How hard will be healing without healbot and mouseover marco?

If you are not using some combination of addons or mouseover macros to heal you are inefficient. You are doing at least double the actions otherwise. You may think its fine and you may get by just fine, but in a competitive environment like pvp and world firsts, your lack of tools is easily exposed. If you like doing it that way, and others accept your inefficiency, then fine. But please stop pretending that there is no tangible difference.

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I healed just fine back in the day. Only addons where Deadly Boss Mods (later Bigwigs in BC), and recap (but I think that was BC). Standard raid frames, and was a top healer in every guild I was in. Though for a long time I didn’t even use those mods, and was just fine in raids/dungeons.

I’m of the opinion that using an addon to make things easier just dumbs down the game. The added difficulty of how the ui works is something for the player to overcome, not an addon.

Edit: A lot of being a good healer back then was being able to predict where damage would happen before it happened and pre casting the heal (For example you see fire get put down in an area, the people in it are going to take some damage, so you start a heal on one of them before that damage has taken effect). I doubt mods can do this well.

well no, the only mod that cast like that was the vanilla Healbot , all the other ones used click casting, with which you could the same thing you described.

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I mean
 I don’t think any raid leader cares HOW you heal or dispell as long as you do a good job healing and dispelling. At the end of the day I am pretty sure that all the Guild/Raid leaders care about is your bottom line and how well you do as a part of the raid in general.

As for the “how hard” and “Is it even possible?” parts, well
 yeah. It is. A lot of players did it back then, I mean it puts you at a slight disadvantage but its not impossible. I know healers today who still heal that way and without mouseover macros.


The game was easier back then sp you didnt need those kind of addons.

I only started using Clique in WoD, and I seriously regret that. It increased the casting speed on my resto-druid so much that i went from parsing grey to blue overnight.

The thing you don’t understand, if you don’t even use mouseovers, is that the one extra button press, after selecting your target, gradually adds up over the course of an encounter
 Even if your delay is just like 0.1 seconds, that delay compounds, so the longer the fight lasts, the more you fall behind where you could have been-- I forget the exact number offhand, but in my case it was something like the difference between 15 rejuvination casts on Xhul.

It was your question. You asked how we’d be able to heal without Mouseover macros and those work fine in Classic.

Is that not exactly the same thing though? Lol

Setup mouseover macros, use ui addon for raid frames and use your macros


Setup macros with Healbot’s raid frame and use macros while mousing over them

“A difference that makes no difference is no difference.”

there’s no connection.

LOL what?

Your title says “How hard will healing be without healbot and mouseover macros?” He answered you. Mouseover macros exist in Classic and work fine. End of thread.

Make mouseover macros for all your heals and your dispel. Use the built in Raid Frames or use an addon. Win.


i didn’t ask if it works or exist

Then WTF does your thread title even mean?

mods that do this, like the original healbot, are bannable because any 3rd party program that does any playing or “thinking” for the player isn’t allowed- IE all those healing mods only heal what you tell them to heal using which spell
 nothing is “auto”.

the original healbot did its own thinking as to what heal to use when you clicked
 that’s why that version is banned. you’re describing healbot continued, which yeah is basically like every other grid type add on.

I think people are afraid they’re not going to be handheld, so they fear for their automatic performance. It’s good to know we are going back to individual performance instead of having endless add-ons flooding your screen.

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I would not even attempt healing without mouse-over macros. o_O

PerfectRaid add-on was another one and you could customize a lot then.

I mean
no one will be using the banned version
so arguing with that in mind is pretty much moot, is it not?

Clicking doesn’t take a gcd. I don’t understand why people feel it’s impossible with out mouse over macros. Your finger is over the mouse button and your pointer is over the persons health bar regardless.

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It does’t take a GCD but it takes you time to react.

  1. Without mouseover macro or addon, you have to first hover over your target, click to select a target, then do another action (another click and/or keyboard button).
  2. With a click cast or mouseover macro you just hover and click and/or keyboard button.

No matter how fast and accurately you select that target. You will always be bar from perfect and that is pure inefficiency. I get that some people have always healed this way, I am sure the best of them probably ranked high in pvp and cleared naxx, despite their very obvious disability. It is no different than, and just as bad as, keyboard turning, which I have no doubt is a common in the same types of people.

I don’t understand why people don’t understand.