How is Pelagos transgender?

of course angles have no gender, they are a mathematical construct…

ANGELS on the otherhand are disgusting shoggoth creatures so they don’t even look human


There are no trans people in WoW if you want to get into it. Anyone can be a female or male for a few gold.


Eventually it’ll be a normal thing for people to be decent to each other I hope. Survival of our species depends on it. We are stronger when we are one. We only weaken ourselves when we choose to create division.


You have obviously never watched Supernatural…

Then I beat you, because it is dibs… :popcorn:


I just spent a lot of time in a thread being attacked and gaslight by a bunch of straight people because I said you shouldn’t say you hate gay people because of random angry people on Twitter. Literally no reason to have brought sexuality into it at all.

Was nice to come into this thread and see some people being reasonable. :slight_smile:


It is unfortunate that gay and transgender people are being attacked. I do hope that clears up eventually. I’m a straight guy and personally hate seeing it. But it is a two way street when it comes to twitter. If that thread as talking about a specific person that wrote a book I could understand why the defenses was up. I still get angry when I read the comments made and knowing Blizzard has done nothing to condemn the comments.


It was related to anduin and wrathion. Not to do with that woman.


Poor Anduin, always trying to get hooked up with a dragon… I mean imagine waking up next to that. Talk about dragon breath.


It’s kind of wild seeing it on these forums. I used to get in fights with people who would argue that you shouldn’t have black people in WoW because genetics and if someone even dared mention anything related to LG (nevermind BT) it would get flamed into the ground in seconds.

Shows how much the world has shifted for the better I think.


I find anduin really likeable compared to most ally leaders tbh. I just hope they marry him to a female Dwarf if he doesn’t end up with wrathion. XD since he has a thing for them. Lol


Theres still the occasional person who is intolerant but overall I think we’ve come a long way and I like it very much :grin:


I may have or not been one of those people. I have a weird stance and I still defend that stance. I am a firm believer in writers creative freedom. If they choose to not have or to have specific things in their world that should be their choice. However being a firm believer in this as I am. It also means I defend their choice to put anything they want in the game.

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I was wondering why he runs like a girl and has a feminine body shape. I didn’t know it was intentional.

I can assure you that you were not.

It doesn’t matter to me who marries who as long as it makes sense. Flynn went from being a loved character to a joke though because of who he dated. By the same people. I know cuz I looked at their post history. Didn’t call them out but was for my own satisfaction. Lol

I’m guilty. I joke about Shaw all the time. But I blame the elite tauren chieftens.

I mean why the rogue trainer of all people.

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When you’re dead you’re free of gender constraints that you had to put up with in your mortal shell and that’s a fact

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Theres a joke i could make but I don’t want a forum ban >_>



Mages? I dunno about that, but there was definitely an alchemical preparation to change physical gender, although only for one hour at a time (released in WoD).

So, I doubt that it’s mere magic in the barbershops, and more likely a stablised version of the alchemical potion, optimized for long-term effects rather than a short term transfiguration. (In universe, you’re probably spending an hour or so immersed in alchemy-magical-stuff, and if you’re sane, napping while it works it reconfiguring effects on your body.)