How do you forget to hero/lust?

Multiple reasons. A big one is that Mages, shaman, evokers and hunters are all very common and only one of them has to press the lust button in a group, so if you aren’t regularly on lust duty it can become easy to forget when suddenly it is your job.

It’s like me and Soulstone. We have paladins, druids and DKs in our group, and brez classes are very common in general these days, and Soulstone still has an icky long cast time so often by the time I finish casting it, the dead guy is long back on his feet. Which makes me complacent and more likely to keep DPSing rather than rezzing. Which is fine, right up until either I’m the only brez available, or the dead guy is in an inconvenient location that I’m best to go for.

It’s just the way it is when many people can do the job that only has to be done every once in a while.

You do know that hunters only have lust when they have a certain pet type out….


Letter from PUG-scrubland:

As a hunter, if there’s someone else capable of lusting, I always ask the group at the start who wants to handle it. Half the time, no one answers, in which case I use my non-lust pet. If lust happens, great, if it doesn’t, hey, I asked. Words cost nothing.

It’s because lust classes get merciously flamed if they use lust at the wrong time. They would rather not use it than use it at the wrong time. The community made this problem.


So, assuming you’re using Lone Wolf, why is it taking you 7 seconds to use an instant cast spell? Assuming you aren’t using Lone Wolf, which pet are you using?

I’ve never mained a hunter but I’ve played one for a long time and I didn’t even know we had lust.

Is that the Cheetah speed buff?

What type is that? Asking because I didn’t even know hunters had a lust spell.

I legit forget that I have it on this character all the time. Mage, Shaman? I’m generally aware. But it moved into the Hunter toolkit fairly recently.

I even roll with a spider as my main pet, and I didn’t even know it had Primal Rage tucked into its spellbook at some point until I saw a mention of it on the forums some time ago :laughing:

Then again, I don’t do much in the way of content where it’d even make a difference. I don’t do dungeons including M+, I don’t do raids except maybe one shot at one or two wings of LFR per patch and in those it’s extremely rare that a Mage or Shaman doesn’t handle it.

I could probably remember to use it more when I’m soloing rare elites out in the world content that I do, but it just never seems like the right time :woman_shrugging:

Go watch the movie Seven. It’ll explain everything.


Even if that were true, you’re still asking them to swap to a different pet they wouldn’t normally be using. I don’t think anyone should ever rely on a hunter for lust unless the group’s dps is so bad you can’t get through the content you’re doing in that group.

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Has to be a ferocity pet


You don’t want to hit it when the group doesn’t want it. This gives some people lust anxiety and they end up not triggering it at all waiting for “the right time.”

I do this with a lot of my cooldowns, actually.


If I’m in a key with a MM Hunter who says we’re just going without lust I’ll hearth out. :dracthyr_heart:

I don’t usually play classes with lust/hero, so I have forgotten to lust when I’ve gone back to alting on one and I’m just not used to it.

This is why my bags are overflowing with consumable items like potions, flasks and other various boosting items that I never use and usually just end up vending at the end of an expansion. How do I know that I won’t need this more later??


Okay. :dracthyr_shrug:


I play my shaman fairly infrequently and have definitely forgot I’m the one with lust.

I had a 5 man where I was calling for it lol. Then like “oh yeah, that’s me.”


By focusing on everything else going on? Sometimes a lot is going on and hero is the last thing on my mind as an evoker, specially while keeping up EM.

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The right time is the time that’s been agreed upon before the key even begins.

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I don’t do keys so I wouldn’t know anything about that, but it makes sense. The rest of the game is kinda yolo

t-minus whenever it feels right.