How do you make your gold

I recently hit gold cap (~214,000g) in WotLK which was somewhat of an unoffical goal of mine for the expansion and with me hitting it, it got me wondering how other people get their gold.

Do you GDKP for it, do you not care for it, do you buy tokens or RMT it (doubt anyone will admit to that). I’m curious at how you make your gold.

For me I flip trade goods (including DE’ing BoEs). I use TSM for it and honestly it’s great, seeing the line graph of your total gold is pretty satisfying.

In WRATH, gold is very easily obtained. All my toons have herbing and skinning, by just selling on AH, doing quests and dailies, I have made about 100k.

Okay first you didn’t answer my question, how do YOU make YOUR gold.

Second, Nerf Ulduar isn’t what you think it is, it’s a guy calling you out.

Third, I’ve already seen this, you posted this like 3 months ago.

Forth, There’s no unlimited lvl 80 boosts, it’s one per account.

There actually is unlimited boosts now. I would buy one or two, if it had been released 3 months earlier. Wanted to try out a shaman but seemed pointless with how late it came.

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What are you talking about where are you seeing this?

Instantly grant one character a one-time boost to level 80 so that they’re ready to begin their journey into the newly sundered Azeroth. Level 80 Character Boost cannot be redeemed on “Fresh Start” realms. Certain restrictions apply. Visit for more information

Are you talking about this because this is the only boosts available in WotLK.

I bought a few tokens… But I’m in a dead server where I can’t reliably use the AH.

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That guy is just a regular forum troll, just flag and ignore.

Unlimited 80 boosts were added when they announced Cata, they’re in the shop somewhere.

As for how I make my gold… Secret. But I can make 4k per week for like an hour of work, and it’s not possible for bots or gold farmers to do the same method. I don’t really farm gold outside of that because I don’t need it.

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congrats ! personally I had a huge issue with gold on the beginning of TBC , getting flying and tailoring BOEs for raid. I was a bit clueless on how to make gold and struggled . by the end of TBC , I dedicated daily time to complete numerous dailies and gathered 20k to start WOTLK. During this expansion , I made gold mostly from dungeons and quests, but nowadays I leveled a couple of professions (tailoring, herbalism, enchanting and jewel crafting ) which offer good gold depending available materials . I really dislike pugging and GDKPS so that’s a no no to me. all in all I only have around 24k at the moment not trying hard and yes TSM is a must

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I don’t kek. My peak was like 60k once.

Early Wrath, I bought A LOT OF of those lightsaber swords. Like 30 for about 150-250g a pop. And now with Cataclysm announcement, their prices have gone up to 5-9k. So I’ve sold like 10 or something. But last night I blew it on Whelpling pets, as those are just super rare zone drops.

But I do have x3 Ethereum Nexus-Reaver, that I managed to snag at like 5k a pop. So I’m hoping to sell them at some point.

I raid with guild. So I never really needed gold. I hate GDKPs. But I decided to join one last week on my shamy alt. Sent it all my gold. Won a 264 token. At the end of the run leader left with the pot. Ofc, we all reported him. SO THAT WAS FUN!

And I’d never have enough gold to join like a areal Heroic one. People there have millions banked.

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Yeah I had the same issue with gold in TBC, I started TBC with ~16k and that went very quickly with me buying epic flying on 2 toons and getting to 375 tailoring. I mainly made my gold through fishing in TBC, there was so many useful items that were obtained through fishing and it was just a casual gold farm. I still did flip some items but mainly it was fishing.

Once WotLK started though is when I started to really lean heavily into AH flipping and even making my TSM favourite searches reflect that.

I have no idea what this could be, how mysterious.

Ah yeah a nice investment with a remarkable return, I’ve seen people running around with two different ones for Xmog.

I bought pretty much all of the whelplings, all but one, I farmed the Azure Whelpling and let me tell you it wasn’t fun. I made a thread on how to get vanity pets and I linked a probability chart of getting a whelpling.

I got mine after ~1,600 kills over the course of like a week.

The chart

Items like the Ethereum Nexus-Reaver will be quite expensive I’d assume in early Cataclysm before prices begin to settle but it’s hard to predict the potential profit from such items.

Yeah, I’ve only really done one GDKP and that was back in Classic. It was an AQ40 run and I got the Silithid Sword off of Visc for 3k (was a lot for me at the time) and it got replaced like 1 week later in a guild run in Naxx. I don’t know I just don’t like spending gold to get gear you could otherwise get for free.

Sucks that the RL took the gold and ran but what can you do…

Got desperate for shamy gear so i paid the price lmao
This is my main. 11/12 HC prebuff. I got a few 5.7-5.8 alts, and they are basically fully gered via RDF. My prot warr and Ret pala only ran ICC 10 like twice. But I bought every single badge gear available. So being 5.7, they are on standby for a guild as a body filler. xD

Made myself a promise - in Cataclysm I’m not going to level up a single alt. MAYBE ONE. In MoP, however, I’m after Paladin and Druid challenger sets. I’m sad I missed MoP on retail. I got Legion hall sets on Retail, but MoP challenge dungeons are POGGGGGG

So I’m not really in need of gold.
There are really only 2 ways to become giga rich.

