How hard will be healing without healbot and mouseover marco?


i’ve literally never used healbot, decursive or mouseover macros in my entire time playing WoW and i play just fine. it’s just what you’re used to.


Lol yah, you’d think knowing this I would actually use them too, but I am content with VuhDo.

Chromagg must have sucked in Vanilla then:O)

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not really. i was using XPerl (or was it ZPerl back then? whichever version of that particular set of add-ons was available) and it showed who had Curse/Poison. i just clicked them, hit the button and moved on.


Good question, I think it was Xperl though. yah the OG decursive was too powerful, but when it was enabled, no one could touch the dispel numbers from someone using it.

Like honest? I don’t use a single add on for healing… is it that hard to click a frame and press the appropriate button afterwards???


Guess difficult varies person to person, I’ve never found healing a difficult thing in any game. Only addons I’ve ever used mainly for healing is Luna or Grid which won’t be needed if they keep modern raid frames in.

This is actually kinda bad practice and I never got past doing it myself, you wanna make target macros for your group. Won’t have a significant impact on you if you don’t, but ideal.

Just use Clique, it was updated for classic

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yah i know:O)

Haha. Honestly, the only required addon for me (healing wise) was CT_Raid. It took a while for Blizzard to implement classic UI raid frames. Prior to that, there was literally no way to view the HP of other raid members who weren’t inside of your party… As you can imagine, this made healing (or helping someone else heal) a. . . challenging affair.


We’ll have mouseover macros though. And dispellable debuff icons; due to standard blizzard raidframes.

Never used any healing addon other than grid. Always top healer NA.

Get gud.

You did. And it was the old version where there was a list of people who needed heals and it auto selected the right spell to top them off. It wasn’t anything like Healbot from TBC onwards, and was more like the original Decursive.

Only bad players didn’t use addons that provide you advantages? Lol.

Ppl started using them because you had to perform better than the bad players that used those addons.

It’s like saying beautiful ppl use make up or true body builders use steroids.

It’s whatever makes you sleep better at night that you had QoL to make you better.


If you’re using addons, you’re pretty bad at the game. Damage meter is the only thing i can respect.

10 ch

I’ve done a little raid healing with my social guild and because I don’t do it often, I’ve never learned to use add ons. I use the raid frames set up and mouse overs and never had any issues (beyond my fairly ordinary level of healing that is) :upside_down_face:

I didn’t use healbot but did use CT_MOD which always put the highest priority up top and made healing stupid easy.

So for the original OP, no healbot, grid etc etc won’t break healing.

Because clicking on a frame and pressing a keybind is an incredible amount of work, I know.


There’s no add-on that can replace simply knowing the encounter, how your tanks soak damage, or how good your 'locks and hunters are at not standing in the fire…

Relying on an add-on to do the job is bad, using an add-on to make the mechanical interface better is fine… But that’s just my opinion.


that i wont know, never played healer in WoW… but probably will.

Only thing i know is that warrior under priest bubble can’t generate rage from incoming damage