How do you guys manage to play every day?

The answer is, I don’t play every day. I have other hobbies that take priority. WoW is like maybe 15 hours a week, if that.

Just because it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s not the most painful way to play this game

Give yourself something to do.

I farm mounts, but I also farm speed sets for my alts to make mount farming easier. Which also means I farm rep and anything else that goes with mounts, so I am not just running the same instances over and over, but I am doing instances that don’t drop mounts for gear optimisation and overworld stuff.

So that’s just over 2 hours a day every day, or 3-4 hours a few days a week, that’s still a lot of time playing even if you don’t do it every day.


Is it though? 15 out of 168? It’s usually 3-4 hours a few days and that is spent running m+ or leveling an alt. I spend more time in a week reading.

Random bgs.


I hop on my alts and stroll through old zones and raids. I’ll also do casual pvp when I feel like I’m too far behind the current content and don’t want to stress over trying to catch up.

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I quit Shadowlands after a month when it launched. Came back a few weeks back and have lots to do!

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In no particular order:

  1. collecting mogs
  2. collecting achevements
  3. collecting mounts
  4. M+

I get on and a buddy gets on. We both find our own little task but also just chat the whole time.

Do you even know what slack jaw means :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Try playing classic. I used to be like you when I was playing retail so I just quit. But with classic I actually get on and enjoy playing, every day.

You have to be interested in playing. ERP used to get me to log in each and every day, but now that I am engaged and not allowed to ERP anymore, I have to rely on content to get me logging in.

Unfortunately, the content I like is in short supply because they left out Archaeology this time around.

So, these days, I don’t even make it to the character selection screen to stare at my characters. I just load up Hades, Tales of Arise, or Stray and call it good.

I tried classic to go back when I had more time, but now like I said it’s different. Back the. I could play classic 4-5 hours a day before or after my work, but now it’s just to slow.

Tbt honest I’ll rather go on Pvt S and play some fun insta 70 or 60 just for sake of fun.

Sad to hear that. Did you end up being stuck on a realm everyone abandoned? If so, sorry that happened. It sucks and Blizzard needs to fix it but they won’t. But for me, since I’m playing on highly populated realms in BC, I’m having a great time. Very excited for wrath. Might be worth a try for you when it comes out.

But I think part of the reason I got so bored of retail was every time I logged in the game tried to direct me to 50 different dailies and other garbage that I “should” do every day and I would just procrastinate and avoid doing them until I eventually just started staring at my screen and not wanting to do any of those things the game was trying to tell me to do at all. So I quit. Classic, so far, however has felt extremely enjoyable for me.

Other than that I’d recommend maybe just leveling alts. I love leveling and trying out new classes

I didn’t play 2021/22 version of wow. I was playing back then in 2007/08. Then I had more time between work. It that I don’t have time now it’s just I’m not easily entertained with current state.

I hop on transmog farm this morning and like usual nothing, my mage still dones that’s piece of BWL gear. And it gets exhausting which was one of my favorite things to do.

M+ I did run some 10 keys but it’s the most boring content. 30+ min run and 15-20 min looking for healer or tank that will last trough whole run.

Raid puging is terrible. This game revolves around having a good active raiding guild, without that you’re stuck as solo player who has to grind whole expansion to meet mythic player half way in ilvl quality

I’m having fun. I’ve learned to do the stuff I enjoy, and not do anything that feels like a job. I get immersed in the game, and all my characters have their own stories they’re playing through. I do my own writing to fill in the gaps and expand on the in-game offerings, and even do graphics to accompany them.

I can’t do the lobby game thing. I have to be out adventuring.


Right now, I level up. So much xp!

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I dont. I do keys with friends mostly on my main on nights were we agreed on. Then probably play alts on off night or just do something else if I dont feel like playing wow.

I think you should at least give Classic a try then and see if you like it or not. It worked for me.

set a goal for myself and once i reach that log off.

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