How is MM Hunt so bad?

Just genuinely curious, how did projected tier lists get this spec so wrong? Everything I saw anticipated MM to be S-Tier in ToGC, and it’s currently one of the worst specs by far (only ahead of BM Hunt, Sub, Frost). While OG > Private > Classic Lists always fluctuate, I don’t think I’ve ever seen something quite this wrong. As in, a S-Tier estimated Spec that’s like performing D-Tier.

Seems super weird. I don’t really get it.


Not a lot of people play MM which will skew parses down.
Add to that you can’t trap Valkyrs which skew hunters down for the tier.
And Annub is also a pretty big cleave fight and MM doesn’t shine as much as Survival on cleave fights.

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The thing is, hunter is really weak. The only reason Survival is even somewhat okay dps is due to three things. Lock and Load is bugged and provides a much larger proc chance than the talent says. Rank 4 and 3 (and then 4 again) Explosive Shot can stack on single target. Glyphed Explosive Trap is really powerful and Survival gets boosts to traps. If those things were taken away, Markman WOULD be the strongest hunter spec, and the entire class would be garbage. None of those things were widely known or utilized in original Wrath. Also, wrath made large balance changes for every new tier.


While that’s true, MM started scaling exceptionally well on private servers in ToC (which has lined up pretty reasonably accurate for most of WoW Classic).

Just wild that a predicted S-Tier Spec for ToC is hot garbage.


feral druid was a worse prediction

But hunter is the worst class in the game atm. Their best spec relies on exploits just to effectively tie for dead last among pve specs.


by patch, i think mm was supposed to be better in og wotlk.

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Well, scaling derived from specific gear sets are not generally going to show super well in week 2.

This is especially true if the class needs a full set of gear to surpass survival, which would lead to people not using the spec at all for several weeks while they gather that stuff.

The prediction may not be accurate, but it also could just be delayed.


best case, it matches sv in full bis, but surv is barely competitive

set bonuses kinda suck

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Yeah, I’m not expecting miracles, just possibly the spec not being just worse than surv without question.

Hunter as a class is just bad. Explosive trap + glyph has been propping up all 3 specs all expansion, and when it doesn’t work we’re bottom of the list.


Projections are done with end tier BiS. That can hardly be used to measure against the beginning of tier when people have not had the chance to gear up yet.


They could make hunters perform better without any actual numbers buff.

Add this minor glyph

Glyph of detonation
If you place an explosive trap in combat it will automatically detonate regardless of a target triggering it 2 seconds after it is placed. Explosive traps placed outside of combat do not gain this effect.

This fixes the “big boss” or “took one step” that can plummet a hunters dps from a missed trap as long as it is still close to the target.

Potential dps stays the same but practical dps goes up due to trap placement not needing to be perfectly in that 1 pixel that will trigger its activation.

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S-tier in PvP maybe? Is that what they meant?

All the predictions were off.

Feral had to be buffed to get to where psers predicted, Ret had to be buffed too. Fury is doing as expected on cleave but is still rubbish on single target - good thing ToGC has loads of cleave.

… and hunters.

Combat Rogues aren’t really pulling ahead of Assassin like predicted.

Frost DKs aren’t really starting to take off now like predicted.

So, what went wrong with PServer predicitons? Armor and Armor pen is my guess. The patch we are on is post the ArP nerf, and I think the armor values on bosses is a bit different between the PServers and Classic.

All of the specs that have performed lower than predicted are large beneficiaries of armor pen. I’ve long suspected there is something off there.


They’re competing for dead last lol. This also does nothing for BM or MM.

Also, explosive trap is a crutch. We should be using Black Arrow for single target.

Furthermore, what you are asking for might not be easy to program. If there’s one thing that’s consistent about blizz changes is they can all be done in an afternoon by the janitor.

Single target pumper and utility, we have weak aoe and cleave but can pump top dps indefinitely and bring 10%ap buff to raid. The cliche for hunters is easiest class to play hardest to master.

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The only way you are pumping single target damage is in comparison to the people you are playing with. I hate to break this to you, that’s a really bad indicator for your raid. If you look beyond your own personal experience, to large aggregate data, you will find that MM hunter is very poor damage in all situations, single target and cleave.


Mm and bm should be trap weaving as well and it does make a bug difference. Part of why hunter is so low is because we cant explosive trap on twins in toc. Which is a huge loss for all 3 specs.

Im not going to argue if trapweaving is good gameplay or not (personally i dont like it but its part of how hunter currently plays) but the fact wr cant use it at all for 1/5 of the bosses definatly hurts our position in rankings a lot.

I would honestly like a trap launcher on top of that glyph of detonation, but thats gameplay preference.

Also the programming for glyph odlf detonation would not be hard. Traps have if-then trigger conditions. The trigger condition would just have “or after 2 seconds” added to it activating if the glyph is used.

It isnt a hard thing to chabge in the coding.

This wouldn’t even do anything… It would slightly increase the avg, that’s it.

It’s a MUCH smaller loss for the other specs, and even with explosive trap, they’re meme specs atm.

Trapweaving is 100% BAD gameplay, because it’s so wildly inconsistent.

  1. Hitboxes vary wildly.
  2. Trap activation range varies wildly.
  3. Bosses often increase in size, thus causing you to be in melee range.
  4. Bosses are often moved, causing you to Miss. This is particularly annoying if you aren’t familiar with the tank. A random tank is likely to do random positioning.
  5. Mechanics often punish melee stacking. No one wants a hunter standing in range in these situations.
  6. You need to utilize a weird strafe or jump to cheese the drop location of the trap to be further than it otherwise should be.

It’s absolutely not something we should be doing outside AoE situations. The only people that would defend this terrible meta are the same type of people that complained about bearweaving and flowerweaving. Hell, I’d rather bearweave, at least that is consistent…

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Well for one it’s week 2, and also folks are still playing Survival.

It’s going to take some more time to truly know where MM will fall.