How exactly would GDKP "save" SOD?

Hiding from what? I’ve been using this same character to post for the last several years on here. Sorry about your misogynistic racist scammer guild.

You dont even have any cutting edges…

Youre just an AOTC raider…like what?

Oh my goodness. I don’t have achievement points I don’t care about in a game I don’t play. The horror!

But youre the 1 who brought up skill lmfao.

Imagine bringing up skill and youre trash at the game youre saying others are bad at…the stupidity.

In what universe do achievement points relate to skill? Did you just learn about video games last year?

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Oh so not doing anything in the game youre playing means youre actually good at the game.


NOT killing mythic bosses means youre good, thanks for clearing that up.

This explains your brain dead take on what p2w is.

I don’t play retail, kid.

Are you also going to ask me about Roblox next?

It won’t at all.



Do not underestimate epeen measuring contestants.


You mean the one you keep trying to start like lol

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You did tho.

And you have accomplished nothing

The feeling you get when knowing you aren’t wasting your time in a raid with gdkp is great.

It would the lack of people are due to a trash phase,and a delayed p4 that I no longer care for.Lets just put bis gear in the shop and the token it would make blizz so much money.

I really enjoyed the incentive base gameplay.

Gold buyers like you ruin the game. Go to retail and buy your wow tokens there

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Stop with the p2w it’s pathetic. No one cares about anything you can swipe for


I agree get rid of rmt and bring back gdkp’s to save sod.

My experience with GDKPs is that they are infinitely better than pugs.

SOD raids are already gatekept by some of the worst players possible, PUGs have been absolutely awful to run with ridiculous requirements all designed to carry people that can’t move out of the fire.

With GDKP there is incentive to perform and punishment for failing.

Throughout the entirety of classic the worst GDKP group I was in still performed better than the best PUG i’ve been in.

I had 7 max level characters in SOD basically retired now because the PUG scene is so awful. Won’t be back for p4.

I don’t care about the RMT argument, botting and gold buying hasn’t been impacted even a little bit by the GDKP ban. Every single person in my guild that bought gold before the ban is still buying gold. Every single place that was overrun with Bots is still overrun with bots.

QQ’ers got their GDKP ban and it didn’t change a damn thing.

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I agree. Any player that is only playing the game so they can get paid whenever they interact with people can stay gone.

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Your issue is your exploitation of incursions.

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