How friendly is WrA?

In order for me to be Completely Frank, I would have to change my name.

WHY did I not see this earlier?

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The elitism rep comes from years ago, around server opening to MoP era. I was actually reading some of my old posts from those days and to read some of the thread topics and conversations at the time, comparing to today, you can really see it.

Not a bad bunch of plonkers here, mate! Some get a little squidgy when you walk up and tell them your a bollocksing dragon in disguise. Otherwise it’s easy times here. Mental, innit?

It’s even older than that. I remember a strong vein of it even back in the WLK era; but, as others have confirmed, it’s really shrunk down in recent years.

WrA is pretty tight on lore stuff but there are many people who openly lore break and form their own communities.

As long as you’re loreful you can get along with everyone, but be aware that if you are a lorebreaker you might get called out for it IC and OOC.

My now very direct advice to you, Taindessa, is to absolutely 100% ignore Soljeron. He’s one of the aforementioned examples of -

Just remember that Warcraft is a very, very high fantasy setting and that borderline anything goes. The only thing to ever really consider is how that bit of anything goes. Thankfully, wizards.


For your own education, OP.

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Haha, thanks guys. I already started my Horde alt on WrA so I hope I get a chance to see everyone there. Honestly both RP servers sound alike and I love the Horde so I’m going to give it my fair shot on my own. Granted I’m a filthy belf but you know how it goes. c;


the vocal minority here is giving you the wrong idea…

I suggest that you try some of the more lore bendy archetypes and see how it goes for yourself, don’t take my word for it

Well I’m not roleplaying any dragons or super humans so I think I’ll be okay here.


You’ll be fine. If anyone gives you sass over your character, just ignore them. Odds are, it’s nothing to be concerned about and they weren’t people worth interacting with anyway. :slight_smile:


don’t tell lio, he’ll assume you’re a dirt farmer if you don’t go to the extremes of fantasy writing with your RP

but cool, sounds like you’ve got a good sense of how to RP and i wish you luck

Even if you were, they don’t pay your subscription fee.


I’ve only ever rp on WrA so take my 2cents.

I get more rp from my no back story Human Paladin then I do my Night elf hunter with little back story in Walk-ups and rp in general.
Overall I like the rp community more then a normal server.

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OP, just remember to never let anyone bully or pressure you into RPing a certain way. No matter what you RP, there’s a group out there for it.


I’ve been a forum / multi-para RPer for over 12 years. I might not know all there is to know about WoW lore and the history behind things but I know enough to not be some kind of weird black RPing sheep. I also know to avoid those on my own who are clearly trying to stir up petty trouble.

@ Korrgosh : Oh, of course! I’m not too worried about that. c: I’m sure I’ll be just fine here.


Trust me, all anyone asks for here is that you’re respectful and cool to play with. Even if you have a pretty out there character, as long as you’re cool, we’ll love you.

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I have a friend that once RPed a vampiric kinda-death knight that became living and is now a Paladin. Sounds bad, right? I thought so too at first and almost didn’t RP with them. Turns out, they’re one of the best writers I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with and the character fit perfectly into the lore without breaking any of it. They just made use of lore holes to make what they wanted, while working hard to make an enjoyable character to be around that did -not- break any lore.

They also now RP a void entity. Same thing - make use of area’s that aren’t extrapolated upon to make a character that is fun to interact with and does in fact fit with the lore.

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I feel this proves that lore-breaking almost becomes a non-issue, because what lore actually allows is a lot more expansive than many people are willing to realize.


As someone who has characters that run the gamut from a human with no real powers who keeps getting caught up in crazy situations, to a goblin death knight that can’t die and is basically a comic side kick to, yeah a full on dragon, I can tell you Korrgosh is right, there are always people willing to give out there stuff a chance. RP is all about stretching your imagination and creativity and we’ve all had our hits and misses with character design. So I think MOST of us are willing and able to keep that in mind and take a chance with crazy concepts.