How do you guys manage to play every day?

Friends. I wouldn’t play this game if it weren’t for friends. A revolving door of people trying it for the first time or rejoining after a hiatus… always helping people catch up so they can raid with us. Such a great social game.

I understand exactly what you mean I feel that way to at times.

I try to not force my play first off as weird as that seems I used to do that. Don’t really feel like play but I’m bored so I do anyway. I stopped that habit a while ago.

Next I don’t raid so I really don’t have a main but I play a lot of other characters.

The biggest thing ….I set a goal.

Like one goal I just did was unlock nightborne. A new goal is get my shaman to 60.

At one point I want to unlock heritage armor for dwarf.

Just stuff to aim for. If I am playing for something it helps me out to enjoy the experience more.

Finally the big secret…I take breaks weeks at a time sometimes months, so I don’t play every day all the time.


I have no life at all so its easy to login to kill time. Its not fun time but its not staring at 4 walls either

As an RPer, I pose as a bard and transmog farm. Also attend RP events.


I take month long breaks and play other MMO’s. So far at least, every other MMO I play, while good, never lives up to WoW, so I always end up coming back appreciating the game even more.

I don’t because of work, kids, school, new house, exams, summer honey do lists, kids go to bed at 9, have to be awake at 6 every morning, often drive 250 miles a day, and I simply just don’t want to sacrifice my sleep to be good at the game.

So, I play a few minutes to an hour or more some weeks and that’s about it. I live vicariously through other people. I pretend that I’m a raider or that I can step into a high arena. I also pretend that I could do a +10.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


I need this level of slack-jaw in my life.

You could do a plus 10. All it takes is a little practice.

Honestly with practice I think anyone can do a plus 15. All it takes is a little self awareness of standing out of the bad or bad inc

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I highly recommend looking into pvp in DF. It should become very alt and casual friendly for those who don’t have a lot of time to play if blizz don’t go back on their word


You forgot having a group of 4 reliable, consistent, non idiot people to play with

I don’t and to be honest I struggle to understand the people who want WoW to be a permanent game for them. Even beyond the scope of WoW there aren’t any games that I play forever and ever. Even my favorites don’t see much play any more once I know them front to back and there’s not much new they can offer me.

I play WoW heavily whenever there’s new content and then I peter off once I’ve had my fun until the next content patch. I don’t see anything wrong with that, WoW is a seasonal game.

It’s one of the reasons I advocate people buy their subs in one-month increments. There’s definitely a few months in every year you can safely skip your WoW sub and that ends up saving a bit of cash in the long run.

I like solo shuffle and most BGs. I just cannot get into rated content. Nothing wrong with the game; it’s a me problem.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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I play different games when WoW sucks.

So sadly, I’ve been playing different games for awhile, now.

Why? I pugged for the mount in season 3

I start with the mission table and go from there to the project on my list.

Easy: I treat it as a game
When I want to play, I play
When I don’t want to play, I don’t

I don’t “manage” to play every day because I don’t want to play at all times, its a MMO, not a mandatory job - yes, MMOs require more time to ‘min-max’ and do all of these things to make the ‘most’ out of the game, but… at that point you are talking with either someone who likes doing that, or have been told that they have to like doing that in order to justify someone else having an unhealthy relationship to games

I have played less SL than any other expansion that is true, but that’s largely because I hate the city I log into every single time - covenants are cute, but Oribos is boring
A lot of me enjoying the game is part of the scenery of the game, one of the many reasons why I still enjoyed and loved playing BFA until the end of it (yes, I know - oh my god, I enjoyed a ‘bad’ expansion!)

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in BfA when PvP wasnt tied to rated, i played everyday either by myself or with 1 or 2 friends. EpicBGs, Brawls, dailyBG till getting a win for conquest, do emissary quests while waiting for the que to pop, and 2 nights a week we would raid. I never needed to step foot in M+ either, gear was gear and i could get everything i needed from Warfronts, emissaries, BGs and raiding.
in SL i simply raid log. Not even sure i want to play during Season 4. CN was the only raid i thought was actually fun. I think i stick around out of habit.
People say, “alts”. i tried that, turns out i do not enjoy ranged classes.
where was i going with this? oh yeah, ShadowLands Sucks.

I mainly focus on making gold, and leveling armies of toons for gold making. Right now, I’m still just in retirement mode. But… I am seriously contemplating going whole hog on a few servers. idk yet. It’s been fun setting up professions for all these toons, too.

idk if I will reach 150 toons by the end of this expansion… I might try though.

I make my gold passively via the mission table and selling things I pick up haphazardly. With the upcoming expansion not possessing a mission table system this time, I’ve basically been cycling through all my 60’s (I have like 20ish I think?) around 3 times a day sending them out on gold and anima missions. Since I am unsure how we’ll be making gold in Dragonflight, or if it will be something I enjoy doing for that matter, I’ve been building up my stockpile of gold so in case gold making is a drag in the next expansion I’ll have a nice nest egg to rely on.

Outside of that, I’ve been transmog hunting. In particular I’ve been going after mail mogs for my upcoming Dracthyr character. I’ve already put together several mail outfits I like for the visage form and a few belts/shoulders to mix with the draconic form’s barber armor. Along the way I’ve hit a few choice mount bosses in the hopes of a nabbing a mount or two. I was even fortunate enough to pick up Midnight from Return to Karazhan a few days ago!