Where can I subscribe to your sigma grindset newsletter? Are you in Dubai right now? Can you say hi to saltbae for me?
GDKP was only disabled so they could abandon catering to PVP. No reason to buy that sweet pve gear if you cant PVP
Whatever there so called reason it literally hindered the games potential.
SOD playerbase lost a large amount of players some estimates people said were 300k (not sure if that’s accurate) but regardless it was a decision that negatively impacted the most important part of the game (The people / population).
Reverting this policy will breath fresh air into a dying game mode and is exactly what we need coming up to bwl and keeping mc relevent.
Good example of what they could try.
Bumping for visibility.
You are missing two words in your question.
How exactly would GDKP save SoD’s “Gold Sellers”?
Here are the gold seller/buyer answers.
It did not lose hardly any population
Yes that’s right sod has hardly any population.
https ://ironforge.pro/population/sod/overall/
See for yourself statistics don’t lie and that’s raiding characters so half of the numbers you see are peoples alts.
Peak player base p1 - 496,004
Current player base p4 - 87,072
It’s time to face reality.
By bringing back some of the 80% of the playerbase who have quit.
Lol yeah it will bring back some of the 80% of wow gold seller base that quit sod after gdkp ban.
Stop partial quoting my posts you little RMT rat.
Sure will.
Just report him and move on. He necro’ed this thread and many others just to troll. He should be banned at this point.
Reported for harassment.
Good luck with that Trollron. If it means I get banned so you do too I will fall on that sword.
The loss of players has nothing to do with GDKP mate. I get that you like that way of playing, and yes it has some advantages but really you’re not being honest here.
Every game, every iteration of a game - especially WoW - will have a booming start because of the novelty aspect. SoD has attracted many players who were not Classic andies and phase 1 was great because it didn’t require much time at all. So a good deal of Cata/retail/era/HC players were giving SoD a try because with just a few hours a week they could level to 25 and raid and basically get the whole package without loosing game time on their main game.
SoD was bound to loose players as the phases went since then you had to choose where to dedicate your game time.
Now you have to understand that SoD is mainly aimed at casual players fond of the Classic world they got to play 20 years ago. The target is 35+ years old gamers who now have less time to dedicate to a game, which is why it’s called Season of Dads or Season of Casuals.
Alas for you and GDKP enjoyers, GDKP is a game mode made for players who invest a lot of time in the game. It mainly attracts streamers who play 8 to 10h a day and people entirely dedicated to SoD with a fairly big game time potential.
You see why it doesn’t really correspond to their vision and that’s certainly why Blizzard decided to experiment here in the first place a GDKP-free environment.
Again, I get that don’t like it. Having a lot of free time and loving to level alts, I could do with some GDKP too but let’s not pretend GDKP is the reason SoD is loosing some of its player-base.