How is MM Hunt so bad?

Yeah, it is definitely working properly in-game, Kiwimango probably ran into the same issue i did, some target dummies (specifically the ones in IF for me) are bugged as hell.

And partial resistance is absolutely still in the game for raid bosses. Not sure when that stops being a thing, thought it already was.

ToGC is very AoE heavy, and MM shines in single target.

This is not true. DoT ticks can never miss nor fully resist, only the application of the DoT can miss.

Pretty sure Cata is when the level-based resist formula got changed so it wouldn’t happen on bosses anymore.

I wish it wasn’t true, but Explosive Shot is entirely unique in this regard. Each tick of Explosive Shot is considered a “hit”.

This is just wrong, and very easy to prove. There were several pure single target fights in Ulduar. Northrend Beasts and Jaraxxus are both very ST focused. There is large amounts of data on how MM performs on these fights. To summarize: it’s not good.


Hunters without a doubt are not performing as they did in the OG. Whatever the cause is, it does make sense that people want at least to have something that approximates the original experience instead of this wet noodle class that relies on gimmicks and bugs in order to be remotely competitive.


I don’t remember how it worked, but given the wording, it should work that way. Even if it did work, mm would still suck.

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If current MM dps was without Chimera Shot-Serpent Sting benefiting from the SS Talent and Glyph, and that was fixed, it would be a substantial DPS gain. That said, it is currently working. Anyone who thinks it isn’t likely only tested on a bugged target dummy (which was my initial mistake too).

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the glyph works on the sim, but its only 200 dps compared to no 3rd glyph. 100 more than kill shot

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Ok, so the top MM parse on Jaraxus got 530 DPS from Chimera-serpent. If that was without the talent and glyph benefiting it, then fixing that would add 435 DPS. (530 * 1.4 * 1.3 = 530 * 1.82)

Suddenly gaining 435 dps would be a substantial boost, as i said.

Since they are working properly, that means that 239 of that 530 is coming from those. (530 * (82 / 182))


You’re saying that it isn’t working on the IF dummies but it is working on the SW dummies? That… makes no sense. Your target shouldn’t affect how your talents and glyphs interact with your abilities. If that’s the case then there could be a number of mobs and bosses that it isn’t working on properly.

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IF dummies have been bugged since they were added for a lot of classes. I have no idea why, but that’s just the way it is.

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Yep, level based partial resistance is still in there, and impacts every source of magic damage, including holy (which has no actual resist stat).

If you are using magic damage, raid bosses will partially resist it.

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all this scientific tier lists we all watch youtube about ?! :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

You are correct, it makes absolutely no sense. Go and try it out for yourself though. You will find that it is true. It’s not just this specific thing, those dummies are bugged for several abilities i have been told.


MM Hunter (From what I remember) was always an ICC spec. It scales very, very well off armor pen just like fury warriors.

It doesn’t scale as much as Fury that’s for sure, it’s good but we have too much non-physical damage. Considering MM is below Fury right now, scales less with ArP and will have no equivalent to Shadowmourne…MM is definitely behind the curve.


warrior also has great cleave dmg

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Just an anecdotal observation, but I also see way less hunters in general which is odd since they were so prevalent in the OG and considered the noob spec legolaslol. Now standing in dal its a rare sight to see one running around.


I’m sure it’s because of how the class plays each expansion. The days of it being a noob friendly class ended in Vanilla, and even then you had stuff like mid-fight trinket swapping with feign and melee-weaving which was a super tight window due to the dead zone.

TBC we had even more melee-weaving because of the dead zone removal, which made melee/raptor strike somewhere around 20% of my damage on bosses.

Now in WotLK we have trap-weaving, so we’re still stuck in melee despite having the longest range in the game. Although TBC to WotLK, swing timer between melee and ranged weapon swing became shared, so melee weaving died or we could be melee AND trap weaving.

And that’s just PvE. In PvP Hunter is a clunky nightmare with probably one of the highest skill ceilings in the game.