How do you forget to hero/lust?

I’ve routinely seen players (especially hunters) just totally forget to lust. How do you forget such a vital part of your class’s toolkit? Do you not care about giving yourself +30% haste?

I could understand sometimes forgetting to press it if it’s one of those fights where it’s beneficial to save lust for a certain phase, but how do you forget it when all you have to do is press it at the very start?


Most of the time that I see, people don’t forget, they’re just waiting for the tank to tell them when to hit it.


Because it’s a dungeon, I’m on autopilot, and I’m high


Because I dont want to. I’d wind up fat-fingering it, so it is unbound. Get someone else to do it.


People are human.

Thread closed.


Sorry but i save it for phase 3 of Fyrakk.

Sue me!

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Pretty sure only time a hunter has blood lust is when they have the pet out with it, Get the shaman/mage to do it.


Even if you’re not fighting Fyrakk?

Gotta make sure it is ready just in case.


What’s lust?

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Only fight i care about using it.

I wait for mage to use timewarp.

Yeah I’m rarely ever the only person in the raid who can use it, so I let other people take care of it. Evokers love pressing it, I find.


Everyone else loves pressing it on pull ripgnarlrootlol

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Lust ? LUST?? SHaman ???

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Naw man mage can do it

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I have a theory that the longer people have played a class with it, the less they care about it, the less likely they are to press it

I legit forgot/was waiting on getting Lust on wiggle goat shaman… not realizing I got it like 4 levels ago because I had no idea what “Heroism” was cause I’m used to playing with Hordies :dracthyr_crylaugh:


If I don’t need it, I don’t generally use it.

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When I’m on a lust toon, I’ve come to remove it from any keybinds and far away from my clicking spells - because more times than not, I get told that I lusted “at the wrong time” or on the wrong pull, boss etc.

So yeah … either they communicate when they want lust – or call for it directly.
Otherwise I’m not dealing with whoevers BS toxicity. :person_shrugging:


I don’t forget. I just don’t want yelled at for using it at the wrong time.

If I ask and no one answers I’m hitting it when I feel necessary.