How hot is outside for you currently?

Just gonna point out that Fahrenheit is weird man.

It’s early morning winter here atm so it’s only 18°C right now for me. So that’s like 64.4° in fantasy temperature.

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17c/62f currently

If it’s ok to ask, where at? Our temperatures are similar :joy: I’m curious
edit: ah Australia since it’s winter?


Gotta get to work gotta get to work!

…wait a second…


Lol xD


It is 95 feels like 94, it is 34% humidity, and 11% UV-Extreme (warning). That is a minor drop from the 104F we had a few days ago consistently. Literally leaves on my tree are dying, I had to cut the branches off (massive oak). Grass is getting brown spots, been watering the lawn via hose to try to keep the Bermuda grass alive, plus actual watering via sprinkler system. HOA is picky af here, so I have to do $hit the hard way.

Edit: For our friends who use Celsius: 35C.

Mississippi here. Temps usually around 100F, and humidity around 80%. Feels like 110F to 115F. Zero wind. If the devil’s tail hole had an environment, this would be it.


Yup, that’s the one. :slight_smile:

“Winter” the name we give to the two weeks of the year it’s a normal temperature :joy:

That sucks.

I read the other day, I believe on Facebook on my City’s official FB page, an infographic that said they recommend keeping ACs at 79 during the day, 82 when you’re not home, and 85 at night time.

Like, seriously? Who they trying to fool, obviously local energy suppliers trying to get them to convince people to take it easy.
I keep mine at 72. :sunglasses: And In refuse to go higher.


Don’t y’all pronounce it Misery?

Highest I would budge is 75. I’m white, I’m not built for this $h1t. Put me in 0F, i’m happy.

It was cool here only 92 :sunglasses:

I feel you.
I’m white and English. I’m made for rain, grey skies and saying “today is nice” when it’s 55 out.


Yep. Scottish/English on my fathers side, German/ East German (Prussian/Polish) on my mother’s side, bordering Lithuania. I prefer dark forest, mist, lakes, snow, and rain. Anything less is equivalent to hell for me.

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Hah, cool. I’m Southern English/ Scottish on my mother’s side, and my Dad was German/ Scandinavian. I also like colder climates.

Here, inland from Sydney, Australia, it is 12 degrees Celsius, which is about 53 Fahrenheit for you US people.

It’s icy cold here, I live in Mountains, so it’s quite wet a lot.

Our summers get very hot, though, ranging from 30 C (86 F) to 45 C (113 F) on the extreme days.

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Here in my city in the Southern Interior of British Columbia, Canada, My temperature right now is 29°C (84°F). But tomorrow we are expected to reach 33°C (91°F). We also have a Heat Advisory in effect here right now!

In southern Florida, it’s around upper 80s, but goodness it feels hotter.

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I absolutely can’t work in heat. Every damn time i get the worst tension headache. I have tried everything, water every 20 mins or so, Gatorade, Powerade, Pedialyte etc…

Only thing that works are NSAIDs and acetaminophen but i cant be taking that stuff every day

Y’all have summer all year round, whatcha mean :rofl:

I did that. Took a nap. Woke up with my blanket covered in hairball puke. Also the cover on the back of the couch. Now all my pet protector covers and my blanket are in the wash :frowning:

I am on a fairly negative planet today. One that throws puke and hornets at me.


Watch out for heat exhaustion friend, being vulnerable to it will lead to serious effects. I know the age old advice of “DRINK WATER.” but water doesn’t help much when its smoking outside. Happened to my dad, and he was drinking gallons a day in the Army.
Be safe friend.

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