How friendly is WrA?

Quoted to correct that misconception.

The RP Community, like the real world communities of humanity also judge you on how you conduct yourself on an out of character level, same way that you in your job are both judged by your in work etiquette and your out of work etiquette if they know you work for aforementioned employer.

And your not crass. Your self absorbed, narcissistic, possibly in denial of societal norms and a tad dense. Once you get past ALL that and the fact you tend to behave like a 2016 Channer…then we can get to base nuances of social etiquette such as “crass.”

OP…you’ll do fine here. Just uh…don’t worry so much about the aforementioned finance demi god of rp there. Thankfully he tends to literally peacock himself by wearing that transmog. So he stands out.


From my own experience of being on WrA since WoD, the server is pretty friendly on both factions. There are some bad eggs on both factions, but if you avoid them, you should have a good time.

Welcome to the server by the way, Taindessa :slight_smile:

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I’m incredibly shy and have pretty serious social anxiety. Once I’ve gotten up the courage to walk up to people it’s generally been pretty friendly, but it seems to depend pretty heavily on what character I’m playing.

As an example, I was very fortunate to find some really nice undead folk to RP with about a week or so ago. Sadly for Mal, trying to make friends won’t do him much good because he’s anti-Sylvanas (and faction-neutral), but it was still pretty fun to have him Shadowmend someone and try to keep his mouth shut about how bad he thinks Sylvie is.

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My hunter I made for this server is a faction neutral Sin’dorei who doesn’t have much, or anything really, to do with the residents of Silvermoon or otherwise. Just kind of a stray wild child of sorts. Maybe I’ll find you in game sometime and start up an rp with you.

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That’d be great! My whole guild “network” (because we’re kind of scattered around) is neutral and acts kind of like the Peace Corps of Azeroth. Would be really great to meet some others who play factionless.


Oh I might even be interested in a guild like that if they’re recruiting. I’ll definitely message you once i stop being so obsessed with my new warlock on MG.

Awesome! Feel free to add me on Bnet - Malvalen#1353. We have a community set up for RP since we’re so scattered around multiple servers (mainly MG, WrA, and Sargeras).

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I don’t even…

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