Merc mode would be hard because well… It doesn’t nor has it ever existed. edit: Some newb said retail has it… please explain.
Don’t care about dual spec.
For future reference though … this is not retail.
Merc mode would be hard because well… It doesn’t nor has it ever existed. edit: Some newb said retail has it… please explain.
Don’t care about dual spec.
For future reference though … this is not retail.
No but trying to make Classic more like Retail does.
Classic is not toxic. Retail players coming here asking for retail changes are toxic. No one wants your kind here.
Fun fact: Most of these people demanding hand holding changes were literal babies when we were getting gear and killing in pvp
The problem with this argument is our spec isn’t locked. We can pay for a respec any time. There’s no hard decision that would be tainted.
I don’t think we need dual spec but I’d like to see a cap on the Gold cost to respec and/or have the decay work much faster than 5G a Month.
This is correct.
You want more balanced BG ques? Then balanced servers would do that. When the majority of people choose to go one faction this is the result. You don’t get to have a 2:1 ratio in world PvP completely dominating the alliance AND short bg ques. I literally have to quest in groups or get grief ganked and camped by zero talent turds. I can’t wait to form premades BGs and easily grind out all my BIS pre S1 gear. It’s called give and take.
I felt this - Except grief ganked 10:1
Something has to be done for the infinit Ques. I d’ont mind figthing my own faction at all, i just want to be able to play and get some of the nostalgia.
Back in 2007 i never had to wait more than 10 mins.
I dont know why people are so focus on having the exact 2007 TBC experience, in 2007 i was 25 with nothing else to do than play this game 60 hours per week…
Now i’m kind of a more busy men… kids, wife, dog, cats, own business to run, house to maintain, etc. The 10-20 hours per week that i can spend playing video game have to enjoyable somehow, and im sure we are thousands with similar life now.
Sad to see others complain about change that dont affect them at all, but could make the game viable for others. bunch of hypocrites…
It would 100% effect us. It would give us queues, and encoruage our pvp servers to skew even more out of balance as people realize they can have their cake and eat it too.
You talk about people being stuck in the past but here you are still playing horde demanding changes instead of embracing the obvious solution and playing alliance.
Current US faction balance Alliance 46% / Horde 54%.
The problem doesnt come from there, just the fact that most players that enjoy pve are Alliance and those who like pvp are Horde.
Thats true, but the balance on pvp servers isnt that close. Doesnt change the fact that if more pvpers played alliance this wouodnt be such a big problem. Orc racial is just too good to pass up for a lot of people.
Don’t care about in-game PvP but forum PvP? Gold.
The first 15 posts are everyone screaming at the OP and telling to him piss off, call him unintelligent, go back to whence he came and all thing else.
It’s actually hilarious LOL. Y’all so damn salty and need a forum vacation, yikes.
The devs originally wanted the specs to be locked. They allowed you to respec as a game play concession. Kind of like how the forsaken can be holy priests. The fee is there to make sure that people don’t change specs on a whim. You want a new spec? You’re going to have to put some time into the game and earn the gold.
Boy, you sure can throw a lot of words at, “I want it.”
It’s hopefully impossible to implement mercenary mode and dual spec, because you see…they’re terrible ideas. And however much you might wish otherwise, Blizzard isn’t listening only to you and people who agree with you, in the Classic games.
we all can see that
But it is a flawed system, and this is the reason this feature was added at some point in the game in a future expansion
why is it a flawed system?
Because the game offers content of PVE and PVP which requires different builds, but at the same time only offers you to be specialized in one of the two. That is very flawed gameplay and requires a solution.
I’m really sorry if u can’t see it.
bbbbback to retail
All I can see, tbh, is alliance not wanting to have queues, roflmao
How hard is it to understand
First, let me say that, even though I can’t prove it, I truly believe that the original devs never meant PvP to become as big as it did cause they never balanced the game around it. Just because you give the players the ability to kill each other doesn’t make it a PvP game.
Second, why do you insist on calling this a “flaw”. This was an intentional choice that made your specialization actually be important. Again, you were not intended to flip back and forth between specs on a whim. If you’d prefer, think of specs as a sub class kind of like DnD (or Baldur’s Gate if you played that). That was the original intent of they system. That is NOT a flaw. IF you want to be specialized in more than one part of the game on one character, there should be a cost to that benefit.