How does your character feel about peace between the Alliance and the Horde?

Peace is here to stay is a huge stretch. I’m just waiting for Turalyon to make his moves whilst making sure to attack the Alliance so Azeroth doesn’t become weak :slight_smile:

Let’s hear from her, herself.


What do you mean, “my character?” I am the one who is playing the game, and my character is just a representation of me in the game world. My character does not have a mind of its own, nor does it have its own actions.

they are all fine with it.

Oh look! I found Robert Sapolsky’s main.


My character has become neutral in his views between the Alliance and the Horde. Sure peace between the two factions makes for a more stable Azeroth but he’s willing to work with anyone as long as the coin is right.

Ashandra has complicated feelings RE: Some of this. As one of the blood-sipping darkfallen, she doesn’t really have a stake in either side of a given war effort - only in her continued survival.

However, the current peace time offers her much reprieve. She is a self-sacrificing healer by nature, and a road not actively being trod by soldiers with greater bloodthirst than she is an easier one. It also generally reduces the over-all mass-scale misery, as well! Though she has little faith it will last.

Her biggest points of contention and interest are in elf-kind. Ashandra has never been quiet about the fact she, personally, feels that their dwindling species fighting on behalf of short-lived men and orcs is insanely idiotic. While she understands the political divides between Quel’dorei, Ren’dorei, and Sin’dorei - it remains an ever-present hope for the wayward priestess that some measure of lasting peace will allow those rifts to mend.

This same concern goes out to her kaldorei cousins, of course. And while hopeful, she is not naive - Ashandra fully understands how unlikely an elven reunification is. She would also be lying if she said there wasn’t an active level of frustration with the aforementioned political divides.

My Eredar loathes anything to ‘do’ with the Horde, No games and half messures should be taken.

Raze their cities, Boil to land to magma and salt their seas.

Typical Demon idealism.

He’s been an Argent for most of his life so neutrality between Alliance and Horde is a daily experience for him. That isn’t to say it’s all sunshine and daisies, but he at least recognizes and respects what most of the Horde races bring to the table.

He presently has more disdain for certain factions within the Alliance, such as the Man’ari Eredar, whom he despises and believes should all be put to the sword.

My character actively opposes both sides, but seems to prefer the Horde more than the Alliance, rooting for the Horde whenever they wage war against them.

Not a fan and I think a lot of the games 20 years of war-crimes should be on the front of a lot of races’ minds because that literally makes sense… we’re still harping on the Cold War here int he USA like 30 years later but the Night Elves seem to be totes okay having thousands of years of history erased.

But w/e - BGs are still a thing


Fingri misses it and wishes she could destroy more of Zuldazar. She only got to pilot a drill for the sacking.

She has no moral reasons to want war, she just enjoyed it and has gotten better at it since the fourth war.

To be faaaaaaair, Teldrassil was only a few years old. They should be pissy, bitter, and vengeful, but about the people who retreated from the rest of their land to take shelter there, not the place made so recently that barely anyone was an adult by the time it burnt.

So…a lot of night elf kids got burnt to death? That sounds so much worse.

>Necros a 2 year old post on a RPing server forum and acts confused about why people are talking about their characters as being actual characters
>Refuses to elaborate further


My point was that the place did not have thousands of years of history, that’s all. It was an atrocity, just not that particular kind.

The important questions to ask regarding Horde vs Alliance.

  • When do you say enough with all the hate and negativity?

  • When you decide you are tired of the content fighting between each other?

  • Do you really desire to be stressed out day after day or do you for once want just a measure of peace?

  • Do you want to be able to walk through a city with both horde and alliance and just say good morning and have it said back with a courteous gesture?

  • Is it worth it to stress your body out by engaging in conflict after conflict just to have the final word or say?

Noone is a hero if the fight is for personal glory vs fighting for peace.

  • Are you fighting for peace for everyone involved or just yourself/your side?
  • Do you enjoy making children orphans or destroying families just for revenge or can you be the better person?
  • Is it worth destroying homes/nature/the world and leave it a mess?

The Pandaren had it right for 10k years cut off from the world. Can you say the same? A few chose to be soldiers to handle the monsters so others could be happy.

  • Are you a humanoid or a monster?

  • A peace-keeper, or a villain bent on making everyone else suffer as you have?

Are you willing to say for once you are wrong to keep the peace no matter how right you are?

When do you say enough with all the hate and negativity?

Honestly, for Raina, her family and homeland was destroyed by the Scourge. Her hatred for all undead will end when there are no more undead. For my night elf characters, it will be when the Horde no longer draws breath. And for my alliance characters it will be when the Alliance is no more. The Fourth War did a NUMBER on everyone. It’s going to take a long long time to heal those kind of wounds. Blizzard hand waving things isn’t going to solve it.

When you decide you are tired of the content fighting between each other?

When everyone is dead.

Do you really desire to be stressed out day after day or do you for once want just a measure of peace?

For both Horde and Alliance characters, they were born during a war time so all they know is to fight and to survive. You don’t just turn that off with a flick of a switch. It takes time. Some decades, some longer. Sometimes that trauma is generational and is passed down to each generation.

Do you want to be able to walk through a city with both horde and alliance and just say good morning and have it said back with a courteous gesture?

No. Raina just doesn’t want to talk to many people and would rather stay home and read her fantasy novels or engineering books or tomes. My kaldorei characters are constantly preparing themselves for another war. And some of my characters were either the wine mom, or like my kaldorei preparing themselves for another war.

Is it worth it to stress your body out by engaging in conflict after conflict just to have the final word or say?

Most people are just stuck in survival mode and again, there’s no way to turn it off. If you spent your life from childhood to adulthood constantly being abused, mistreated and forced to live on the streets. That carries on through adulthood when yourself are having kids.

Are you fighting for peace for everyone involved or just yourself/your side?

Fighting to survive.

Do you enjoy making children orphans or destroying families just for revenge or can you be the better person?

Raina is an orphan herself. My kaldorei are orphans. Actually all of my characters’ parents are dead. It’s less about conciously making more orphans but again trying to survive. It’s either kill or be killed.

Is it worth destroying homes/nature/the world and leave it a mess?

Again the main focus is surviving. Besides one of my characters is a druid, you can help regrow nature.

Are you a humanoid or a monster?


A peace-keeper, or a villain bent on making everyone else suffer as you have?

Neither. Again it’s about survival. Life is a cruel mistress. You do what it takes to survive.

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There is no peace between Alliance and Horde when you’re willing to wage a private guerilla war.

I don’t really RP a character anymore, but I would guess my Velf priest simply does not care one way or another – he just wants to float around in his void of madness and facemelt stuff because that’s fun, and looks cool.

OOC-wise, I’m fine with peace or at least an indefinite cease-fire, but I don’t want them to get rid of all the faction flavor. Horde and Alliance should be distinct culturally. I absolutely miss the Horde presence in both DF and TWW, and I say that as someone who mains Alliance.

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