How do you forget to hero/lust?

I dont think ive ever been yelled at for lusting at the wrong time even if i fat finger it when we’re healing up after a pull. 99% of the time if you explain it was a mistake people will laugh it off. I have seen people get tilted on my non lust classes when our mage/shaman never lusts no matter how many times we ask. Then they finally do pop it on the last 5% of the last boss.

If you a lead,tell me where and when,though most of the time I would know but that is a given.
If not I’m not using it.

My groups shammy forgets even though the whole reason he rolled it was so we’d have someone to lust, this is even when we tell him the whole plan at the start of the dungeon so he knows incase the tank or heals are to distracted by mechanics to remind him.
Figure people like him are just forgetful and if the rest of the group doesnt notice til after the boss is dead or the group wiped it clearly wasnt on their mind either.

I don’t regularly play specs that have lust, so it’s easy to forget about. :person_shrugging:

It’s literally not my job in the raid group. And often in dungeons I’m not the only lust (I often run with either a shaman or another evoker player.)

So it’s not a habit for me to click it especially on say, my evoker (My main) who is the healer and isn’t lining it up with dps cds. It’s easier to remember on mage since it’s a crucial part of my rotation.

If you’re doing organized content and it’s not your job it can be very easy for it not to be a habit.

lol I understand why, it’s hard to use and not get yelled at.

I don’t lust until the Tank says to.

I trust their judgement.

Oh, nah, they do. I’ll literally walk over to where the hunter is standing and type in /s so he can see it that I want them to lust, and even then it’s a coinflip.

Mages are generally good enough players to be trusted to know when and where to lust.

Augs are similar to Hunters.

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If there is another class in the group that can BL/Hero, I automatically have my tenacity pet out 'cause I’m not a dwarf.

If I’m the only person in the group that can BL/Hero (M+), I ask the tank when they want it. If they don’t answer, then I use and keep it for encounters I think it’s the best to be used on.

  1. MM Hunters tend to be Lone Wolf and take a DPS hit to pull out a Lust pet and then Dismiss it after using it. If another Lust class exists, it’s the default to not shove it on the Hunter.
  2. In content where it matters, Lust is something that should be discussed prior to starting the dungeon / raid boss. If no one has said anything, then you ask. The people saying they aren’t popping it in Mythics or whatever because they don’t want to get yelled at are insane. Just ask? Problem solved.

I prefer to make the dungeon harder

I’ve never once forgotten to lust. I wait until my tank tells me and immediately hit it.

Relying on hunters for lust shouldn’t really be the norm, imo. MM rarely runs with a pet.

I had an aug tell me my route was bad because I said we’d be killing sol before yalnu.

Okay? I’m not sure what that has to do with anything, but sure. :dracthyr_shrug:

I just find Aug comparable to BM in some ways.

Did something change

I thought 99% of people were BM

This is so true, I always ask before the dungeon even begins, “what bosses do you want lust on.” More often than not NO one responds to me. So, at that point I’ll use it when I want to, or not at all if I forget because no one said anything.


because most hunters don’t run lust pets, especially in keys or they do a quick pet swap, the fact it’s tied to a pet and drums were nerfed to 15% years ago was dumb


1)I play 4 non lust classes, and 1 lust class. So I sometimes forget that I have it

2)As a healer, I usualpy let the dps lust.(And sometimes the dps doesn’t lust)

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I’ll pop drums.