How Hard is to implement Mercenary Mode and Dual Spec

The only change IMO they can do to help with the queues is to add faction changes. Mercenary mode / HvH will kill off any reason people have to play alliance for serious PvP in tbc.

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Good point. Disable all racials in battlegrounds and arenas. Get with the times. Same logic, also fixes the problem. Also sign of battle, another innovation from the future games, give alliance an honor bonus for queuing thus alleviating the queue even more. GG.

How hard is it to realize most people don’t want it? You forum crybabies are just a vocal minority. Go. Back. To. Retail.

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Shoulda rolled alliance, big brain.

Alliance does not need any incentives to queue. You guys already have instant queues.

I would love to have a HvH so we can get some alliance tears on the boards. Horde are already calling for some phase 2 action again and go around and kill alliance out in the world over and over again and maybe blizzard will do thing about it.

The alliance wants to play the game too. Numerous times I’ve been camped to a full two min Rez timer and they still waited around for me to Rez to do it again. I say they. It’s a minimum of 2-3 horde every single time. If I’m questing around a single horse character I’ve never been ganked. You want those of us who tried to balance the servers to feel bad for you for having to wait? While we’ve spent far more time on Rez timers? Nope sure don’t.

Edit add-You claim it doesn’t affect us? It absolutely effects us. The number of 70s flying around and ganking lower levels is absurd. Gating the rate at which they gear helps. Increasing the rate the alliance gears does help even the field.

Good changes for you, bad changes for a great deal of players.

If you want mercenary mode, go play retail.

If you want dual spec wait for wotlk.


Wrong expansion.

How hard is it to locate one of the dozens of “dual spec” threads and post there?

Imagine playing a demon hunter

hey it’s one of my favorite Diablo classes

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If you love those features you can play the game that has those features.

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So what you’re really saying is run the rest of alliance off your server so you won’t even have the option to WPvP while you wait in queue?

Not very forward thinking of you.

You sign up to play a classic game, it was the best of times right? Well, quit trying to make it into the failed retail game then.

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I have zero interest in ganking lowbies and or ganging up on a few alliance. If im out in the world farming and I see a red I will engage and fight em. And large scale fights i dont care for. What I like is seeing a town being attacked by someone or someone ganking and going out and killing them to the point they log off. Otherwise, I can wsg/ab all day long and once arenas come out playing 100 games a week at least.

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Lol, what nonsense.

They can only implement mercenary mode if they can add wow tokens. Its an all or nothing. Are you in?:flying_saucer::goat:

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