How is Pelagos transgender?


I failed typing…

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I am pretty sure that those in the Shadowlands get to willingly choose how they wish to present themselves. So, again from my understanding as it was explained in an interview, they choose to look different. Though, you would figure that if that were the case then all the Kyrian would look drastically different instead of all being the same male/female blue people.

Considering all of the flesh shaping going on I doubt it. Most likely they take on a form that resembles the eternal one of each realm.

I’d be insulted if I was trans that my representation got written in as the most useless character in wows history

I think its awesome! Go trans people!

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I wish no one was talking about this, I want my friend to be surprised when he gets through Bastion. Also, all the Ascended seem to be female, isn’t Pelagos going to be a female once he’s fully erased?

That’s so cool.

I’ve also had very vivid dreams of (possible) past lives. (Deaths, really.)

I think, if we do have souls, or energy, they are genderless.

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Isn’t he the soulbind that is making everyone be Kyrian? If so that is far from useless.

No more than it makes me a rhino, which I believe I was at one point in my journey.

People read all sorts of things into the story then post about it here to get others riled, sometimes.
Sometimes they’re serious.

Idk if Pelagos is a RL culture deal put ingame or not but I don’t see the harm in letting others believe he/she is.
I don’t have SLs yet so Idk anything about Pelagos.

Probably Pelagos wouldn’t be categorically transgender, since his gender identity and sex align now. He’s probably spent more time in his angel body than his old mortal body, even.

So technically Pelagos is a cis male.

I guess I missed the part where this is actually in the game.

Some how he’s a good soul bind but he’s basically Baine that’s not a Tauren

They were a girl, and now they’re a boy.

Pretty simple.

Yikes this thread went to hell full of transpobes everywhere and people debating my existence and whether trans people like me deserve to be represented in media can’t go a day without being reminded that people hate me just for existing can I


Ehh…this is going wild. I am out of here. Take care folks :slight_smile:

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Apparently being positively portrayed as normal in the media is “weird” to want, even when society/people constantly make you feel as if you’re inferior, sub-human, or have a “mental illness”

Bigots are sad sad people

Sadly for them though their opinion is becoming less and less popular. Which is why they are so mad, and why they claim they are now “oppressed” or “discriminated against”. Because people are no longer silently tolerant of their intolerance that they claim is simply “a different opinion”


nobody hate you…

you need to fix that mentality, trust me nobody hates you.

I’m certain nobody even cares of your gender or sexual preference.

I certainly don’t hate anyone, I have all kinds of different people in my family and friends and never have that bothered any of us, nor anyone of us even cared.

Why though?

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I was almost killed one time in California of all places because they thought I was a gay man. I am physically female and wasn’t dressed in a masculine way but because my face is androgynous it made those guys hate crime me. Explain to me how personal responsibility could’ve protected me from that.


It probably just makes you crazy or afraid of death because it isn’t reasonable to believe in an afterlife or reincarnation.

Relying on fantastic explanations to bridge the unknown is the path to conspiracy theory. Which is probably why religious people are so susceptible to things like QAnon and wild “theories”.

Male, female, whatever… Pelagos is supremely irritating and that’s the only relevant characteristic that needs to be discussed. Off to the Maw with him/her.