How do you forget to hero/lust?


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Ever been yelled at for using it at the wrong time? Yea it happens.


Same. I’ve played mostly rogue for 20 years so the idea that I actually have a spell to help the group is foreign to me.

Now of course I’m playing a tank and I get asked “when do you want lust?” and I’m still like “uhhh, idk, when things get spicy”

lol, I meant with the keyboard clicks upon the standard keybinds (1234567890 – =) :joy:

The only ‘click’ with mouse spells I personally have would be for non-combat pets & specific mounts (repair / transmog yakk), toys, hearthstone etc. :slight_smile:

Then the group leader should have thought about comp better and gotten someone who doesn’t need to have a pet out to lust.

Most comps will have an Augvoker anyway.

Lol what? BM scales like, third best with haste buffs like pi and lust…

“How do you forget to Lust/Hero:

Start of raid:

30 minutes later:

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Just did a very scientific test on my mage. And by scientific I mean not trying to optimize and accidentally using trinks in one rotation and not the other.

Without lust, with trinkets, it was 369k after second TotM.
With double lust, without trinkets, it was 630k.

I’m hitting that button and you can’t stop me.

From my experiences, it happens most in sub 15 keys. And its evokers and hunters. And usually it is because they do not know that they can cast bloodlust.

On the same note, I run into a lot of paladins that dont know that they can brez.

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Most of my shaman characters are named Lustbringer but I don’t use bloodlust in raids unless someone tells me or unless the fight is clearly going to end within 40 seconds. I play resto and bloodlust is mainly for the DPS and it isn’t always clear when they would prefer it

In dungeons I’ll bloodlust on whichever boss I’m most afraid of

Thing is, the start of the fight is seldom the best time to Lust, so if you don’t know the fight you’re more likely relying on the tank to tell you.

To be fair with Hunters, they need to have a Ferocity pet out to Lust (most have Cunning or Tenacity) and with Shaman and Mages (and, I think, Paladins too) in most Raids.

first off, lust is not a vital part of a hunter’s toolkit. only a certain pet types have it.

secondly, ask yourself why dps players get tunnel vision and continue to stand in fire/poison/acid/etc and not move???

You mean classes with lust? It’s Mage, Shaman and Evoker. Paladin has bres.

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Stacking and popping lust are the two hardest mechanics in LFR.

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Cuz i don’t have that spell in my spellbook.

On my mage I NEVER forget it. I agree it’s quite odd.

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This might come as a shock, but Marksman Hunters have to take a dps loss to pull out our pet to lust.

My pet has been perma-gone since WoD as Marksman. So shockingly, yes, I forget to pull it out 99.9% of the time.

Blame Blizzard for tying our lust to a pet rather than just give us lust ourselves.

The button LITERALLY DOES NOT EXIST for us if we don’t have a ferocity pet out. The lust button is replaced with a defensive for marksman.