How does your character feel about peace between the Alliance and the Horde?

Carissian was an Argent in life, and is a Death Knight now, so she pretty wholeheartedly supports the idea of peace between the Alliance and Horde. She, being undead, kind of sees the petty squabbles of the living as pointless, and an obstacle in the way of them being prepared to fight against greater threats, which more neutral organizations like the Illidari, Argent Crusade, and Ebon Blade have all wised up to.

So in a way, peace between the Alliance and Horde, in her eyes, is a sign that regular living people are ready to take the burdens of the greater threats to Azeroth off of the shoulders of neutral organizations that have been fighting the darkness since the beginning. She longs for a world where people like her, and the Ebon Blade as a whole are no longer needed.

Most of my characters are pretty happy with the peace, honestly. It doesn’t change how they feel about certain races on the other side of the aisle, but at least those races they do like or get along with don’t have to wind up as targets in some new global war. There will be some races they don’t like, but they’re also open to new experiences with individuals they might never have otherwise interacted with. They may not be crazy about Orcs or Forsaken in general, as an example, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t individual Orcs or Forsaken whom never agreed with the greater whole whom also have overlapping interests and such.


For Maledrath, he genuinely does not believe the truce/peace will last.

But a big part of that is his role as a Lord-Inquisitor; his existence predicates that he assume guilt until proven innocent beyond an unreasonable doubt. He doesn’t believe in the peace any more than he believes the Old Gods are done and dusted or that the Legion will not one day return.

I doubt Maledrath would ever be welcome in a true, lasting peace; his hands are too red, and for his part he knows it. He hopes that one day, his efforts will bring about a golden age for Quel’thalas, where men like him are no longer needed - but he has no illusions that he will be a part of it.

Further, Maledrath holds deep-bleed grudges against his Silver Covenant kin for their outright heinous actions during the aptly named Purge of Dalaran. When his people were dragged from their homes in chains or killed in the street for the alleged actions of a handful of them. When the Silver Covenant actively sabotaged a refugee corridor.

The idea that any of the Silver Covenant could ever return to Quel’thalas is laughable to him; as far as he is concerned they have chosen their bed, and it is on them to lie in it.


Riley hates orcs, war or not.


Eldynn has a bit of a history. He didn’t really start his adventuring until after the scourge invasion in quel’thalas. Considering himself a high elf and not officially a blood elf, he went to dalaran with his sister (along with the remnants of his people that still identified as high elves). He felt conflicted but his hatred to watching his people split -and suffering like this made him try to help the blood elves without his sister knowing. His sister found out, gave him an ultimatum for helping the “traitors”. Since the blood elves wasn’t fully supported by either faction while the high elves at least had the alliance helping, chose to go help the blood elves. Joining the horde was more an after effect of helping the blood elves establish themselves a support system of sorts. His sister made sure he couldn’t return to any alliance territories again, not that the alliance would welcome him back easily regardless.
He feels the factions being at each other’s throats is just plain stupid. He helps promote peace when he can but isn’t as naive about it either. He wished the fighting would stop so others wouldn’t have to make the tough decisions he’s made but the road is long, and he’s sort of plain sick of the whole thing at this point

Being forcibly removed from a civilization that you fought and bled for as much as any of your wayward cousins alive today? Gee, what would we High Elves know about that?

Consider it payback for forcing us out of our homes, you Blood-dripping disgrace to Quel’thalas.

Honestly? My main was born in Alterac. They can both just pike off. XD


I thought I had replied to this topic when it was first made, but apparently I never did.

My characters have always been ‘neutral’ with the Horde. My main RP character grew up next to the High Elves before they were Blood Elves, so he just isn’t gonna throw those relations to the wind. He also knew goblins way before some joined the Horde.

He grew up being told that not every orc is evil and has always looked to the Argent Dawn taking a neutral stance until Paladins began to act as if they were above everyone. Until the Burning of Teldrassil he never willingly raised his blade against the Horde unless he was forced to, but quickly realized it was once again the Undead who caused the problems. Now days he enjoys the peace and maybe even visited Mulgore to train with one of his Tauren friends.

