How exactly would GDKP "save" SOD?

i thought when u were going off the handle about “trump 4chan” people making things up on here that you were talking about someone else, not yourself

Or, I was entirely on target, because you’re still doing the same obvious tells.

“i make things up and when people respond that i’m a lunatic it further proves my non existent point”

alright karl

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I think the biggest way it would help sod would be the return of more players to participate in gdkps.

theres a karl/jerry in every forum

ht tps://

The 1st yellow arrow is the peak of Phase 1 when GDKP’s were active.

The 2nd yellow arrow is the peak of Phase 2 when GDKP’s were banned

The green line is the date when gdkp Bans were announced for the start of P2 1/30.

The grey line is the date that P 2 released, 02/08

There was a loss of 175,000 players, that is 17,500 less raid groups.

GDKP’s incentivized players to keep raiding well after obtaining their Bis Gear and keeping past, current content relevant , to create alts that filled the open world.

Once Phase 5 comes out, MC/ZG/World bosses, will become irrelevant content with no reason to do it thus creating that infamous situation where if your a new or returning player that didnt ride the wave of P4 you wont be able to get into P5 raids due to your lack of gear. No one is going to do old content that isnt relevant to them.

Retail Had this problem many years ago, and that bridge that Gear gap by putting in “catch up gear” every season.

Even in Wotlk+ blizzard to had create a new gearing system that used Heroic+ instances and reused gear that you would get from the previous raid, so you didnt have to do gear up with naxx gear, then gear up with ulda gear, then TOC gear, just to be able to get into an icc group.

That is why gdkp’s were the best when it came to doing irrelevant content. No one wants to Prog on 5 month old content in a MS>OS/2sr raid, It will always fall apart, you will not have anyone to carry the group, and it will be a slog.

Ontop of GDKP’s being back with more reasons to create alts, you had players leveling up profs and using consumes, this made the economy the economy in a big and meaningful way.
More raids being completed, more 5man groups getting filled, The world felt open as you would see those players going around to do their runes/farming/pvp/questing/ect.

I understand that GDKP’s have had a stigma with RMT, But it was a very small amount compared to the other outlets of RMT that were extremely present from Phase 2 onward.

Even obtaining the mats to craft your epic items in phase 2 was enough to cause the average person to RMT to get those mats through the AH.
The same thing happened for P3, as most people didnt want to Grind out incursions for hours on end to be able to afford the Raid mats required to obtain those items if you didnt want to wait.


just stop… you shouldn’t be able to buy raid gear. anything said after that doesn’t matter



Also why?

Why are you so actively against people playing the game how they want to play when it doesn’t effect you negatively?


the gear is BOP if it was meant to be bought BOP wouldn’t be a thing


not true, GDKP’s were a thing back in OG WOTLK, where a player would trade gold to the RL and get that item that way, and that continued until legion when personal loot came out and that mech was added in.

As GDKP’s stopped Heroic/Mythic Raid clears became more relevant in retail, with the selling the gear that may or may not drop.

Even in OG TBC people would buy the amani War mount clears, as a boost format.

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It’s all about the money folks, don’t be fooled.

Plenty of GDKP going on in other versions.

Discovery gold is worth the most RMT, this is the only reason they are so upset.


GDKP also caused the weather outside to get very cold. I for one am glad GDKP was stopped.

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its not though, Era and Cata gold beat it by a long shot.

cool, to bad we want it in sod, as it is a proven method that works.

it also caused the game to loose alot of players.

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Flat out lie.

100g for 2$, you can make 100g in 3 incursion loops so 10-20mins?

2k for $8, you can make that within 30mins in era.

3k for $2 in cata, you can make that in an 30mins.

$0.02 per

$0.004 per

$0.0006 per

and they can all be done in 20-30 mins you say?
I know which one I’m going to go cry on the forums about…
Thanks for clearing that up.

Regardless of my feelings of GDKP, I have to admit I kinda respect the hustle of the four or so people continuing to make new threads fighting for it.

Edit: lol thread got merged.

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Flat out lie.
That would be Hardcore.

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go get a real job

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Oh, Damn that chart. That chart explains it all. Damn man, everyone has been beat. Wait? What’s that?

The reason Sod’s numbers fell is because the Mc-rib from Mcdonalds was removed? WHAT? AND YOU HAVE A CHART TO PROVE IT??!?!?!


Learn that, correlation is not causation.

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