How exactly would GDKP "save" SOD?

Guys, stop responding to these threads. Everytime its a non-SoD toon just posting on an alt. They are just pushing an agenda.

See another stupid take lmfao.

I gotta swap to my lvl50 to post on the forums for you to validate my parking lmfao?

every wow expansion is a seasonal, its not like if i buy an item on cata now its going to matter in 18 months, doesn’t mean people won’t swipe

Why? All you do is post on that toon…or your alts?

“the people who played wow before sod keep posting on their characters and i don’t like it so i’m going to spin it into some weird alex jones psyop” is quite a take

tinfoil hat people that don’t play sod are pushing an agenda

wait wait, does that make any sense?

I only post on who i main.

I dont main sod, i main cata and this is the toon i play.

Deal with it.

Also what “agenda” are we pushing?

So you dont even play SoD…but you want SoD to have GDKPs.

Do you not understand the definition of an agenda?

How many ST bosses do i need to kill to “play” sod?

excuse me sir but do u know how fast u were going? you’ve been pulled over by the forum police, we’re going to need to see some sort of identification

you are going to need to prove you are the true sod gamer by revealing your logs on a boss only a titan of the gaming industry could take down, eranikus version 6.0 nerfed by 880% (still too hard)

That guys a real SOD gamer he fell into the Guzu hole.

And there it is boys. Peeps that dont even play SoD want GDKPs in SoD.

Whats that tell you?


no one confirms anything



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if you only play alts or raid for loot why even play the game

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Did you confirm i dont play sod?

If so how?

Imagine being this kid, posting from an overtly racist guild, trying to say paying for items in a video game that make you stronger isn’t pay2win. Literally the definition, pal.

No the definition is paying for something in a game that cant be gotten within the game for free in a reasonable time.

Pay 2 win is usually done by store shops.

Imagine if wow sold actual items on their shop that was stronger than anything you could get in the game by playing normally, thats what actual pay 2 win is.

With actual pay 2 win you skip forming the raid, you skip doing the mechanics and you skip needing to kill the boss and you skip the RNG of having your item drop or not drop.

Can your takes get anymore dent head?

Literally the first defintion if you google “pay 2 win definition”

“written abbreviation for pay-to-win : (in computer games) the practice of paying to get weapons, abilities, etc. that give you an advantage over players who do not spend money: Gamers often have different ideas of what P2W is.”

Imagine thinking because you buy something others are getting for free and most likely before you even buy it that its pay 2 win lmfao.

That guy who just bought a sword for 100k gold that i got for free weeks ago is paying 2 win!!

Lmfao im dead


No. It’s really not. It’s just paying for something that gives you advantage.

Also, can you communicate like an adult instead of an adolescent child?

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It literally is.

You buying something others are getting for free isnt “winning”.

Hell the “winning” part of pay 2 win is because you were literally versus other players in a p2w game, meaning you buying something off a store they couldnt get in game and you beat them when you faced them.

Your defintion is so flimsy now it can be applied to any mmo and you think thats normal lmfao.

Buying player power that can only be gotten by paying real money for it is exactly what pay 2 win is and always was.


This reminds me when League of Legends kids didn’t want to admit their game was pay2win.

Nah, paying money to get an in game advantage is literally all pay2win has ever meant. Sorry you’re bad at the game.

Oh, and just so everyone is clear, one of the main people from this kid’s guild had been (idk now) selling gold for years, along with several others in their guild. Gold they scraped from organizing GDKPs. That’s why he’s upset. He’s just salty he can’t scam money from children anymore.


No it wasnt.

Its paying for an advantage you cant get by normally playing the game. Meaning you NEED to spend irl money for it and cant obtain it in the game.

Youre the 1 hiding…