There is no such gearset in Ulduar. The BIS sets for surv and MM are essentially identical, or put another way, are within 1% of each other for either spec. MM does like to use runestone, but the difference between it and the second-best (Dark matter) isn’t that big. As a survival hunter I already had MM bis before I got survival bis because runestone is less contested.
Sure, but on the other hand Ulduar was out for an eternity, so there was plenty of time for top hunters to get whatever gear they wanted.
FWIW, the bis lists in TOGC are also pretty much identical for MM and surv, although MM does continue to prefer runestone for the ArP proc.
Yeah, assuming you were full clearing from the get go, which was pretty seriously rare.
Even if you got there about halfway through, the 1 252 piece per boss to distribute to 25 people made it so that people in full or near full best in slot gear are a vanishing minority.
And even for those players, they still have a half tier upgrade (or more if their BiS list included 245 pieces from 10m) on most spots.
There’s more of an upgrade to ToC than most give it credit for.
Fair enough. The 13% swing is still substainal though for the damage breakdown. I would also expect the delta to increase with more gearing as I recall survival having poor scaling. If more gear more greatly benefits their non physical damage then by full ICC BiS their physical damage may be less than 40%.
Would be curious to sim full BiS of both to see what that delta looks like.
I run MM because they want the aimed shot for a few bosses(particularly anub and vezax) and my SV spec did not have it. I like MM.
That said, I’m having a really hard time justifying playing hunter because while I love my hunter, my DPS is just garbage compared to people with less gear than I have of other classes.
Ok so. In full ICC BiS gear Marksman gains about 300 dps from gemming almost purely Arp so that it can hit the 100% cap, as opposed to gemming Agi.
Unless you have very low Arp, Arcane Shot is completely removed from the MM normal rotation. You only use it if you have to move and have nothing else to shoot. This does not hold true for Explosive Trap though.
When this is done only about 25% of your damage is from sources that don’t benefit from Arp, with the possible exception of Piercing Shots. It’s about 12% of your damage. It deals a % of the damage the triggers it as a bleed, and i don’t know if that is pre or post Arp damage. I’m fairly certain it is post, which makes it directly benefit from Arp.
Chimera Shot is both physical and magic damage. It does physical damage regardless of what sting is on the target. If serpent sting in on the target, it deals nature damage and refreshes the sting, that is in addition to the physical damage. The split is about 2/3 physical and 1/3 nature.
This is not correct. Chimera shot deals 100% nature damage in both the main shot and the bonus from serpent sting. None of it is physical and none of it benefits from ArP.
Pservers thought that the Improved Serpent Sting talent and the SS glyph would increase Chimera-Serpent damage. Even the MM guide on Wowhead right now says that they do.
But they do not.
Just goes to show that you can get a job writing guides without actually knowing your class’ mechanics.
I had to log on and check this, because i didn’t believe it. It’s true. My hunter was like my 4th alt way back in the day, so i never really checked to make sure it was working the way i was told it was suppose to, but people thought that both those things improved Chimera Shot damage. This seems like a bug, and a pretty big one at that.
Combined, that talent and glyph add 82% more damage to your Serpent Sting, which should be directly reflected in chimera. That would be like 660 or so dps that MM isn’t getting that i’m pretty sure it should be.
There’s a lot of assumptions the community makes that don’t get questioned that are based around pservers and are actually not correct in Classic. Then players get salty when things pan out differently to what they were led to expect.
I believe these things do improve the Chimera-Serpent damage.
When completely naked minus a bow and ammo: I used Serpent Sting and it was ticking for 254 damage.
With no additional talent points or Glyphs Chimera-Serpent did 508-509 damage.
Talented 1/3 improved stings did 559.
Talented 2/3 improved stings did 610.
Talented 3/3 improved stings did 663.
Putting on Glyph of Serpent Sting changed this damage to 925.
This leads me to believe that these talents and glyphs all affect Chimera-Serpent on 3.4.2.
Ok, you made me go back and double check this. I’m not sure why you got naked to test. I removed trinkets and dismissed pet so that i wouldn’t have to worry about procs. Tested no talent nor glyph, then tested with talent, and then with both the talent and glyph. They all averaged around 1250 normal hit and 2875 crit. The talent is 30% more damage and the glyph is 40% more damage (via more ticks). If they were working it would be a very noticeable jump in damage, it is not.
Edit: If you are testing on the Dummy, keep in mind that it can partial resist. I don’t think raid bosses do that anymore, but that doesn’t really matter. What matters is that Dots have a fixed damage amount, not a damage range like most direct abilities. That means that Chimera-Serpent also has a fixed damage amount (ignoring that it can crit). Look at the live combat log to see how much of you hit is being resisted to figure out the actual damage you are doing.
I can’t double check it now because the site that used to show logs for private servers died, but I’m pretty sure there is either something wrong on private servers or retail servers with the damage scaling on Steady Shot. Every time one of my friends that played private servers asks me to check why he’s parsing so low, he has like double the Steady Shot casts of higher parses.
My favorite one in paladin was that “only the first tick of consecration can miss” because the game only gave a “resisted” message when you cast the spell
But since the start the cast (that gives the resist message) actually did nothing but trigger spell cast/hit procs.
Then each of the 8 ticks individually check for spell hit. If they fail it, the ticks just don’t happen without any message in game.
(Took a long while to convince TBC prot pals that spell hit was good for them because of that)
If you miss the first hit of Explosive Shot, it doesn’t apply the debuff at all so all 3 hits miss, but even if it does land, each individual tick can miss too.
Guild mate also tested Chimera with the glyph and said that it WAS working for him. I tested on the IF dummies, he on the SW ones. He says the IF ones are buggy with some abilities.