How hard will be healing without healbot and mouseover marco?

And addons for easy dispel? Anyone actually tried just to click on names and then heal? Is it even possible?

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If you want to get thrown out of the raid - go for it.


It’s not that hard. We did it back in 2004 and did just fine.


Mouseover macros work just fine, and no-one ever needed Healbot.


To quote some of the best healers of all time,

get good!


i know it works, it wasn’t my question though

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Sure, but your question is a personal one now that you’ve decided you’re intentionally going to avoid using available tools.


I found healbot to be inferior to mouse-over macros + grid.


they have the benefit of not breaking with a patch, that said, I have always used at least Healbot, but never mouseover macros,lol.

Healbot from TBC onwards is just Grid + Clique though. I assumed they meant the original Healbot.

Most people just got good at their job, or the guild found someone who did. Prior to healbot or even after it was introduced skilled players still out played those with mods.

edit: Mods have always been part of the game - good players always found a way to be better.


If you think no add ons = the true vanilla experience, remember this game had add ons since the first beta in 2004 and was designed to be played with addons.

Only bad players didn’t use addons.
The reason the default ui is such trash is because having a custom UI was the intended design.


Well, they gave us a basic toolkit, and then added more when they saw what people were choosing to use. Which was the plan.

Great game design.

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i could swear I used healbot in Vanilla, have to check my old SS, i may have some from then raiding.

Yah never got using 2 mods where one works, but you use what you like.

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trivializing dungeon / raid content by reducing amount of button presses/clicks needed doesn’t make people better players, it makes them lazy and reliant on addon cues not on the actual game. Short term people’s performance improves but long term it’s made worse


I think I used Healbot in vanilla… I could be recollecting incorrectly, though… :eyes::eyes::eyes:

I also used some spell rank addon. I don’t remember if the rank downcasting was part of Healbot, but there was an addon that would calculate the missing HP (Maximum HP of player - current HP of player) and select the appropriate spell rank to conserve mana. I don’t think I liked it very much - it sometimes wasn’t useful (target taking a lot of damage in a short time or you’re anticipatory casting in relation to a huge damage influx).

nothing is trivialized, if it was, they everyone would have been blowing through all raid content from the get go, and that has never happened soleley due to an addon.

Clickcasting did not trivialize healing, definitely more efficient.

I honestly do not remember, my Old raiding SS are from BC, will have to look ,thought I had some from MC, but unless it was later, I don’t think I used a mod then, i do remember pulling out the raid groups, looked sooo bad and cluttered, raid frames were 10000000000000000% better.

well the one point he kind if right though, if you have only healed with a healing add and it breaks until fixed, most people are SoL, mouseover macros are basically patch proof, but really most addons are fixed pretty quick.