How is Pelagos transgender?

Honestly, non magical way sounds like it would be painful… extremely painful.

Imagine having your bone structure and everything changing all at once… I can hear the popping and cracking already…


And why do you think they just spend time futzing around and staggering when you turn them into a sheep? Because it feels so good? I don’t think so…

Pelagos is not transgender. The soul was simply reincarnated. Lifestyle subcultures like to hang on and identify with anything possible, though, so just let them enjoy their headcanon.


Ha ha, I see what you did there :laughing:

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You might want to read all the interviews with Steve Danuser where he literally says the exact opposite of what you are saying here.

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Here’s a random question: How does he remember being female to begin with? I thought Kyrians were getting their memories wiped.

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You can believe what you want to believe and act as whoever you want.
But in the end, if you don’t know what is the riddle of steel, Crom will cast you out of Valhalla and laugh!


I don’t think it’s reincarnation exactly, which is your soul inhabiting another mortal body… and it’s not that much of a stretch to believe that people get to look how they want in the afterlife. Even in Christianity, there isn’t really much to go on yet people like to believe that you’ll be a young age in Heaven, in the prime of life and without pain. Even when the person who died was their 90-year-old grandpa or whoever, so it’s not hard to believe that gender swapping is possible too. Pelagos might also have been from another world where the ability to change gender easily wasn’t something that was possible or easily done (unlike Azeroth). But he feels like he’s a man and that’s enough for me: he’s a man.


What’s really messed up is that becoming an angel means losing your personality and memories- so once he ascends he’ll not even know any of this.

Until they are ascended they do retain some foggy memories of their former lives. The further down the path they are, the less they remember.

No, Pelagos is not reincarnated, they are dead. This is his spirit, not his body.

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Yes, it’s just a reincarnation, well, a spiritual reincarnation, anyway. But never underestimate the burning need for the incorrect to validate themselves.


No one is putting him on a pedestal though. He’s trans. He exists. It makes bigots mad. They make a big deal out of it and have Olympic levels of mental gymnastics as to why he’s not trans when he is.


Pelagos’ memories were erased. He could’ve been a rat in his past life for all he knows.


Although once he ascends he’ll lose that sense of identity anyway, so it’s a bummer he got stuck as a Kyrian.

So that would make Bethany… part black ?

Oh Dear, the poor soul won’t remember his past life pretty soon and become just another blue drone.

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Honestly, I think this is more about the idea of something we coin as “transgender” within a world of magic, unicorns, and very skilled barbers. And I think the question more so boils down to what Pelagos thought in life. In life, if he thought he was born in the wrong body, and wished he was male then as well, then that makes him trans by definition due to the identification factor, right?

But the problem with that is the entire point behind Bastion / the Kyrian is that they forget their mortal lives / existence for the sake of serving a higher purpose. They forget their families, where they come from, etc. And Pelagos even makes a comment about that when you purge a Tauren of his memories of his family, and other things, going so far to say as “when the time comes for me to forget, I hope it doesn’t go like that”.

I dunno. It’s all very confusing involving Bastion. I’ve come to just believe they’re the Men in Black of the after life. “Nothing more than a whisper, or a figment of one’s imagination. We are the Blue People in White.”


He was - now he is a male


Actually, one cannot cross gender or species when reincarnating; especially the latter, considering the soul would never fit into the body. The concept is a fairly new age one, with “be good in life or you’ll end up as a bug” being a fabricated threat similar to “you’ll end up in The Maw”.

The soul actually has a structure to it and not all souls are the same in said structure; human souls are incredibly complex with the major chakras, their extensions, and the thousands of minor chakras throughout the body.

Say a person wanted to be a bird… the energy levels of a human soul would overload said body. Reverse that; if you tried to reincarnate a bird as a human, then soul would not be powerful enough to power said body.
