How friendly is WrA?

that’s the thing that people on the forums don’t understand - if you choose to go your own way with your RP, people will call you out for it and you’ll see this behavior regularly on your toons. it’s definitely not worth it and there’s plenty of high fantasy themes for your characters that abides by the lore that won’t upset anyone, but again let experience speak for itself

RP police here; am I too late to pass arbitrary judgement?


Good rule of thumb in this community - the folks who typically pull the “the community singles you out if you dare to have standards”, are also the ones typically being clowns with megaphones strapped to their faces. It’s pretty easy to tell them apart if you know what to look for.


take your arbitrary judgement elsewhere… the community judges RPers based on their adherence to widely accepted and necessary RP rules and their consistency with the game’s lore

So some weird freaks get bent out of shape if you RP something they don’t like, who cares? As long as you’re not hurting someone, the mass majority of normal people wont care, and if they do care, odds are the worst that’ll happen is they’ll ignore you and go RP with someone else.


A little late to this party but Welcome!

Personally I joined WrA about halfway through Mists and have encountered nothing but great people.

Among the characters I would regularly RP I have:

A 25k year old Necormancer turned DK

My DKs AU lightforged daughter

A spy with a love of gadgets and a horrible attitude.

An undead Black Dragon

A void touched Blue Dragon stuck in mortal form

A Demon Hunter that has absorbed a Dreadlord

A Warlock Magister’s daughter

And a bubbly Void Elf Hunter who teeters on the cusp of complete insanity

I say this to say if you can think of it there are people who will RP with it. Just be cool and we’ll love you here.

Hope you enjoy yourself!


Oh, stay away from people like Soljeron and you’ll be good! Like I said before, there are some cool cucumbers here, but there are also bad bananas!

RP whatever and however you want. As long as that little heart of yours is happy and you’re having a good time, who cares?

E: Just remember: “Be who you are and say what you feel because people who mind don’t matter and people who matter don’t mind.”


I’ve been here since 2011 and the only people I’ve ever seen complaining about lorebreaking were dingdongs who were often ~lorebreakers~ in secret.

WRA and MG used to have some dumb server rivalry and some people can’t let that go. Some bad apples on MG would get chased off and come to WRA instead (and sometimes get chased back to MG) so that’s always colored my perception of who exactly is complaining about either server. Someone does something super creepy/straight up illegal, gets found out, then transfers to the opposite server to try and hide. Sometimes they come back and the cycle repeats.

C’est la viezra.


Welcome to Wyrmrest Accord, Taindessa.

There has been a lot of solid advice given in this thread so far, and I agree with most of it. Ultimately, get your toes wet and see if you like the roleplay here. In terms of roleplay styles, WRA is very diverse. I have primarily encountered dynamic writers; players who will attempt to mirror post-length in a roleplay scene. It has come across to me as a sort of unspoken etiquette here on WRA, and it’s one that I’m particularly grateful for because it means people don’t need to be 100% all of the time to enjoy some roleplay. The environment is laid-back and very welcoming.

My time on WRA has been wonderful, and I hope you have a great experience here too.


Yeah I think the server is pretty alright in terms of niceness. I’ve generally had no issues walking up to people and just chatting. Even when I’m just doing hijinks.
There’s a couple groups who are kind of cliquey but they mostly sit off to the far sides of the park and don’t really cause issues.
Truth is you’ll probably hear that the other RP server is the worst one regardless of which one you use. Even the WoW rp section on reddit I see MG and WrA members firing shots at each other. Just the nature of servers I suppose

This guy again?!
How many times has it been now?

I am back to spread the good word pal, for the uh… 2nd time ever, huh.

Wow, you really can just say anything on the forums.
Then again I guess you never really said anything ‘too’ hurtful really.

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Exactly, I’m just crass, which is akin to bullying here I guess

no!! don’t. this will attract the Foot Gnome and/or Foot Goblin.


:eyes: This is also true. You have been warned.

I do a lot of public walk-up RP. And let me tell you, I enjoy it a ton. You meet incredibly interesting and diverse characters. Many of them are excellent writers who all mostly understand that this is for fun.

You can usually find someone with styles to match yours. I tend to do a lot of sarcastic, wry writing that pokes fun at itself, and I’ve met a lot of people who mesh well with it.

A few drawbacks are that some people can be a little catty. I’ve dealt with judgmental peanut galleries too, but that’s probably something you’ll experience in any realm’s public RP hubs.

In terms of Horde vs. Alliance, I’ve found Horde is more laid back and easier to just hop in and find something. Last time I was on the Alliance, walk-ups seemed to be in decline, with not a lot of people initiating things.

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Having spent a few years on both servers, I’ve noticed overall that WRA is friendlier. The snootiness depends on the person, but I haven’t noticed the overall community to be terribly snooty. I do think WRA overall strives to adhere to lore more accurately.

If anything, I’ve noticed the ones who RP but ignore lore because they want to RP what they want, tend to be far snootier.

Of course, this is just all my opinion from my experiences and observations. But I think you should give WRA a go.

Moon Guard owes me six dollars.


Yeah, well, Moonguard owns me -seven- dollars.

Get in line, bub!