How do you forget to hero/lust?

Lust should be given to all tanks and also make it off the gcd and make hunter lust not require a pet at all.


As a healer if the group is non-stop hammered its not top on my list of things to remember. Obviously I use it when I remember/can/appropriate but sometimes you get distracted by people standing in some puddle or not kicking.

Pretty much any mistake I make in a dungeon can be chalked up to this, including forgetting to lust once in a blue moon. Lol

I don’t forget. In LFR at least I rarely get the chance because some Mage or Hunter would shouldn’t even have the spell hits it on the second trash pull.

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It’s actually efficient to lust on trash then reset the boss.

My mage has 2 so you know I’m looking to send it.


As a MM Hunter I have to take about 7 seconds to summon my pet and wait for the Primal Mad button to appear. I don’t mind having Herolust duties but I need to know because my pet is stabled otherwise.

It’s common place in raid groups to not lust until you are told too. It’s a cooldown that your whole team uses you don’t decide to use it yourself.

Most fights have somewhere best to press it, and it’s more often then not something you save for a phase. Hunters also only have it for a single pet type and item forget it as in raids they normally heal pet for raiding in mythic. (spirit beast)


You assume people forget

At first it was because I did not even know hunters had lust.
Then it was because I kept forgetting that they had lust.

Getting kicked for this too many times even though the guides say to lust at X point ect…


Not really, since I already have 29%. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Personally I forget because I play multiple classes and not all have hero.

Sometimes it’s as simple as I forgot I’m on my mage :sweat_smile:

Because someone else in raid usually does it.

Exactly! It’s so ridiculous. You lust on the most common time to do so, or where the guides say to – or perhaps even during the ‘burn phase’ but yeah, still get scolded just because it’s not someone’s personal preferred time, proceeding to them raging at you with verbal abuse or kicking you (or both).

So it’s hardly surprising people keep their hands off unless communicated prior, or directly told — whether they be dungeons, or raids (but especially pugs).


Nah, use it on P2 Fyrakk in LFR to skip P3 entirely. xD

P.S. I warn people if they won’t hit BL at the specified time (start, PX, etc) i’ll hit drums… 7g a pop? worth it!

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Sometimes women like fights to last longer


Lust/Hero is a, “damned if you do, damned if you don’t,” ability.

You pop it and get chewed out for using it on X when they were saving it for Y.

You get yelled at when you don’t pop it.

So, outta trauma, hunters often err on not using it and say they forgot.


In dungeons, unless told otherwise. I will simply use it on the boss I view as the most likely to cause problems. In the history of RPGs, the best recourse 75% of the time is “kill it quicker”.

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