Ellusen has a very similar sentiment to Telindron though she was never one to enjoy the butchery of lesser races. To the public, she believes all can find a place in the world even if that’s not with Quel’thalas.
Nilsarra is Horde-leaning neutral in her opinions. The Alliance and Horde have done terrible things but she doesn’t view mass loss of life quite the same. It is regrettable but you cannot change the past. Only prevent more loss in the future until the next calamity. People will always be underhanded and she’s ready for the dagger to show.
Ed does not care in the slightest about Azeroth as a whole. Only her people in Lordaeron matter to her. Be they living, dead, or even human. Nothing matters but that home pride. She’d kill, sure, but she’d rather just not and get back to beautifying and rebuilding the kingdom.
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Thankfully after the fel corruption removal, he is far less prone to eating things at random.
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Nili doesn’t really care much about the rah-rah Alliance and factions and whatnot. She worked for a Goblin cartel for years, she hung out with Tauren and Trolls and Undead and is largely okay with them on an individual level…
Except Orcs. She’ll never be okay with Orcs. She doesn’t actively want to kill Orcs, but if, you know, all of them up and just died or like, disappeared, or went to another world or another timeline or whatever, that would be okay with her.
Truce, no truce. War, no war. Peace, no peace. Is all words by people who think talk mean more than fish.
Tharakk tired of talk, go fish now.
Other than Wenzli and Xao’lio, they’ve all got a justified reason for the faction conflict. My Alliance characters have all suffered at the Horde’s hands and it’s the constant appealing for peace has only cost them more. Theramore, Teldrassil, various skirmishes with civilian casualties? Why would they EVER want peace with the people who killed their friends, families, and homes?
There is no reason to ever believe the Horde can change. Two major crimes had been caused and they keep brushing it off on “poor leadership”.
"I don’t remember Sylvanas lining up the catapults and launching them herself. "
"I don’t remember Garrosh personally delivering the mana bomb. "
This is a common sentiment carried by all my Alliance characters. And if defecting to some vigilantee crew would bring some justice, they might jump ship first chance they can to make the Horde pay.
The tenuous armistice between the Grand Alliance and the New Horde is inconvenient; every day the dissolute Stormwindians and the Horde’s marauders do not throw themselves against one another is a day they grow collectively stronger!
If the forces of evil are not arrayed against one another, then the tribulations placed before the righteous and faithful grow greater.
(the enemy of my enemy is my enemy i want to kill them both)
Strategically, it is a time to rebuild, recover, and research. A moment of rest is needed. By no means does my character think this peace will be lasting, no peace ever is. As such, she will use this time to fortify and strategize.
As a member of the Argent Crusade since its founding as the Argent Dawn, and as a half elf, Halandor agrees with this peace and hopes it will reach full fruition. There are evils in the world that do not sleep, and the Argent Crusade cannot fight then all alone, or constantly having to play peacekeeper in a conjoined mission rife with faction tension.
Grekha, an orc that I’m trying to build, is Horde leaning Neutral. She would like for the peace to stay, however should the Alliance break the armistice she will not hesitate to fight for the Horde.
War… Peace… It matters not what you do in life, for in the end… there is only Death!
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Publically, doesn’t like it. Thinks it’s a waste of time to give the Horde time to breathe and there are more lands and territories that were traditionally Alliance held that should have been secured before the idea of peace was entertained.
Privately, doesn’t care. The war re-defined some borders and as long as what was Gilnean territory is returned, that’s good enough to rebuild and prepare incase another war decides to creep up. The only hang up he might have is that he wants to see reparations of some sort given to his kingdom considering they were dragged into this mess as a neutral nation initially.
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Ashandra’s opinion on the relative peace-time can be summed in the words;
“Oh, good.”
She is a san’layn playing at saving the lives of others in defiance of her monstrous nature. She is a healer and a mender first and foremost and cares little for the politics of Alliance and Horde. People are people, and people deserve a chance to live, and to get good healthcare.
Of course, that isn’t to say she doesn’t rather quite loathe The Horde for its inability to resist even a single genocidal demagogue. If push comes to shove and a Fifth War begins to brew, she’d hedge her bets with The Alliance.
Kaytin left the horde to seek out a broader understanding of the world he lives on. His time amongst the alliance has shown him that at our core, we are all just surviving on this planet and making the best of what we have. He cares little for politics these days and prefers to view everyone as Azerothians. Not by their factions. He is always waiting to see what the future holds when it comes to the faction divide.
Continuing the discussion from How does your character feel about peace between the Alliance and the Horde?:
I am Ramathor, Paladin of the alliance. I do not seek peace with the enemy horde. They have corrupted our city’s, our treaties, and our noblemen, women and children. They must still pay for the havoc they have caused during BOA and shadowlands. I will hunt every last one of them until there is real peace to be made. They have slaughtered my friends and family. I do not seek peace.
I vibe with this.
Etzlii is also tired of it, to the point where he went to an entirely different world (being an interdimensional void creature has its perks) and is staying there.
Etzlii have good fish spot there? Tharakk like to fish new places.
Oh definitely, fishing is pretty big there; they even have a city whose economy partially revolves around fishing. (Talking about FFXIV for the record lol).
All of my characters hate it, although the peace could be a good chance to rest / recover.
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Arthur despies it. He’s been witness to far too many Horde atrocities to see them as anything other than savages.
However, this hatred doesnt necassarily extend to races. Individual trolls or tauren, for example, who either have no Horde affiliation or distance themselves from it he doesn’t mind.
Only exception is the Forsaken. Undead all deserve to be destroyed, even those who didn’t ask to become one.
Mithra is Lightforged Doom Slayer and could care less about the Horde. She enjoys terrorizing demons and void beings, that’s all that matters.
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Dennis, who never cared much for the war anyway, has moved on to his greatest foe yet since losing his job in the mine.
Tyri hopes it will last so she can retire somewhere tropical and never have to deal with lesser races or undead ever again.