absolutely pandering when you feel the need to announce it to the world. Much like mysteriously calling everyone “they” after a decade of not bastardizing English.


hi! trans guy here. pelagos mentions something feeling ‘off’ with him being in a woman’s body all his mortal life, though he didn’t have any revelations about it until being placed in a male kyrian’s body.

pelagos was trans in his mortal life, he just never had a moment where he realized it until he died.


Trust me, there’s advantages and disadvantages of being either a man or a woman, some days of the week it’s better to be a woman other days of the week it’s better to be a man due the way culture keeps changing