How friendly is WrA?

This is not a troll post; just a genuine general question.

I’ve always heard that WrA was more … “snooty” and would turn their nose up at anyone who wasn’t perfectly lore abiding. Because I’m newer to WoW, having only joined mid-Legion, I’ve steered clear of WrA for this reason and have remained on Moon Guard for RP. Friendly there but it seems near impossible to find actual, lasting RPs or friendship there.


Welcome to WrA. In my 12 years or so here, for the most part, people are generally nice and eager to help each other. There are many open rp events, and I feel like it seems people are “allowed” to RP whatever they want. I see a lot of technically lore-breaking stuff all the time, but mostly people seem to either roll with it or ignore it if they don’t like it. To be fair it might also cause a bar fight because people look for reasons to have those apparently- but that’s just anywhere I think.

With that said, there are comminities within comminities anywhere you go, and I am sure WrA has lots of jerks like everywhere else in life. Luckily, I feel like they are a small minority in comparison to the vast number of friendly, outgoing, and impressively creative people here.

I hope you try it out and have the same kind of experiences I’ve had that make WrA feel like an online home.

Also, take the forums with a grain of salt. Anyway, good luck!


At one time, WrA was pretty elitist. That’s died off more or less, but we still have to deal with the stigma unfortunately.

There are many people here with social anxiety, and similar issues, and we’re all pretty nice and patient. No server has 100% nice people, but WrA has more good than bad by a wide margin. I’ve been here since shortly after it’s launch, and I’ve ever even considered moving servers.

My suggestion would be to make a character and then try it out. No commitment that way. You just get to snoop around.


People will tell you that WrA is hugely elitist and that MG is the nicer server. Some will even tell you the opposite.

Neither claim is strictly true anymore. Both servers are pretty much the same, with some differences in population and overall activity. WrA did have a noticeably more elitist bent long ago (I was around to see it, too) but it’s largely gotten better over time.

Only thing to do is make a character and have a look around. But keep in mind there’s often a definite difference between a server’s forum and in-game environment.


To be completely frank, as someone who RPs on both Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord, most people who tell you that Wyrmrest is substantially more “snooty” than Moon Guard has a history here they’re not telling you.

The only substantial difference I’ve found between the two servers are that Moon Guard, as a whole, tends toward paragraph RP and they tend to place slightly higher value on walk-ups. In almost every other way that matters, they’re basically identical.

Oh, and they also tend to have more giganto-events, like Tournament of Ages.


It’s a friendly enough place, though you’ll find plenty of godawful people hiding everywhere, basically just like everywhere else.

Like others said, though, Wyrmrest has long since stopped being snooty - there may still be some lore-elitists around, but I’ve not seen anyone get seriously bent out of shape over creativity in a long time, provided you weren’t going vastly overboard with it. Even then, people are more likely to just… not interact with you, if they don’t want to.

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Thank you for the answers everyone! If it’s true that WrA and MG aren’t entirely too different any more, I’ll give WrA a try for Horde-side RP! I am a little concerned about the one poster mentioning that MG is more para-style since that’s the style of RPing I do but it shouldn’t be too big a deal. c:


One wears funny hats, the other wears funny shoes.


Well, thing is that WrM Horde does have a large portion of it’s RP happen in Paragraph form. The issue is, it tends to be in the scenes where it makes the most sense.

For, say, a casual IC conversation between characters? It might well just be in /say given that there is no need for an emote. Don’t get it wrong, we love your cigar smoking gnome, but we don’t need to see all 50 times he taps the ash off the end of the cigar.


It’s not a big deal. Nobody here is going to mind that and the ones that do are generally going to focus on what they’re doing and not what you’re doing, anyway.

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It’s tight.

Just like any server, there are some cool people and there are some uncool people. Just find the people you like and stick with ‘em, and pick up more friends along the way! I can only speak for the Hordeside of things, and there are some freakin sweet guilds/RP opps over here. I’m sure the Alliance has them too, but I can’t seem to find the drive to like, play my KT.

I also hung out in the Discord for a while and am almost certain that would be an incredible resource to reach out to even more people.

