How is Pelagos transgender?

Sorry to hear that friend. That is a bad thing. There are genuine issues that need to be addressed. I was speaking more from the kind of attitude I have seen on Twitter from this group.

How fragile is your self esteem that people questioning a video game characters merits of being transgender because they don’t fall in line with anything transgender is something you find transphobic exactly?

Something tells me you have a very broad definition of what is transphobic and what isn’t. Broad enough you probably think someone disagreeing with you isn’t disagreeing with you because they have their opinion, you’re probably the type to believe they’re disagreeing with you because they’re bigoted and little else.

People like you do more harm to our community than benefit. People like you should avoid discourse on the subject because you make us all look like a bunch of fragile fools who need to be coddled, then you wonder why people look down on us.


Oh I don’t know. I think it’s a valid thing to point out that Buddhism’s concepts of reincarnation lay out exactly what Pelagos went through. Personally? I found it to be a very clever way to insert such a character into the game to represent people. People finding a character to identify with in the game strengthen’s their bond with the game and makes it a more enjoyable experience.

At the same time, stamping one’s feet and screaming “IT’S NOT BUDDHISM, ITS THIS AND NOTHING ELSE!” does one no favors. Now, I realize that history is a very poorly taught and seldom understood subject in 2020, due to it often being fundamentally altered by revisionist hacks in public school system; but consider taking notes from Christianity circa Spanish Inquisition era.

Reading about the dueling excommunications of Pope Leo and Patriarch Cerularius toward each other would be good as well as it’s a hilarious period in history. It teaches a fundamental fact that humans seem to still have an issue learning.

Being combative and holier than thou usually turns people away from you, and it doesn’t make them desire to consider or espouse your views any faster. …Well unless your idea includes forced conversion like the Spanish Inquisition did. If it is, well… good luck with that.

ooph…this will surely end well, but it has all the earmarks of a thread like this right down to several folks that are intolerant of the opinions and beliefs of others throwing the term bigot around(psst this is the literal definition of the word).

but anywho to answer the ops question yes pelagos was trans in life is that a problem?..i mean i don’t see it as such but to each their own…but if it does bother someone…jeesh check your priorities.

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No there is not which is why I’m leaving this mess I’ve been trying to avoid all this stuff for weeks and it just keeps finding me I just want to relax and not be aware of all this for a t least a week

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That is probably the best move in a thread like this. But hey, you take care of yourself and stay safe eh? COVID-19 is still a thing, and regardless of anyone’s view here; I don’t want anyone catching it.

:heart: Dalkara, and have a great night.

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People react to different things differently. The fact you can’t handle anyone else’s opinions and attack people over things without context is a you problem that you need to work on. Empathy. Try it sometime.

You accuse me of not reading posts but you only respond to things to attack people and ignore anything else someone says because you find it irrelevant.


Please, a lot of these limp wristed losers couldn’t start a lawnmower let alone a full blown inquisition. They’ll just stick to their petty social witchcraft trials.

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Thank you and good luck I need to get out this hell it’s not good for my mental health being exposed to this so much also I wouldn’t even bother with that one they obviously know nothing about the trans community or what the people they’re complaining about fight for :heart: hope you and your wife have a wonderful rest of the week

You as well, my friend. :slight_smile:

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Just came in to say trans peeps are cool :sunglasses:


404 incomingggggg

Why is it a good thing? Because people enjoy things more when there is a character they can relate to in it. And having that story arc doesn’t harm anyone. So the real question isn’t why, but why not?


I really wish the only trans representation in WoW wasn’t also the cringiest character in Shadowlands…

Well I think it’s wonderful that they added a character like that. Blizzard does a good job with characters of all walks of life. OW is the prime example. From Sym having autism and Tracer having a girlfriend. I dunno I just think it’s nice.

Anyways here’s some cake since no one cares anyways lol.
:cake: and :cupcake:


Yeah, I don’t think Pelagos is trans either. He’s simply a man like you or me.

It’s not an identity he has assumed in order to combat his gender dysphoria - he has no gender dysphoria anymore. He is biologically male. I don’t think Pelagos would want to be labelled as a “trans male” either when other males would just be called men.

That’s also a form of otherization, I think.

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Yes ma’am.

It’s because he says he felt right in the male body but not the female one I’d guess.

But yeah it’s not technically trans in the modern sense but gives those folks something to point to about inclusivity.

He’s not actually transgender though in the same way that that SI 7 agent in maldraxxus who became one of those spider things isn’t an otherkin or trans species

You can be whatever you want to be on any day of the week, bro.

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He isn’t. It is just one of those things companies do as a nod to wokeness. It’s like how during the night fae play you are playing “Magaskaiko, as themselves” instead of herself or himself. Functionally it means nothing. In the rest of the game it identifies your gender appropriately based on what you selected. But at some point in the future a blizzard exec will come out at some speech and be asked a question or volunteer these tiny moments as “proof” about how woke Blizzard is.

Whether they are or not is irrelevant. Both “groups” can see through it. People tired of wokeness see it as Blizz being try-hard politically correct dopes. The other crowd sees it as window dressing with no real meaning or impact.

its pointless and stupid.