I’ve never outright made a character that hates other races. It is just something I don’t like doing personally. While they may not hate them, I do make characters who fear other races. Like I have a High Elf afraid of trolls because of what the Amani did to her father when she was little.


Maledrath would get along with pretty much every belf character I RP with <3

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Most of my characters don’t believe it will last.

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I think Ralir views it as a necessity of the moment. I don’t think he sees it as something that will last forever but as a respite from all of the fighting. It’s more of a ‘Doesn’t mean there won’t be a time, it’s just not now.’ thing. I think deep inside Ralir is restless beyond his years. He lives for the adrenaline rush that is battle, his words depict peace but if the chance ever presents itself and the Horde does something foul, he’d draw sword with a smile on his face. Conquest and strife are the rightful heritage of every denizen living on Azeroth, on and on.

Ash figures it’s convenient for the leadership of both sides, and will last only and exactly so long as that is true. He doesn’t trust either side to keep it beyond that, because it became evident some time ago that the leaders are interested in little beyond self-aggrandizement, and that the common people…the ones who always suffer the most in war, and the ones Ash has long been sworn to protect…are just tools to that end.

So, the Alliance and Horde are at peace. But Ash’s war is just getting started.

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Vardanis will never trust the Alliance and believes every effort should be taken to frustrate their attempts to expand/secure resources. He also does not like that the Alliance harbors the traitorous Ren’dorei and Quel’dorei. To Vardanis, it’s a sign that the Alliance is actively working to undermine the rightful government in Silvermoon.

That said, Vard welcomes the peace as long as it will last (even if he doubts it will last long). He wants Quel’Thalas to be able to free up more of its budget and people for peacetime projects like finding a way to cure the dead scar and rebuild (hint, hint Blizzard, give us an updated Eversong/Silvermoon).

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It is alright

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My Horde characters like the peace but also still do not trust the Alliance.

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Algrubel while partially hopeful for a lasting peace also knows it is but a temporary reprieve till either side finds an excuse to invade or harm the other and is also not very trusting towards some elements of the Alliance, especially those wanting to reclaim lost land

Peace… its good for business. But, war is also good for business…

See a market, fill a market…


Can this war ever really end? I don’t think so. I was at Brennadam. I will never be able to forget the cruelties of what I saw there. I’ve heard the Night Elves speak of Teldrassil, and the stories I heard were bad enough, but after seeing what I saw first hand at Brennadam, I can begin to feel what those Night Elf survivors felt.

I used to think that war was just a tool the politically powerful used to further their agendas, but the common stock of people, all peoples, would rather just be left alone and live in peace, but those who attacked Brenndam, the barbaric cruelty they unleashed on unarmed, unequipped, non-fighting farmers and children even. The war won’t ever really end until those types are put down - permanently.

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I think there should be a visa we can get that lets us visit the other faction’s city for 48 hours and allows us to buy from the city’s vendors and interact with the other faction’s NPCs and Players and as long as we stay on our best behaviour and don’t start trouble the guards leave you alone.

You see, the ‘Horde’ is a lie. It is the great lie, perpetrated by Gul’dan to turn noble peoples into bloodthirsty maniacs. The Horde is an excuse. It’s a reason to commit barbarism and atrocities behind a thin veneer of ‘honor’ that is discarded the moment it becomes inconvenient.

What I’m saying here is, the Horde itself is a flawed premise. Twisted and evil. It makes no effort to rebrand itself. To distance itself from its dark and selfish actions. And the excuse is always the same. “We needed to invade in order to survive!” That doesn’t change the fact the invading and stealing other people’s stuff is morally reprehensible.

The Horde CANNOT be redeemed. Like the flawed philosophies that brought so much suffering to the 20th century, it’s not something that deserves to be redeemed. Only erased and buried so this wicked ideology can never hurt anyone ever again.

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