How exactly would GDKP "save" SOD?

It amazes me that you cheer at blizz banning a popular loot system, instead of being mad at them for not banning people RMTing. . . There is Zero thought behind the Anti-GDKP argument.

LOL that’s not how this works. Enough information has already been presented. This is the part where you try to convince everyone you’re not a fraud.

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These people are phony.
Blizz cut off a ton of cash flow.


No, actually.

You made the assertion, clarify.

It gives casual non parse raiders whose guild and friends are fully decked a reason to keep playing.

Stash Cash

Real problem is Blizzard will never fix the bot problem so it becomes RMT pay to win with people feeling they need to do this to win and then getting banned eventually and quitting.

The toxic problem is blizzard committing to not investing in empowering their dev team to hunt down the bot problem.

Also PvP in SoD has been a whoever gets the jump first usually wins with little emphasis on gear or skill.

And considering the replayability of that is very high people bailed since they couldnt really play or PvP since they were either jumped and dead in a 5-6 second fight or doing the same to someone else.

Also shamans are currently looking to be extremely oppressive in small group pvp which is the core of battlegrounds and they have had incredible burst damage since phase 2 which is why solo que bgs on horde are 1hr. All things equal burst damage is decisive in pvp.

Unbalanced PvP, No Gdkp, Incursions

Get to max level in a day, clear the raid in a week, raidlog till you have gear and quit till next phase is the meta problem rn

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Now this is getting awkward. I’m starting to believe that you’re really not capable of understanding that it’s already been clarified.

If you’re not going to defend your lies, then at least invite your fake friends here.

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The reason they have to keep playing is that they’re having fun. Are you familiar with what recreation is?

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Production is the basis of moral. People like to go places and achieve things, where is there to go once you’ve gotten there? The numbers almost speak for themselves on IF pro

This is why I like PvP more than raiding. Different every time, not boiling down to a boring parse meta or quitting once everyone has the gear

Except Arena and RBGs are just as scripted as a PvE encounter since everyone does the exact same thing every time with the same meta comps.

If you need rewards for PVP, you don’t like PVP.

they have never said this EVER.

We dont have either of those here.

I PvP without the need for the reward, the reward is playing with friends or meeting them in random battlegrounds where everything is different every time.
Its fresh as after shamans have been so broken for the last two phases and are shaping up for a 3rd phase of oneshot cracked burst damage,

I sometimes play with friends who are interested in our individual preformance together rather than a meta focused on winning bgs that are stacked with horde favored positions, racials and freight train busted burst damage. Lmk if your playing SoD PvP and are interested

I’m aware. I wish we didn’t have battlegrounds at all. I was against them in Vanilla, still against them 20 years later. I’m just saying that when adding rewards to a system creates its own problems. The damage to (real) PVP was done long, long ago. In WoW, especially since arenas, “competitive” PVP is just as scripted as PVE.

Also, I think I mixed up replies to another thread, that’s why I mentioned arenas and RBGs.

Some really good answers on how gdkp’s would help save sod.

if we somehow get 30% back from those who left maybe it would work.

but if the population stays the same it wont matter.

the truth is, there would be people still actively raiding and doing content if gdkps were never banned.

there would be a bigger pop left here if it were never banned even with the bad decisions that were made.

gdkp fuels and sustains itself as a system.

it wouldve kept alot of people playing long past the time they fully geared.

this is simple truth.

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I know a lot of players who would return and also who quit because of the gdkp ban.

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Cant figure it out? Not my problem.

High school failed you big.

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Already plenty of legitimate points on how gdkp would help save sod.

it will save those gold sellers from starvation and extreme poverty/

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It would make this game fun again. Everyone knows going into a raid and playing for a hour or 2 with friends killing monsters isnt fun. Its the trading gold after what really makes the game fun

lol what? sod is so ridiculously alt friendly that it’s the only reason i stayed subbed through most of p3.