How is Convoke still fair?

If you interrupted convoke then it isn’t convoke that killed you, it’s an instant cast ss that killed you.

which is still a problem with convoke zz

But starsurge isn’t in classic. And even if it was, being level 21 would be the more likely reason you got one shot.

nice counter argument, too bad you lack any critical information

How is something that happens outside of convoke a problem with convoke?

Can happen without Convoke too :joy::joy: you’re just trying to make a case against convoke because you keep dying to it, but don’t actually have any solid foundation to go off of.

“I interrupted Convoke after only taking 1 Moonfire, but got hit by an Aimed Shot and died and therefore it’s Convokes issue”

Solid argument my man. That’ll hold up well

The worst part is…when you interupt convoke…you still get instakilled by some firemage with combust ^^

uh yeah kinda except not really since convoke gives you tons of mastery etc etc I mean yes keep defending this broken spell i understand rando forum fotm druids defend it like their entire class depends on it but plz

except a mage setup is telegraphed and predictable whereas convoke is not. duh

Funny how you people always default to the assumption that anyone defending it is a fotm reroll. “Gonna go to the druid forums and tell them that their druid ability is op and anyone that disagreed is just a biased fotm reroll”. Makes perfect logical sense. Bye Felicia

So is Convoke.

So does Kyrian and Venthyr as well. As do other classes and their soulbinds. Again, it’s not unique.

So it’s still not an issue with convoke. But keep trying.

Haha a lot of these Druids have been Druids for a long time, but okay. Again, you’re argument isnt holding up very well

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Salty lock is salty

Ridiculous example? U mean that they can do it consistently. Why do i need to save trink the entire game lol. Boomkin convoke is wayyyy better than feral convoke

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interrupted 0.5s after cast

6 star surges instantly casted the moment he presses it. Instant trinket kick still kills us. BTW that was 3 15k crits and 3 5k norm hits if you can’t read.

plz get out your journal to begin your next cringe argument on how this spell is legitimate in pvp

except I actually have proof to back up my claim unlike everyone in the forums

I have nothing against druids but anyone defending convoke atm are hivemind forum goers just trying to defend their broken spell. What’s worse is they don’t even admit it’s busted.

Berserk also removes the Cooldown on spells like thrash and mangle. Would you prefer CA make the builders “Insta cast” ? In order to be on par with Berserk that is what would actually need to happen.

Be insulting all you want. Sad that you resort to attacks on individuals as if that does anything but show your ultimate weakness in your arguments. Fact is every single argument you make has a truck sized hole in its logic. Crit happens, stop crying, grow up.

That’s because it does depend on it. Druids more than most classes are completely dependent on the covenant abilities. Without them our DPS is absolutely pitiful, especially Balance. The Moonkin opener brings you briefly to like 20k DPS with good gear and then settles quickly back down to being much more reasonable. That’s because our DPS is complete trash outside of convoke. For Kyrian Druids it’s similar except the cooldown use is more frequent.

If that were the case, Convoke would have only been able to cast 2 spells. So:

Is mathematically impossible. So again, you didn’t die to Convoke.

Except your “proof” is wrong and therefore isn’t actually proof. And even in the event of Convoke firing off 6 Starsurges in .5 seconds and doing 51k damage, that’s not enough to kill your entire team.