How do you forget to hero/lust?

as a hunter i run the pets i find appealing. if its not a lust pet too bad.

When I pug, I always try to get a second person who has lust there.

So I can just completely forget about lust.

If the hunter is the only lust class then that’s on the hunter for not lusting. But if there are other lust classes in the group, then it’s 100% on them. If there is another lust class, the hunter will have the extra defensive pet out, not the lust one. Yes, we can do the dismiss pet, then summon the lust one. But that takes away dps and time when other classes just have to hit a button.

I dont use abilities with more than 3 min CD

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yes because when someone says ‘lust’ I forget they mean ‘time warp’

Normally, when I’m playing a class that has lust, there’s someone else who is more used to lusting when needed. If there isn’t someone, I like to have the tank tell me when. Although now I’m maining a class without lust, so it’s no longer something I can forget to do.

As for hunters forgetting, if they’re the only one in your group with a lust, are you communicating that to them so they can get the proper pet out? They may be used to having someone else lusting and may not think to check to see if they need to worry about lust.

Yo, I faction changed my shaman from Vulpera to Draenei and saw the Heroism button and was like “what the heck is this button, I don’t recognize this icon… wait it’s lust?!” :dracthyr_lulmao:

I should make a macro that’s just /cast Heroism and give it the Bloodlust icon.

If its a dungeon

Talk about where you want lust like if its your key for example throne of tides

When its my key i tell the lusty class before the key starts to lust first pull, second boss and then last boss.

A lot of hinters especially like that since they run survivability pets rather than lusts pets

Yeah, this absolutely needs to be discussed before the key starts. If I ask lead where they want lust and they respond with yolo or not at all then I like to lust when a particularly easy trash pack is just about dead and there’s a gap till the next pack.

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Usually because whatever pug group i found myself in is at the brink of death 24/7 so im either spamming more heals, trying to take a little drink while they rush in and somehow are still managing to die. And of course when I’m too focused on preplanning the next events where the likelyhood things wont be interrupted or dodged is high and I must be able to pull them through it.

In my regular groups/decent pugs though, i remember the button. :rofl:

Yeah its beneficial but if you know how to play your class…you don’t need it.

Unless the tank or group leader tells me otherwise, I smash that button whenever I damn well feel like it, because it’s my perogative as the shammy, thank you VERY much. If someone has a problem, I type “OOPSIE” in chat. Haven’t been kicked yet for HERO abuse, if I ever did it’d be pretty rad tho, ngl.

As far as forgetting? LOL thats a new one lmao

Many are probably just used to someone else using it instead, so they don’t think of it. Since you mentioned Hunters it’s a bit complicated for them because:

  1. it’s a pet ability, not a hunter ability
  2. not all pets have it
  3. Marksman Hunters actually lose DPS by having a pet out

This is what I told the cops. They didn’t care :frowning:

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More like how do you forget to face the mobs away from the group as a tank? Did you not play WoW when every single raid and encounter had a dragon?

I just can’t anymore.

I don’t want to lust people with out total consent and so I will not do it.

Or how can a tank not hold aggro in DF? The number of times in keys that I’ve had a mob randomly turn and slap me back to the Shadowlands because the tank lost aggro is ridiculous.

I knew they’d given it to an extra Class, I just wasn’t sure which one.

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This is an ironic post, considering from the looks of things you’ve forgotten (or never bothered learning) how to play feral as a spec.

Keep throwing stones from that glass house, and keep CRUSHING the grey/green parses mate.