How do you guys manage to play every day?

Kinda silly question :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I open WoW stare at character screen for about 10-15 minutes and close the game. For some reason I can’t entertain my self but have the urge to play something. What do you guys do that keeps you in this game non stop ?


Alts. Lots and lots of Alts.

And professions, reps, mount farming… et al!


You know, this is a great question.

Now, I’m not sure how other people handle it but for me, personally, I don’t.


have 3 accounts, and my main account has about 20 characters, different race class combo. I even started to level some new combination but usually give up around lvl 12 or 13 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I also don’t play.

I like gear/power progression, so I start a patch by doing the typical M+ grind, maybe Raid as well depending on how I’m feeling for that tier (it’s hit or miss since I quit my regular team in BfA). That keeps me busy for awhile the first time through. Once I get to the point where I’m really just waiting on the Weekly Vault or whatever, I’ll start doing the same process on an alt or two. But modern WoW design makes that a pain in the butt to maintain if you have too many, so 1 or 2 is where it stops. It also starts to feel more pointless the more you repeat the process. I like having the ability to play a few different playstyles, but ultimately I am not an altoholic.

I am also not a collector. Some folks kill SO much time just grinding out old raids on 30 characters a week for Transmog and Pets and such, and that just sounds soul draining to me. I don’t care much for that kind of vanity thing. If I want a specific Transmog I’ll go farm it, then stop after I get it. The act of 1-shotting old content nonstop is the opposite of fun for me, so I avoid it if I don’t have a hyper specific goal I can knock out quickly.

I want combat. And I want my ability to play well to matter. I want to be able to compete with others. I want to get upgrades. That’s what I’m looking to do in this game. So that’s what I do, and that pretty much ties me to current patch endgame group content.

And that’s why, right now, I’m not playing. I already did that for this patch. Season 4 offers 0 new content. I am not willing to re-grind what I already did when there’s no new content to justify it.


Nobody is forcing you to play. If you’re bored/burned out, quit wasting the 15+ mins and just decide to do something else with the time.

There is plenty of actually do in the game. That’s why you play. The activities and potential rewards are worth the time. If that isn’t there for you, just move along and wait until you actually feel a drive/desire to play.


Well wont argue you’re right.

I look at my toons and think “Do I want to go trough LFG and look for M+ groups for another mindless grind ? Naah to bred for that”
Do I have patience to wait for raid group in LFG? Nah, most of the group completed half of the raid"
Used to raid like maniac in Europe , but here it slowed down

I open retail, I look at my character, switch specs, hit the target dummy, remember I currently hate every single spec on my favorite class, without any desire to do M+ and not being on a raid team until S4 starts, I close the game, boot up classic and chill for the day.

Also, having to step in Oribos, the interdimensional airport completely drains my motivation, Shadowlands(as in the location) was such a dumb idea for an expansion.


Have friends.


I tried classic for change , but took me half a day for one level. I was like hell naw man :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ald+f4 and uninstall the game

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Honestly, I don’t. I pop in to do daily stuff when I’m motivated, or I’ll log in when people are around for leys, but otherwise I don’t. And that’s fine, gives me time for other games and stuff.

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Again, the game is what you make of it. I have a near full account of level 50’s and far too many 60’s. I’m bored to death of the game and only leveling some of the 50’s to take advantage of the XP buff and to see how quick some of them can be. They literally ding 60 and go back to Oribos where they’ll rot essentially until the next leveling frenzy I go on in deep lulls in content. Like literally, several of these toons exist purely to do mount/mog runs at most.

Some tryhards only play this game to log and prog. Some people are the exact opposite and only do absolutely trivial and impossible to fail content like super legacy raids. Most people are between the 2 extremes. The only thing that matters is what you find enjoyment doing.

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Depending on how I feel I go anywhere from 4 to 8 hours a day. 8 is very rare but taking advantage of getting some 50s to 60 with Winds xp.

Mostly just leveling and findingnstuff tonadd to collections along the way.

I understand you, Classic is really, really slow but that’s my favorite part about it. I grew up on the instant gratification era of games, by the time I was 13 and started really getting into computer games, Skyrim was super popular, Legendary Edition had come out not long ago and stuff but it was, at the end of the day, a game of “follow the quest marker for 1.2miliseconds of dopamine”(randomly finding stuff on your way to the marker was fun though).

Then I tried Morrowind a few years later and my love for games that delay the gratification kinda sparked from there, Classic, TBCC and I am sure WOTLKC provide that niche that, well, almost no game does nowadays, last one that hit that spot for me was Elden Ring.

I don’t know, every level in Classic feels really damn good for me, and every two levels in Classic feels really damn good.


I only log in when my guildmates are in voice doing things else I just do other things with my time.

I enjoy hanging out with the guild people I play with.

Our raids are fun. Our tanks routinely try to murder people with knockbacks, our healers can cause deaths with dispels (or not) during certain trash, watching hunters accidentally go flying off of ledges is never boring, and one poor druid just can’t get a break with certain uses of wild charge. I definitely am not guilty of stacking unpleasant mechanics on our raid leader, and I definitely haven’t been busted for it. Definitely. At all.

I run mythic+ with a subset of them, which is enjoyable/entertaining. I’ll spend some time grabbing some mats to help with guild progression stuff like runes, feasts, flasks, etc, I don’t mind playing the occasional alt, or learning how to properly handle resto, etc. Individual character progression is fun for me.

Every day though? Eh, not necessarily. Specific nights we raid/run mythic+. One of the things I do otherwise is vary my games. Some single player RPGs, some multiplayer co-op games, etc… I try not to let myself play one game too much and burn out on it.

You know after so many years instant gratification sounds amazing. I get that many gamers and big names live off games and they want games to have some progress or difficulty to it, but not having commit yourself fully to the game is allot of people la idea.

Right now I’m leveling alts with the xp buff. You might be burned out on the game. It’s ok to take breaks.

Its all about friends. I’d never log back in if i didn’t have the amazing people i have to play with

I just login redo the mission table stuff, check the daily calling if I can get 2 or 3 done in one zone. Redo the Ah and log off.