How hard will be healing without healbot and mouseover marco?

I already said I agreed with that statement. You included.

I didn’t insult your healing ability. I’ve never seen it. I made an educated guess on your performance based on your replies.

well, with mouseover macros, you don’t need to click on a box, bar, etc.- you just hover over the box, bar, etc., and click the spell’s macro key… 1 click. this allows for using grids, the party/raid ui, or just friendly bars to be used for healing… they all work with a mouseover macro.

Right? The only macro I have is an indoor/outdoor cat/travel form one.

and some people do just fine like that. others do just fine with grid… clique… vudu… healbot…

to each their own.

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Mouse over macros work.

/cast [target= mouseover] Spell(rank X)

Currently using exact scripting in beta to amazing effect in dungeon healing.

Only thing that bothers me is no focus frame so i can focus the tank :frowning:

I really like Vuhdo as well. Think it will be there for Classic?

Vuhdo currently has an alpha version for classic. Probably buggy as heck at the moment, but will probably be just fine for release.

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what the next guy said, the author said in curse comments that he was working on it, but that some weird thing called a Real Life, I tried looking it up , but it sounds really out there, you have to go outside and stuff…shudder…

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Just as hard as it was in Vanilla.

Not hard at all, now time to get good.

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Umm… or you could just do without mods like that… and enjoy the fun in actually having skill in healing. I’m not bashing mods like that, but I have been healing 14 years and never used those mods and gotten along just fine.

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i still use decursive for dispels, lol. i caught hell that one tier where it was the 3 bosses (foundry i think?) on the dock. not clicking the shiny box absolutely drove me nuts in heroic & mythic kills.

Lol…RL won’t be a reality come August.

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Real Life? Ugh, I’m definitely not playing that until someone releases an updated UI and a good professions guide.

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Despite having never used a healing centric raid frame addon, you feel like you know enough to make sweeping judgements about the skills of players you’ve never seen play? Interesting. I’m not sure what “mods like that” are in your mind, but I can assure you, they don’t heal for us :slight_smile:

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Used this addon called my brain for raid healing. Usually #1 on effective healing and the lowest on overhealing and that was while playing with people that used the original autopilot healbot script.

Anyway, there will be plenty of addons to use come launch. Wouldn’t worry about it too much.

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Yes, I do. Like I said, I’m not bashing those mods or players who use them. Healing can be maximized without using mods like those and I have done it.

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And being skilled is still required to perform well, even with “mods like those.” After all these aren’t automated healing bots, they are simply customizable raid frames. They are not required to heal, but they also don’t replace skill.

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You do not need Healbot or Mouseover Macros even in Retail WOW. You can heal perfectly fine without them. Just practice without them and you will be just fine.

Keep in mind mana used to be more of an issue in Vanilla. I expect in Classic this will be the same. We used to take a bit more time getting up healing assignments setup, hence you don’t need to worry about some else healing your target. So seeing incoming heals is less of an issue.

Mouseover Macros? Never really needed these, they seem useless to me. You can just click your target and then cast a healing spell by clicking your keyboard buttons. Sure probably slower…but if you practice you can do it faster than the global cooldown anyway. I would be more interested in these macros if I was not already hitting the global cooldown wall.

I feel that these mods and macros are more for people playing healing alts. In Classic, unless your unemployed or a full time streamer, your probably only going to have just one level 60.

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I’ve always used mouseover macros for healing and I plan to do so in Classic too since they work out of the box.

Never used anything but a raid frame really. Think it started with ct raid and then eventually moved on to Xperl.

I’ve tried healbot, mouseover and all that jazz, just never really gained much of anything out of it so it wasn’t worth the hassle.

In Vanilla damage healing was much slower, you actually had time to kind of think a bit compared to more modern versions. While its still healing, its really a different beast compared to healing in recent years.

Really having the info was much more important than being able to click fast in Vanilla.