The Pook doesn’t have any hate or negativity. Don’t stab the Pook and the Pook won’t stab you.
When Mathias sends me to Warsong Gulch to get flags (what the Alliance or Horde needs with those flags is above my paygrade) the Pook gets flags and won’t stab you unless you’re trying to stop me from getting the flag or are trying to take our flag. Nothing personal, we all knew what we were getting ourselves into when we signed up for our factions Militia for Low Level Immortals.
When I’m not being sent to steal flags, or fondle orbs, or steal Azerite nodes or flip flags or any of the other stuff they send me to do, I don’t care about Horde or Alliance. I’m literally only freelancing with the Alliance Militia for Low Level Immortals because my civilian boss is so late and stingy with my pay (stay in school kids and don’t work for Goblins). Heck, usually when I show up for militia duty it’s just a whole lot of hurry up and wait and Matthias puts me on Rogue Booping duty in Stormwind. I patrol the city looking for stealthies, when I detect one I give them a boop. If they stab me I know they’re a baddie. If they don’t I let them go on their way.
Troll, Tauren, Orc, Vulpera, Goblin, Pink Elf, Stinky Bois, I don’t care. Welcome to Stormwind. Don’t stab me I won’t stab you. But no, you get these guys like Jimmy The Slippity Slippy Guy coming to Stormwind to start stabbing people and now you’ve become the Pook’s problem because the Old Gods know when I’m summoned to Stormwind because the Alliance wants flags chances are all I’m going to be doing is patrolling the city on Rogue Booping duty because gankers gotta gank.
Frankly I think it’s all just busy work Mathias gives the Pook so I won’t yell at him because I’ve been queued for battleground duty for over three hours only to have my queue popped to find myself and three other Alliance Low Level Immortals in the Seething Shore against eight Horde Low Level Immortals. Seriously Mathias!? Can you not count to ten? Do you not know that four is a smaller number than eight? What were you thinking Mathias? What were you thinking? But no… no… the Pook is going to do her best to get you your war candy and hope and pray that we get one more low level immortal on our side because if we don’t what’s going to happen? I’ll tell you what will happen. You’ll call the whole damned thing off won’t you. Three hours Mathias! You had me waiting for battleground duty for three hours only to call the whole thing off?
And it’s even worse when it’s four of us against eight of them AND WE’RE WINNING! Why are we winning? Because when Mathias says he wants war candy the Pook says “how much” with my pick axe swinging. All the Pook can say is thank the Old Gods for gankers because otherwise reporting to duty in Stormwind would be a colossal waste of the Pook’s time. At least Jimmy the Slippitydoo and Dead Guy Charlie and Axey the Axe Yiffer give the Pook something to do. What do you do for me Mathias? What do you do? You make my life a living heck! That’s what you do.
And I’m sitting there guarding the trading post and I see your pretty boi show up every day to buy you a pet. What happens to the pets Mathias? Where are the pets he buys you? I’ve never seen you with a pet once in my life Mathias? What are you doing with the pets?
So yeah, does the Pook have a beef with the Horde? No. Don’t stab the Pook and the Pook won’t stab you.
The Pook has a Mathias problem, not a Horde problem.
Life as a Level 20 Low Level Immortal ain’t easy.