How is Convoke still fair?

I wouldn’t mind convoke if they reworked it that the longer you let them cast the harder it spells hit but when I interrupt them within .5 sec and still get chunked 17k from starfall it’s laughable


And you have to realize, even without Convoke, they can still chuck out 15k Starsurges. And those can’t be interrupted.


But mooooooooooom lmao, cry babies.

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I mean tbh if they nerfed convoke yet again I’d probably just change covenants entirely. They’ve already nerfed our lego quite a bit, nerfed convoke quite a bit, and convoke itself is still highly RNG. I get my convokes interrupted all the time from either people watching me to interrupt me, random CC that happens to get thrown at me at the right time, or just needing to use another important spell during convoke.

Ultimately people want to complain how broken convoke is because they look at it like Hanzo from Overwatch. Most Hanzos miss like 80% of their shots but the only shots you actually see are the lucky ones that happen to hit you in the head and kill you instantly. Convoke is no different, if you get bad RNG and we get good RNG while nobody is paying attention to interrupt or CC you’ll die, otherwise you’ll live. Heck, probably less than 50% of my convokes result in kills, not great for a 2 minute cooldown channeled interruptible spell.

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Hanzo had a lot more problems given that he was one shotting tanks with scatter arrow with no counter play. It’s why Hanzo got nerfed ages ago.

I think of convoke as more pharah/bastion issue. At low levels they’re scary, at med-high they’re hard countered. Convoke has counter play from literally every class/spec.

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So what? All the good DPS classes currently can chuck out huge uninterruptible burst.

100% you have to have your 3 mins up for it to be worth it honestly.

That’s my point. It’s not Convoke that’s an issue. Even without convoke you’re going to die lol

Oh I gotcha. I thought you meant druids in particular being an issue, but sounds like you’re saying the high burst all across the board is the issue. That’s fair. I prefer a meta with lower burst, but also where most classes have no stealth healing or random absorb shields.

Even when i kick it i still get hit for 20k just save my trinket and kick the entire game??? Its poorly designed

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Thing is, when people talking about one shot, its usually a combination of abilities that go together to do lots of damage, but not many cases where similar geared players can’t also deal

Convoke literally is the 1 button win condition… like nothing comes close to a single spell that can delete an entire heal bar

Like, if there was an ability that spit out 4 chaos bolts over 4 seconds it would be nerfed immediately

Like if there was a 4 second cast ability that did 100% of players damage as long as you finished the cast… oh wait, we already have greater pyroblast to compare to and it does only 35%

Playing primarily healers I have to play around this ability being a threat, even worse if they aren’t kyrian I’m also withholding cooldowns that may save me the game, but theres also no warning that isnt coming (or even then its instant root+silence so you can’t even act in the first few seconds of the spell)

Problem is balance already has strong killing power without convoke


Not really. Even against the best players it cannot be stopped 100% of the time, and even it if it gets interrupted you can still instantly get 2 shot by starsurges almost instantly. This argument is long gone. Even if it can be interrupted easily in general it shouldn’t be this button you can press to instantly end a game randomly. It’s broken. It should be strong but it shouldn’t do what it’s doing. It should be reworked to be strong and more consistent , but not near strong enough to what it’s putting out now.

Convoke is still broke, it isn’t a fair skill at all, and this question is rhetorical. I have kicked plenty, but I have died by more. Now we are seeing a lot of new druids to the game after 15 years of not playing one at all. Just to exploit this skill. Mostly because, just in my opinion they are not good at this game. The whole it can be kicked argument is a very weak one at best. A good druid understands the length of a silence cd and can plan accordingly. Druids are already great without it. 16 skills in 4 seconds can down almost any target in most situations. Even sometimes through a targets defensives. Better have gear too, but I have seen 24k health convoke druids down 34k gladiator (covenant doesn’t matter) players. It has to be the best covenant ability. They will get invited to more pvp comps, more rbgs’ all just for convoke, or just for being a druid… I have even played some troll teams with 5 convoke boomkins in a rated before. It was a joke, our team got wiped every time.

