How do you make gold?

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By using the Master’s Hammer and completely removing my repair costs…

TSM’s external application just feeds pricing data to the add on. It doesn’t violate anything.

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WQ, AH, Dungeon Runs (Heroics specially) and Past expansion Raids.

Making money in wow is EXTREMELY easy now…
unless you are trying to make gold in classic Hardcore or Classic SoD.
it really is hard to make gold there.

No, tons of people use the addon and desktop app.

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Guess I better learn how to use it then instead of just auctionator. >.<

There are youtube videos that hold your hand through the entire thing to set it up. Just need to follow directions really. It’s not that bad.

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I’ll give it a peruse thank you so much. :smiley: Any video / person you recommend in particular for these videos / gold making while I’m on there?

I just do quests and world orders when I come across them. Probably made 2-4 million this expansion above what I used to level my professions up without any real effort.

I don’t remember but if you search for like, TSM youtube tutorial you’ll find a few. Each person has a different way to explain it.

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Sanctums are the covenant hall things from SL. And it doesn’t require L3 garrisons but it does drop the return by a chunk. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

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Ohhhhhh it’s a Shadowlands Garrison NOT WoD. I haven’t done SL stuff really. I played SL for a week or so and saw the Maw and left. >.<

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$20 270k gold. If you have the means to do that… generally making $20 takes a lot less time than farming 270k gold. If you like farming gold, cool. I sure don’t.

When the token was 370k I bought some, seemed worth the time for me instead of gold farming used it to boost level toons before this patch

I actually run both…they average pretty evenly at ~500 gold each/day. The setup does take some time but then you can run minions with the phone app. I do that on breaks and it only impacts my actual play time 30 mins a week to sell all the stuff. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

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It’s not as lucrative now…but tanking LFR gear with my alts made some nice coin. The Draconic Augment Runes in the bonus purses would sell for absurd amounts for most of the expansion.

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As a player who owns the Bruto mount and made over 81 million and counting, I farm rare drops, mounts, items, etc. I will seek out extremely rare drops from old dungeons and I will farm it relentlessly until it drops. I also farm BoE toys, rare vendor items that are in limited supply and you have to camp vendors for the items to show up, etc.
I used to herb and mine and sell all that, but now it’s far more profitable to farm rare drops in the world.

Some rare drops will take months to sell, but making 500k-1 million for a drop is worth it in the end. Smaller drops that sell for 5k-30k will sell much faster and they add up fast.

Example, I used to farm the Reins of Poseidus seahorse mount some years ago. It was a 100% drop rate but it was in the middle of nowhere, so it wasn’t heavily camped at the time. I sold them for 25,000 gold each and I sold tons and tons of them. It made me several million gold. However, some guy in my own guild at the time caught on as he always saw me out there camping the spawn. he began camping it as well and undercutting me on the AH. Eventually I dropped the price so low that he gave up, but by then, the good fortune for that drop was about over. I had over saturated the market by dropping the price so low and so many people had bought one, the sales slowed down to a trickle. I still have 2 bank tabs full of those mounts on my old druid toon. Sadly they only sell for about 2000 gold now, so I don’t mess with it too much.

Back when Dire Maul had the 3 rare spawns in the arena, I would camp those on 2 accounts. I’d watch TV while camping and I had a mod that made a screaming sound when they popped up. They had a high chance of dropping the Orb of Deception, back when it was still rare. I would get multiple Orbs some days and had a bank full of them. I was selling those for huge amounts of gold and this was way back, before we had tokens or anything. I made tons of money off that one drop, but sadly they did away with it and the farming was no more.

I have other rare drops I farm now and no, I won’t tell you which ones, lol. I try to milk each one for as long as possible. I have others that are super super rare and just require farming old dungeons hundreds of times before you see a drop. It’s a pain, but they sell for tons of gold.

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I used to farm old raids for gold and then they nerfed the gold from them so now I don’t farm gold at all.