Snooty? Nah.


There are certainly people on WrA who para-RP – it’s just a little less common than shorter posts. If you’re into para-style, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem for you. The only place it might get tricky is, say, in an extremely crowded and chatbox-filling tavern.

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I’ve heard WrA described as the Canada of Warcraft and I think that’s accurate.


I mean, just ignore that rude French speaking portion of them. All is usually good.


Je vais a Orgrimmar en dirigeable. Ou est le chef de guerre, s’il vous plait? :smiley:
(And, ah, I just realised that in my excitement to show off my Duolingo practice, I missed the chance to make a Nightborne joke. Shucks, heh.)

Honestly, WrA Horde is super friendly. People are generally helpful, Trade isn’t nearly as much of a dumpster fire, and there are less trolls out & about (well, in the metaphorical sense at least).


This was a thing and I know I was one of those folks (not to any extreme but still just personally and privately griping) and then the epiphany of “you know the setting really is bonkers if you think about it” thankfully hit a few expansions ago.

The stigma’s kind of stuck around and I think the most extreme cases that would prove it right/correct are thankfully fewer and far between. The two easy examples would be the once-in-a-blue-moon thread about people posting in tears about how people are roleplaying “wrong” or “poorly” just because their character isn’t a mundane dirt farmer. The other easy one is unfortunately really direct where people think they’re an authority or just want to be plain nasty because that’s what passes as their recreation. Just whispering someone to rip into them over… probably just an MRP/TRP profile.

The third one is entirely laughable which is just being snooty on their tumblr blog.


It’s very friendly. It might have been a more elitist and strict on lore years ago, but even then, I played a massive Mary Sue at the time and still made a bunch of nice friends.

The majority of elitism here had evaporated during the insanity that was MoP Siege of Orgrimmar. Those that had advocated for ‘realism’ during that time became inundated with people who were using it as a veil so they could outwardly and unabashedly attack and harass other players.

It continued on for a time until the community got upset with it and ousted them.

Nowadays people are relatively chill. I’ve seen all manner of characters from those that are the simple commoner to those that are extraordinary. People are nice here; it’s quite similar to Moon Guard in that context of hospitality, long as you don’t treat anyone wrong 95% of the people here won’t treat you wrong either.

The only difference with WrA is that it tends to be more guild segregated and driven. You’ll find a coterie of walk up roleplay but usually the detailed and heavy-duty stuff is usually between (a group of) friends and/or their guild.

I just had garlic fingers so I can now type coherently. Congratulations me!


When I first came to WrA, my first character was a blood elf rogue who I RPd as a half-elf who felt more at home among Darkspear trolls than her own people and even spoke with a Troll accent. Admittedly, part of that was because, like you, I had heard of the snootiness of the server and I’m just enough of an actual troll to poke that bear.

Really I should have been laughed out of every RP hub there was and honestly half expected to be. More than half, really. But that didn’t happen. I found an amazing group of friends, a wonderful guild, and as far as they ever told me they loved my little nutter rogue. And more than that, I had random people whisper me after reading her RP profile and more often than not ask genuine questions, offer honest constructive criticism, and even offer to help in areas where I was admittedly weak in both blood elf and darkspear lore.

And bear in mind, this was back during mid to late Wrath when our reputation for elitism was actually well earned. As others have said, things have loosened up quite a bit in the following years and it’s been a serious boon to RP creativity. Yes we still have the occasional snob who seems to think you’re doing everything wrong if you aren’t following the lore exactly at all times or playing a character that dares to be more powerful than an average dirt farmer, but I find them to be few and far between. In truth, I think the majority of people you’re likely to run into will be ones who will at least be willing to give you and your character a solid chance to RP before they would write you off.

And as for being a paragraph RPer, well…I think I just proved there are those of us here that are quite long winded. :slight_smile:

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I wasn’t gonna get into this, but since you brought it up, yeah. At one point, like LOOOONG ago I remember elitism. Most people I see make this claim now were made unwelcome due to doing something horrible here, and went to MG instead.

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