How do you make gold?

As far as I know even if the collision produces a black hole it still creates a kilonova were heavyier elements can form.

The basic model for thermal transients from neutron star mergers was introduced by Li-Xin Li and Bohdan Paczyński in 1998.[1] In their work, they suggested that the radioactive ejecta from a neutron star merger is a source for powering thermal transient emission, later dubbed kilonova.[13] Kilonovae are thought to be the predominant source of stable r-process elements in the Universe

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Where do you find free nucleons?? I have to pay $7.99 for mine.


I slam neutron stars together for ready checks.

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For many years it was selling carrys - PVP “training” was one - we’d take a customer into arena, do our best to compensate for what started as dead weight, FRAPs it then do a voice overlay talking about how and where the player could improve and send them the video to study. Some people learned, but many just used the service as a boost. We eventually got frustrated about people not trying hard to learn and quit. A few of us just stopped with PvP carrys altogether and others went to the dark side and did pilots (they since left this game)

Then those of us still playing WoW did new raid carrys for gear and (smaller friends-list group) old raid achievement carrys for achieves/mounts for a while - making around a million a run we would split. We’d advertise in trade on multiple realms using alts, built up a list of repeat customers, etc. We farmed that business for a long time. But now streamers give that service away in exchange for engagement so you are competing against “free”. Also, Blizz has discouraged sales by communities so the structure we used did not work anymore.

Right now I’m still sitting on a lot of gold so haven’t been doing anything for a while but if I need gold again (honestly can’t think of much I would buy right now except game time) I’d have to start from scratch - look at what kinds of services are not being represented and “get the band back together” to see if we can sell whatever that is.

Bluntly, it’s not that different than what an entrepreneur does IRL - find a need that’s not being met and see if you can make a profit filling it. And, often, as with any business… the real money is in organizing it. Then you “hire” players to “help” for “x” money/gold/items and resell their talents for “x times 2” (pocket the difference as profit).

climbs on mailbox


Everything we are was made in space by either the big bang, the cores of stars or supernovas.

It’s wild.

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I don’t anymore :sob:

Compared to Shadowlands, DF has been an ultra-dry “desert” as far as goldmaking goes (…for solo/casual players anyways) :desert::hot_face::desert:

Min-maxxed profession types, Mythic raiders, and preexisting “goblins” seem to be doing fine though

Definitely hasn’t been their best expansion as far as casual goldmaking is concerned… Shadowlands was S-tier compared to the current gold drought in DF, but even earlier expansions from WoD thru BFA all seemed to have easier goldmaking (mostly due to the mission table, but also other methods)


I know richie richie he gave me gold. Now I am a millionaire

Since Shadowlands’ change of region wide commodities on ah.
I’ve barely made the gold I used to.

I went into flipping for a few days.

Crafting old world stuff. Since DF stuff barely sells now for me.

Now gold making is barely anything unfortunately.

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Don’t really have a reason to get a lot of gold…used to buy a lot of mounts in the AH but there are hardly any mounts that are sellable anymore, so nothing really to spend my gold on. I do a lot of repairs and transmog changes, but those are chump change and not expensive to me, so I just build gold and occasionally drop some on a new vendor mount or something if it pops up. Just me though…

I really don’t buy much so for what I do buy weekly quest keep it going.
What does need tons of gold for unless you are buying carries.

In that case buy a token, my time is more valuable to me than the cost of a token.

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Transmute Dream Wardens Tabard to gold. I’m gonna get rich!


I just play the game and don’t really need to spend any gold outside raid materials and repairs.

In game? World quests, old content.

Otherwise, if I really wanted it, I just ask Lady Visa or Master Card. It would be easier for me to work an extra hour in a week for a million gold than to create it in game.


Be a female night elf and dance on the mail box.

WQs. Professions. AH. Farming.

Farming is best right after the expansion and patch drops, then it’s diminishing returns after a few weeks since blizzard hasn’t figured out a way to get players to spend their stored materials.

i carry keys for gold.

usually at start of each expansion i do some AH and professions

:rofl: … that one gave me a carpet burn.

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Naxx tier 3 farm mostly with some m+ boosting too.

“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”

― Carl Sagan