  1. You are GDKP runner. No guild. Just GDKP community/roster, so you make 5-10k every week.
  2. You swipe like a maniac.

But I also believe that GDKPs are the root cause of RMT problem. :person_shrugging:

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When Wrath Classic first launched, I played on Skyfury, which was a fresh launch server. I had some guildies who made 15-20K gold during the first couple of weeks with inscription, and was pretty impressed by that!

Anyway, for me I did some quests at max-level, sent any materials/boes to an AH alt, and listed on the AH. I chose mining/herbalism as primary professions for my druid, and spent some time daily farming mats, as well as fishing/cooking.

With that, I was able to afford dual spec, epic and cold weather flying, enchants and raid consumes for my two main characters, and save a little here and there without really trying. One day, about a month into Ulduar being the current raid, our server was seemingly in decline and people were leaving. There was one relatively well-known GDKP group, and I joined their run.

I didn’t win any bids on items, but I left with more than 7,000g than I had entered with. That effectively doubled my total gold. I stopped farming with my gathering professions that day, and started attending GDKPs regularly on one of my characters.

I didn’t hit gold cap of (~214,000g). I actually didn’t know that was gold cap. I had about 100,000g when I stopped playing Wrath about 2 months before SoD launched.


I’ve become a lot better off in terms of WoW gold by joining a guild back mid TOGC that is solely guild based GDKP.

I feel like I get a lot of gold every week and our payouts are extremely low compared to a community or pug based GDKP. We probably get anywhere between 10-20k payouts a week depending on drops. I go to our “community” run which is basically 95% guild alts and the last 5% is friends who are in other guilds who bring their alts to our run. And even that payout is about 10-15k.

I feel like a lot of pug gdkp’s payouts are insanely high. Maybe they’ve dropped a bit with the release of SoD and a lot of people who are generally disinterested in Cata but a couple GDKP’s on Bene i’ve seen have pots around 30k~ish that are like full pug. And thats w/o insane drops.

But i’ve done pretty well off in my guild alone. I have 2 characters at gold cap which is already more gold than I know what to do with. I’ve just started paying for some close friends WoW subs.

yeah idk what you guys do with all that gold.

Like, I never had a lot, but im also a collectionist (not a real word) now. So I have the use for the gold, buying pets/mounts etc, meanwhile people loaded don’t do any of that xD

Outside of paying for my WoW sub, some close friends, and spending a very small amount in my guilds community to gear an alt I basically just sit on it. Saving for something in cata when inevitably it’ll costs 10s of thousands of gold. Probably the new darkmoon card trinkets.

I’m still stuck in the mindset of going from having maybe 10k at my max to now having 2 gold caps constantly. Anytime I get a new item i’m like “well here goes half my gold for enchants/consumes/gems/” and then im like “ah nvm didn’t even put a dent in”.

Only thing I think i’d be happy to part with a very large chunk of gold on would be Invincible and Crimson Deathcharger. I’m hoping a guildy will not care about it and sell it to me haha

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Vial of the Sands gonna cost a pretty penny

Started wotlk with 60k and “ended” it with 470k…

Just bought eternal life and fire when low and sold for x5 later on… and had tailoring alts… nothing more lol.

I filled several bank tabs full of titanium ore back before Ulduar and turn that into epic gems when togc came out. I just turn scarlet rubies into cardinal rubies with a few transmute spec alchs now.

214k is the cap? I was over 200k for a while before spending a pile on alts. I never actually hit the cap though because my gold is spread out over numerous characters, not all on 1 guy.

I mainly just do daily runs and cut honor gems. Sometimes I get paid to make elixirs, potions, transmutes, or cut gems. Few days ago someone had me transmute like 100 arcanite. I think they paid me 200g and 5 endless rage flasks.

I only really level alts for professions and only really getting them to max level when I have nothing to do (which is pretty much always at this point in the game).

Ah yeah node farming, I was on that endless treadmill in Classic and TBC with fishing but I feel that WotLK kinda killed it by limiting what you can get.

100k is plenty of gold, are you planning on playing Cata?

Yeah it will but I’m hoping that there’s not that many Alchemists, I think it’s best to do it in phase 1 cause IIRC the legendary staff uses sand for its quest chain.

Damn… Yeah Eternal Life was massive early on and Eternal Fire really blew up.

Nice strat, I bought 4.2k Titanium Ore and milled it all for personal use.

Yeah I kept it all on my bank alt cause when I had it on my main I’d over spend. Now it’s mainly spread across two characters, both are AH toons (one of them just sells glyphs).