3-4min cd would make more sense if they didn’t change the damage. Heck force them to cast it while standing still. For example It’s not like a shattering throw a 3min cd can be used while moving, or even warlocks leech, or priests mind blast. All stationary casts. I know druids are all about their mobility, but its a bit steep to give them a 4 second cast that casts 16 skills. Spell reflect might as well be useless. Druids already might have the best kit in the game. They are great, and I love druids, but that skill is broken and we all know it. Buff adaptive swarm, or something. Just make other covenants more inviting to druids. I don’t want to see it get nerfed to the ground either though.

It’s not the only ability to do this. Should probably run to other forums and complain about other covenant abilities too.

Lol people aren’t starting Druids because of convoke (well some are, but not all). Balance is just meta in all forms of the game right now. Even without Convoke. Welcome to FotM re-rollers. Would have happened with or without Convoke.

They did.

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U can target a Boomy and see if they’re kyrian. Their kyrian Link thing gives them a 1 hour buff when they cast it on themselves before a game. And they also glow all shiny when they use the on use kyrian to actually activate the damage buff.

Also, your example is ridiculous because first you’re comparing starsurge to chaos bolt, and secondly you can’t even choose what target the starsurges hit, it’s not controlled in any way.

Convoke is effectively on a 3 minute cooldown in pvp since it’s a waste to use it without Incarn. Meaning your teammates should have no issues with having defensives available to react to it. Compare that to combustion which can be a 1.5 minute CD or less.

And if you’re getting Root solar beamed as a Druid healer you have far greater issues at hand in terms of your personal play. To root beam a healer it puts me on global cooldown, so I can’t like root beam a resto druid and immediately CA + Convoke before they can shapeshift out of it and react. Unless they’re ridiculously slow and have the reactions of an 80 year old.

Again, like just from the general tone of your complaints I can tell you’re inexperienced.

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20k now isn’t even half of someone’s health bar a lot of the time, and there are plenty of things in pvp that can do 20k worth of damage in a second or two, lol. Let’s not use ridiculous examples just to try and make a case against something. Literally ANY dps spec can do some form of fast burst damage for that.

Except chaos bolt is very similar in damage at the moment, except most of the time starsurge crits 3-4k more on average without skyrfury

I actually feel less threatening by big spells like that because you can see them coming even if they can take out half the health bar

at least as a healer you can somewhat land heals around the same global so the health bounces back

convoke’s randomness completely takes away any counter play as a healer when its killing people before you can react… let alone as fast as the game will allow you too, people have died before my global cooldown ended and cant do anything but watch

Except that most players take Mass Entanglement and provides no warning… likely you’ve cast a spell and have to shift out

also, druid’s are the only healer that can shift out of root/beam, so acting like against other healers aren’t stuck in it (or have to trinket a root), or have to specifically have teammates who can remove the root… so also saying now you have to have the right classes to counter it, which is poor design because Balance druid’s are popular and I definitely tired of seeing the same comps all the time

So if youre lucky, you were able to shift out and walk out of the roots which takes 2-3sec depending on your gcd and spot you got rooted (still silenced in the beam even if you shift out)… ok, convoke has already done 3/4 it’s cast, hope your team isn’t already dead even with full hots rolling on them

also you definitely should know as rdruid you do NOT have a big defensive to use when convoke lands and have to land big heals, actually a problem in general with the burst but even if the team survives, you have a hard time topping people off because its not like the druid has stopped going, Incarn is 30sec and you still got astral power so they can still pick off someone who is low

Yes it is? Oh except divine toll which I complain about too and is more aids than convoke. Does it matter if there’s more than one? They’re all broken

See this is where yalls thinking goes off the rails for me. It’s exactly the fact that is CAN easily be interrupted/disrupted that makes it NOT an “i win” button. The two are mutually exclusive.

Either way the fact that we keep rolling with it as is, even as other covenants get tweaked, either means Blizz disagrees and is fine with it, or they don’t know how to fix it without destroying it.

Except when you interrupt it instantly you can still get hit by a 40k starsurge combo. So no your argument is invalid