How hard will be healing without healbot and mouseover marco?

People are daft to think addons for click healing won’t exist…it’s classic 2019, NOT vanilla 2004.

I have never, ever healed. Anything. But I rather imagine that healing occurred in 2004. And ever since.

There will be addons and scripts that do the very same thing. People will be fine.

never assumed they didn’t. Question was about how hard would be healing with help and without

This comment started well, but went downhill fast. Yes addons have existed, but the best players I have ever known didn’t need crutches. Macros, maybe, but addons? Nope.


Healing isn’t hard really; you just need that grasp of how your group/raid works under fire… That ability to, in milliseconds, determine if the tank can take another big hit or if the mage standing in the fire because of their 3 second cast timer will survive - which only comes with experience.

The old saying is: If the healer dies, bad tank. If the tank dies, bad healer. If the DPS dies, bad DPS. :smiley:

Just remember that when the hunter is raging at you for having to walk back to the instance…

And yep! Tanks need to get hit to get mad, so if you prevent them from getting hit they will get a different kind of mad.

No, but that’s 2 clicks.

1 click is faster.

2>1 fyi

To just answer the OP. It won’t be hard there isn’t an insane amount of apm required.

The default raid frames are more than enough. Healing is very predictable in vanilla.

Speaking frankly, for the little I played bfa I will say healing is more exciting than on vanilla. On vanilla It’s very slow paced.

The Mana management portion of healing is interesting, balancing ranking spells and when to 5sr regen to prevent going oom. I’m not sure if add-ons will help with that however.

I never used macros or addons when raiding in vanilla. Raid leader usually had an addon that would declare mechanics in chat, but i healed and cleansed just fine the old fashioned way.

Play the game, don’t let addons play for you.

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I used CT_RAID frames and Decursive. Without a raid frame addon, we could not see the health of anyone outside our party.

Decursive was a must, as there were a number of boss fights where spamming decurse was the entire job of most of the healers.

Macros were a lot more powerful in vanilla, though. You could make a macro which would with just one button press, hit the lowest health raid member with a healing touch. (no need to even know who that lowest health person was). Having that macro was really important; if your WoW UI crashed during a boss fight (which happened a fair amount) you’d end up with no raid frames; if you had one of those macros you could at least keep healing the raid.

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Dang! I wish I would have realized that back in vanilla. I don’t recollect having learned about it or utilizing it at all when it was available. I just remember an addon that would automatically downrank heals based off of Maximum HP - current HP to choose the most appropriate one…

I remember using Decursive early on, but I think they changed the addon API before even BWL, didn’t they? You couldn’t use it just keybind your Remove Curse, Abolish Poison, Purify, or whatever to one key and it would automatically select anyone in the raid with an appropriate debuff after the change. I think I forgot it existed for a long time (until a few years ago I started hearing its name again).

i did it just fine in wotlk without any healing/UI addons or macros; i dont see why it’d be any different in classic


It has been a very long time since healing addons automated player actions, so there won’t be any of those. Modern healing addons are simply customizable raid frames that allow you to manage keybinds, mouseover macros and what information is displayed on your frames and how it looks.

Do you need to customize your raid frames to heal? No. You can get the job done just fine with default frames and keybinds. Many healers like to customize though, and there is nothing wrong with that. The primary advantage I have found is the ability to customize what information my frames display and how it displays that info. The information helps me to quickly assess the situation and triage accordingly.

Want to know what nimrod dps just pulled aggro and will need to be Bopped, shielded or healed? Track buffs or debuffs? See which players have HoTs on them at a glance? This information and more is what is actually important about healing. Clicking spells is easy. Deciding what spell to cast on which person and when is the heart of healing, and the more information you can quickly process, the better your snap decisions will be. If you can do that with default raid frames, awesome. If you can do that with customized raid frames, also awesome. Just get it done. Neither way is inherently better than the other.

If I remember correctly, in vanilla HOTs were treated oddly in combat logs. All of the HOT was recorded as healing and none as overhealing.

It made interpreting healing in logs interesting :slight_smile:

I wonder if classic will maintain that, or will they change the logs to work like in retail ?

Doing that in Classic is fine. But claiming to do that with the old raid frames just shows your ineptitude more than anything else.

well, as warrior you can kill someone that is 20 meters away just because you already started attack animation… Probably?

Anyone using addons for such a simple game has severe problems and may need to get checked out.

Imagine using healbot instead of playing. Yikes.

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I mean, you don’t need addons for playing dps. Cause there’s 10 more of your kind and nothing really depends on you. But if support fails - someone dies. And it’s pretty damaging.

What was wrong with the original raid frames? I dont recall having any issues with them.

There was no information on them except for health and mana bars. The buff/debuff icons they eventually added to them were too tiny and took up too much wasted space for a 4:3 monitor. If you cared at all about things like overhealing, mana management, or picking debuffs to cleanse, they were completely insufficient. You could use them, but you’d be about as useful as Joe Retadin when it came to being a healer.

Besides, how do you even know you healed fine without addons if you didn’t have an addon to tell you your effective healing, overhealing, and HPS metrics? It’s more likely nobody called you out on being bad.

Some people consider not using these addons just as bad as keyboard turning, so take that as you will.