How do you make gold?

I do 2 things. I run the low hanging fruit world quests that give gold on ~14 chars. I also dump all the marketable items they loot into a categorized guild bank and run full scans with auctionator to see what is worth listing every day. I hodl gang on stuff with a low price, and list things with a high price.

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Sell boosts.

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600G world quests, treasures, crafting, flavor packets.

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i trade, primarily. professions and trading the prof stuff.

Do the gold world quests in the Dreamsurge zone whenever the Dreamsurge magpies buff is up. There are only two right now afaik (sometimes there’s also a PvP quest that gives gold in WM but I haven’t checked) but it’s still decent gold if you have a bunch of alts.

Also another thing you can do if you have a bunch of alts is do the tuskarr feast weekly on all of them for like a 2 or 3 percent chance at an item that sells for 70k gold. And do the niffen and dream wardens weeklies because those still give gold too

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feet pics… :foot:


I have made so much gold this expansion it is laughable.

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Aren’t we all.

Don’t be poor IRL and buy 20 tokens (the max you can buy) per week.

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I am a long time glyph seller. Don’t make nearly as much as I did before the region wide commodities merge…but still do well enough for my means.

I would never tell anyone how I make gold. If it got out they’d nerf it.

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Well you start with a pentagram and some chicken blood…

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WoW tokens

class in need ques and world quests

I have an Awakened Order gathering route I do that has a lot of Tuskarr Tackleboxes along the way. Most of them are junk but I get the occasional recipe and sometimes they have vendor trash in them that’s worth several hundred gold.

It all adds up.

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I’m still making 10k+ a day running 10 garrisons/sanctums on my phone during work breaks and 1 hour/week selling the gains. Then I make another 50-80k a week while playing 6-8 hours; am a casual doing WQ things and the current patch weeklies on alts. Having no problems making enough to pay for my sub, although it’s not WoD or even SL money but way more than BfA. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

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Quests and farming old content. I’m leveling an alt for each race to unlock Heritage Armors so I get lots of gold from just questing. Sometimes I’ll go out and do some WQs if I’m bored enough. And because I like collecting transmog sets, I get gold plus vendor trash from farming older dungeons and raids.

You literally log in and play and the game showers you with gold for nothing.

I hear you can spin straw into it.

  • -Dragon Races, 3-4k per character
  • -Climbing and Riverboat quests
  • -Paragon caches in SL can be farmed kind of fast now.
  • (deleted because everyone crashed the market after I posted this and it no longer makes gold)
  • -Selling blue gear from Emerald Dream
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