How fast will MC die without GDKP?

Thats what ZG is for

Not on the items. When the time comes, i wont need 200k gold to buy Might of Menethil like that one dude who dumped 180k on Gressil during Classic.

GDKPs are never coming to SoD. Cry all you want, you cant swipe your way to eternal BiS.

Edit: my bad, 198k on Gressil.

I was never advocating for gdkps to come to sod.

Im just pointing out the hypocrisy when it comes to rmt.

Like pointing out the outlier items like you did.

Point out all the items that go for min bid, wheres that at?

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Why would anyone run the only raid with two legendary weapons - both of which are used by tanks - if not for GDKP? :roll_eyes:

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Yeah no you actually are an idiot

Gdkp keeps the game alive and players swipe regardless

QQ more

You were tricked into believing boomer talking points by lazy developers who will never actually tackle the root cause of gold buying and blamed the gdkp boogieman

You might as well have a sign on your back that says “ I don’t think about anything I say”

WHo needs to run MC you have BWL easy mode isn’t that what everyone wanted?

I don’t think this is a yes or no question though. It is nuanced because the answer is maybe.

Honestly, I don’t even think this is the biggest yes or no driver for why older content does or does not get run in sod though. I think it is the stubborn refusal to let alts purchase all runes. This version would pretty easily have the most activity in the lower levels of any of them simply because the level up raids give a metric ton of experience. Most people aren’t going to travel the freaking world 8 ways to Sunday to get all those runes. I won’t and I have a lot of alts (none max level).
Gdkp wouldn’t really help those though. People could sell carry runs now.

Where I think gdkp would be beneficial in phase 4 are for the people who don’t want to go through the entire 0.5 quest line more than once and don’t have access to an easy heat 1 run to let them bypass that quest chain. I also think this is going to cascade in future phases because tier 1 will start to be a gate keeping method for guilds that don’t have 20. This MIGHT be mitigated by the flexible 20 to 40 approach they took to bwl. In this case, it is definitely a maybe.

All that said, I don’t think it is the cost for enchants that would drive them. I think it is the gate keeping to get into higher raids that would. And to be clear, I am ambivalent towards gdkp. I see the benefits and negatives. I tend to think the benefits would outweigh the negatives in phase 5. I don’t think they did in any previous phase.

The salt from your tears keeps my food tasting good thankyou

Provided you can get “vetted”. Which always requires logs.

Meaning GDKPs do nothing for ‘first time raiders’, and with the changes to the lvl 60 Raids, I doubt someone like me can just post their Era 2019 logs.

Yes, we will likely see runs of mc which will be pugs, but some people will switch to binding as depending on how well they do in bwl. Likely you will still be getting mc gear to help you in bwl until aq drops. Once aq does drop not sure we will see mc aside from binding, and ony will likely come with an organizer hr the bags.

As for zg yes we will all need to do zg all the time.

I dunno if it was bc of COVID or GDKP or a combo

But I ran up to 8 zgs a week on characters that didn’t need it when 2019 wow was a thing

Yes cause people not running ST at 60 is because there aren’t gdkps and not because it’s a level 50 raid.

SoD far from the most expensive version of the game and gold has been abundantly easy to farm to the point most people have more than they need.

Retail enchants can cost upwards of 15-25k though.

People aren’t doing lower content because playing alts is a massive waste of time and runes have been inaccessible.

MC will persist throughout SoD. Some of the tier bonuses are just too good, and there are some BiS pieces in there. GDKPs are devastating for the game and its removal has been good.


GDKP worsens the economy and encourages gold buying and P2W. GDKPs also corrupt the group experience and encourages selfishness.


That’s not how it works.

It’s cost vs acquiring the gold.

It’s far easier to farm 25k in retail than 500 in sod.

If gold is so easy to get in sod then why is everyone buying it?

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For the same reason that nobody farms gold in retail either, we are adults with disposable income and farming gold is boring.

There are other factors, too. You have way less things in SoD that require your gold and also classic enchants (other than certain ones) don’t matter. 1-2 weapon enchants in Classic is all you really need and you will be set for months. In retail, you will be cycling through gear every week early on.

In retail, you also have enchants, gems, phials, potions, food, crafted gear and embellishments that will break your bank if you aren’t buying tokens. A single primary stat get right now is 2k-15k depending on the quality of the gem.

I play on Chaos Bolt and the people who remain do MC consistently since they tried to kill the server.

No GDKP at all.

Yea but now people wont be able to entice other competent players who have no personal interest in running the content with gold theyll have to depend on gasps for dramatic effect friendship, jokes aside though mc is going to be more dead than ulduar was when togc came out(especially with us having 2 raids to farm next phase with one being on the dreaded 3 day timer)