How exactly would GDKP "save" SOD?

I combined the two main reasons. Which is boiled down into ‘making coin’.

All of the GDKPs I attended had only a handful of buyers; most of us were there to collect the payout.

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Do not lose sight of this fact.
and it’s easy to see why there is so much clamoring to bring GDKP back to SoD.

SoD a supposed dead seasonal server game mode.
Then what’s the big deal?
It’s the only game mode with no token, and the most valuable in game currency. :bulb:


You obviously cannot read.

Ban rmt and botting.

gdkp’s are not pay to win if they were i wouldn’t like them because i don’t rmt.

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Show me a solution to stopping botting and RMT besides “blizzard can just ban them” because that’s obviously not going to happen in an effective way without screwing up SoD more than it already is, and RMT will continue regardless because

You ignored the part where I said there’s an entire profession in the third world based on selling “illegal” (banned by EULA) digital goods to rich Westerners.
Which means p2w will continue as a result of GDKP regardless of bots

Present a solution please. By the way, no one believes you don’t RMT. There’s no reason to think otherwise, the people who understand how this works just think you’re selling and not buying ( hence your, and the other spammers, obsessive.petitioning in the face of indifference or disgust).


Yes they were, and you were benefiting off their dirty gold. You lying about it and pretending it didn’t happen means nothing.

No matter how much you make up stuff, Blizzard knows the truth and that’s why they banned it and haven’t reinstated it yet.


But you are buying an item with gold as opposed to rolls or loot council etc.

You do see the problem right?


Literally, by definition, GDKPs are pay to win. Oy vey.


I also agree that gdkp’s would help save sod.

Honestly it sounds like you really don’t like playing the game and if thats the case your opinion is kinda invalidated.

Also I would like to point out that the damages caused by exploiters farming incursions when they first launched has put me off from playing SoD far more than GDKPs ever have.

Blizz needs to take note of that.

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unless sod gets back at least 20-30% of the population it lost in p4 im afraid it wouldnt save anything.

it’s silly to think removing a feature and later adding it back in would “save” anything :expressionless:

“liking incentives in an RPG means you don’t really like the game”
wrong :expressionless: try again

its all about how much pop we get back to even have it matter at all.

just i dont know if we will get that much back.

unless they add a lot of enticing new stuff to p4, probably not :expressionless:

Blizz promised waaay back when, on the OG forums, to never instate a cash shop in WoW no matter what.
They were, and the playerbase too, very adamant about this.

Look at us now.

I’ve heard rumours of a policy change coming soon.

Sure you did
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I would actually play it again with gdkp.

It wouldn’t save SOD… we’re on a seasonal server I mean. Has there been any word of an extension or is Phase 4 etc just going to get crammed into what is left. Yet people claim a LOT of people want to toss a bunch of IRL money to buy gold if GDKP was to return. Ya sure maybe… but for a few months of epeen? Just seems stupid.

Maybe if they decided to do a classic+ that was supposed to run a few years at least…

You guys have actually no idea what actual pay 2 win is lmfao.

Yeah man forming the raid, doing the mechanics, killing the boss and buying the loot the dead boss dropped is “pay 2 win”…lmfao Dent head.

The things the anti’s say just always impresses me with how stupid it is.

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