How exactly would GDKP "save" SOD?

whats the difference?

Hard agree lol. Im sure the bots they bought it off did. Nothing will ever destroy the economy worse than blizzard with incursions. I don’t do or care for gdkps but gdkps actually never injected gold into the game directly and if anything made gold leak out of economy because people held their savings accounts in hopes for items too contested in a sr or loot council run.

Please bring back GDKP.

you know i want to echo this and also add…

those people doing gdkps are taking that gold earned and pretty much only spending on the gear that drops or consumes if its a sweaty gdkp that requires it.

they are saving the money and its pooling in the gdkp peoples pockets and not being dispersed into the economy .

yup, many times an item i wanted was bid too high for me, but I was still happy because at the end of the raid I would get a ton of gold, and then next week I’d have a much better chance of winning the bid :expressionless:

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It gives a reason to play the game outside of raid logging.

Bring back gdkp plz, this game is so stale and awful right now

Love that we can play a non-gdkp version of the game! Keep it up!


Can’t wait for gdkp’s to reutnr will be awesome.

If gdkps came back, i legit think it would help the state of the game. It is kinda sad when era/cata/and phase 1 sod had more interaction and new players (and a better pugging environment!) than the current phase.

Still looking forward to phase 4, but i hope it brings some good news with it.

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Please bring back GDKP. Brian is gone. He was the sole reason it was banned.

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I think it will be coming back man.

Era has more interaction? Era is a wasteland of only boosting and a few GDKP runs. No desire to see SOD become that. It has plenty of interaction going on compared to era even with cata just coming out and being in content drought. Ridiculous statement.


Classic era is awesome with gdkp’s and phase 1 sod was as well can’t wait for it to return in phase 4.

LOL. The copium here is strong. Your post reads like Star Trek fan fic explaining how their fake science actually works.


All these ignoramuses that don’t realize GDKP organizers are some of the biggest gold sellers.

GDKPs can’t exist in a game without active moderation. Asking for this loot system to be allowed before GMs exist again (which they won’t) is just telling everyone else you’re ignorant.


Yeah should 100% ban gold sellers regardless of who they are.

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Nah, I think a great many of them used GDKPs to make coin. I mean, back in Classic 2019, a couple of drops went for like 5k each in a 40man; payout would have been 125 gold just from that one item. – Think it was stated the total payout ended up being on the rich side at around 1k because other ‘choice items’ dropped…believe one was DFT.

Meanwhile, others use it to launder gold.

I think only a very few used it as a P2W system. It was all about making coin, either from big payouts or from laundering RMT site gold to the buyer - who may or may not use it to ‘buy a win’.

GDKPs give more of an incentive for players to play after BiS and to perform well in the raids. It’ just encourages play all around.


I can speak for the majority of the players and gdkp’s that i participated with and none of them were rmting or buying gold.

Reasons why most people gdkp

1.You are rewarded for your time regardless of what drops or if you win it.

2.It provides a valuable gold income to use on other things like professions/alts/boes etc

3.It allows you to play as many alts as you have time for with flexibility to go when you want.

4.Most gdkp runs reward bonuses for performance and penalize for mistakes which leads to most players improving and more enjoyable raids.

5.People form friendships and communities around gdkp’s because they all share common goals of getting the most out of the game.

6.gdkp’s can exist without rmt that is why we all support stopping it because the system continues to work regardless if rmt/botting is stopped and would still be my chosen go to for raiding.

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Every single GDKP discord I joined in P1 had RMT p2w in almost every single raid
People were dropping 100+g in P1 on kelris’s staff

Saying RMT and p2w don’t ruin the game is like claiming wallhacks or ainbot don’t ruin FPS games.

Every single account pushing GDKP is VPN posting from a 3rd world country where they can live well selling digital gold to nerds in America, and were financially hurt by the GDKP ban. That’s why there’s so many posts, not “player engagement”.