How is Pelagos transgender?

By… making it have absolutely zero relevance to the game or his part in it? It’s not “showing” anything, It’s the Blizzard MO of tacking a “oh and he’s gay/trans/bi/PoC/minority too!” so they can stroke their own egos.

Pelagos’ sexual identity being known doesn’t feel organic, or natural, it feels forced. Like “hey look at how inclusive we are!” on blizzard’s part. There’s even been employee’s that have left blizzard reporting that it’s disgusting to see a bunch of straight white males sitting around a table patting themselves on the back about how they decided to add a new PoC or minority representation in a game.

Obviously that is something games need, but it’s never organic with blizzard. Like, why do we need to know Soldier 76 is gay, three years after the game is out? Does it affect the gameplay? Did it have something to do with the story they’re telling? No, they wanted to stroke their ego more.

Does the world looking blue in Ardenweld have any relevance to the game. Is there any relevance to the game that there is a dog named death fang in Maldraxxas. It is called world building. Soulbinding is suppose to be a very deep connection. I think it fits pretty well they share their most intimate moments and thoughts with you.


That’s fair i guess. If it was any other company, i would be supportive of it, but knowing what i know of blizzard, the people i know who work there and the stories i’ve heard, I don’t trust for a second that the decision to make Pelagos’ story what it is was in good faith.

Maybe, maybe not. I think what is important here is how it makes the community it is made for feel though. Does it matter it was just done for money? I don’t think so too much. They do everything for every other demographic just for money to. So they are just treating them the same as anyone else. Just my 2 cents.

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Pelagos isn’t Transgender any longeras that world allows them to transition wholly albeit in the afterlife. That’s kinda why it’s slightly concerning because there is already a bit of an issue of self harm because of the stresses of dysphoria, though hopefully people won’t read into it all that much.

I somehow think it is a bit far fetched to believe someone will think the shadowlands is real and do something terrible just to try and reach a afterlife which doesn’t exist.

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its a good thing that people are represented in some form in the game. Helps to relate to the game world more. For me when they add the new skin tones i could finally pick the one that represents me in game.

In the movie they appeared male or female but lacked definition in their sex organs , how exactly do they definitely have gender here?

Strange thing to say when one out of 18 races are human. Or is being human less important than being (insert SJW cause du jure here) in terms of representation?

I don’t believe someone will think Shadowlands is real. But it could reinforce the fact that ‘they’ll never be what they identify as’ while they’re living.

What? Your children aren’t concentric rings with eyes and wings?

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As a long time spiritual practitioner, I will disagree. Consciousness cannot be quantified or precisely limited unto physical structure like big or small. When an advanced developed consciousness or “soul” as you would might like to experience a form in which is significantly less advanced (this is rare given it would be according to what is needed for that particular spirit or even personal preference ) it is possible to dim or partition one’s self into many. Thus having an easier time experiencing what we call a regressive transition.

Entropy and a type of “de-evolution” or breakdown of a consciousness is fully possible. A chakra system is still found in animal bodies as well. Another point I will make is the following: The “true self” or self beyond time concepts like past and future, that which is in the eternal now commonly has shards of it’s beingness experiencing a multitude of bodies at any given time. I and you are but a drop of water from a lake of which connects to the All or Sea of collective consciousness across boundaries.

There is nothing impossible for the spirit, and since creation is endless in it’s possibility so are the potential experiences of the soul.

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According to the wiki Kyrian get to choose their body they feel most comfy with.

That is a pretty gigantic if

A…spiritual practitioner? Can you unpack that term?

If true self is beyond time and exists in the eternal, how does it experience a multitude of bodies at a given moment of time. That’s a direct contradiction.

Experience itself is relative to time and both form your conception of reality on a daily basis. I understand you’re trying to break free of this mode of thinking but you’re still using concepts that are contingent upon time. I suggest you think about what it actually means to be eternal and not relative to any given moment in time.

Have you ever been in the military? Who are you to say what that experience is like? Did Blizzard have a transgender person write the Pelagos arc or at least direct the character?

Resonating with someone, especially on something you have not personally experienced, is a unique skill that gifted writers possess.

Nearly everything in WoW has fallen completely flat with me, I’m sorry to say. This is ground they should not tread unless they tread it carefully with extremely competent writers, in my opinion. They make a cartoon action game. Don’t delve into waters where you cannot swim.

I believe it is possible to fragment one’s perspective into many, and thus it is all being seen in the “now” with us as the perceiver experiencing the novelty of concepts like past and future. Rather I am saying past and future in terms of memory or recall of something that happened. That happening isn’t precisely gone or yet to happen. It starts to edge into a type of derailing of what you and I know of at all.

Mind you I am also doing poor at trying to convey an experience of which you at this state, you as the incarnate personality have little to no reference point as I myself reach a point of lack of cohesion attempting to recall what I can. We come in with a lapse or lack of remembrance to be able to indulge in the experience unique to this world or third density. Some have slight recall.

The form or shape to me, is a thing in which consciousness opts to focus on or experience. That creation is much like a flower unfolding and folding back up, with each petal unveiled is there a sharpening of things, of new experiences chained to old. The concept of gender identity to me lacks a meaning on a personal level, thus when discussing Pelagos to me it looks like they made a personal preference.

“My personal truth” is something people hold sacred, and their concept of self is ever changing too. We have these experienced limitations, these slow manifestation times that are almost like practice at wrestling with creation itself. The body and it’s limitations are not fixed and subject to change too. Thus when I wrote to you, I was informing you of personal experience concerning transmigration or the ability for a spirit to take another school of being. That what we think as “progression” for a consciousness isn’t as fixed as we both think.

I’ve been practicing for over a decade… and honestly, what you said sounds new-age.

For the next 10 years I’m afraid everybody is going to have to be transgender. The millennials will not drop this. It will be the zoomers who lose interest.

Dunno, I’d like to think sixteen years of meditation, yoga, western occult systems, application of different old world systems, native american spirituality (especially that of the Lakota tradition), OBE/and study of Astral Projection, and a whole host of other systems might be worth some credibility. Since it’s sort of you know based off of personal experience as much as actually learning about the experience of others which often than not is highly similar.

How are you spending your time? How are you precisely using what you know? Can I ask about your particular experiences with connecting with other living things? What system of practice do you utilize? Are you an armchair practitioner or one whom is actively involved in their spirituality?

I’m glad this phase is finally ending. The lockdown certainly helped with that. It’s hard to seek attention when you’re stuck inside because of the wu flu.

This isn’t a “past life” situation like reincarnation. It’s the same soul. Same personality. Same incarnation. Just moving to a different plane.