How exactly would GDKP "save" SOD?

exactly this guy gets it. all aspects of the game are a chore til the pot is split and i dont want to live in a world without it.

i mean i can’t afford anything with 10k+ gold from ah flipping so i cant even use alts anymore :frowning:

Hopefully the author has gotten some great ideas on why gdkp’s are so good.

Being sarcastic.

This isn’t World of GDKP. Go play another version or game if you don’t like it.


Nah i’d rather just report your post for trolling and keep all the gdkp’s threads on the front page.


Well you do you. Meanwhile rest of us will be leveling to 60 since it’s about to drop.



I was pumped about the GDKP ban, almost kept me in it. My lack of interest in 20 mans and stale pvp was what got me. GDKP is why I stopped playing classic ><


gdkp’s is what made people play the game more.


gdkps’s is what made people play the game less.

After 20years of playing the game everyday, it was very easy to quit with the no gdkps announcement. It just killed population, alt progression and incursions killed economy and leveling. No reason to log on to SoD.

Yes you would, if you literally couldnt do the content without them.

Not gonna rehash that though. Its cringe enough that gdkp-enjoyers are necro bumping their own posts nearly 2 weeks later because there is so little interest in the conversation just to make it look like people care, not gonna jumpstart a debate again.

GDKPs allow people to play alts with significantly more ease. Farming gold for raid consumes is a hassle for one character, and when i have have to multiplty by 2, 3, 4x for alts that is an unreasonable amount of time. GDKPs allow me to level an alt, get it reasonably geared, then jump into a GDKP raid where i can 1. Gear my character more with the gold i’ve earned from my main or 2. Walk away from the GDKP with gold that will allow me to gear it in GDKPs in the future, OR use that gold toward raid consumables/character expenses.

The moment GDKPs were banned in SOD i went from keeping up 5+ characters to only playing a single one.

GDKPs also provide people a way to login to the game, join a raid in a pug format, and they know they’ll either walk away with gold from the split or gear. Win-Win. In pug SR or MS>OS runs it’s all too common that someone walks away having spent gold on consumables and not receiving any loot.

GDKPs being banned did and continues to kill SODs overall character population everyday. Can’t argue against data/population statistics/alt statistics/raid #'s that line up perfectly with the GDKP ban

It would bring back more players and increase the amount of active raiders and pug raids being run.

It would keep older content more relevent as well e.g mc when bwl is released and give various ways for people to raid on multiple alts.

I use to play 16hours every day when gdkps were around, now I log on once a week and it feels like too much, that’s what gdkps would change.

If you are playing 16hours a day, what are you doing for work?

Oh wait

Some of us are smart enough to not work 9-5, I have been retired since 30, I just play WoW and skate.

bro you like your own posts with other toons, you aint fooling anyone

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Mate you play paladin on shadowstrike, literally everything you say has absolutely 0 value. Welcome to my ignore pleb.

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ok 52 mage from lonewolf? some low iq right there

If you’re implying he’s a gold seller wouldn’t that mean he’s making bank?

Sod is literally a swipefest.

What are you even saying lmao